
5G Ride: Paving the Way to Better Public Transport

5G Ride: Paving the Way to Better Public Transport

愛立信 ·  09/24 12:00

Back in 2020, Kista Science City, Ericsson, Telia, Keolis and Intel, with financing from Vinnova and Drive Sweden, launched the 5G-connected and autonomous electric minibus 5G Ride on the island of Royal Djurgården in the Swedish capital, Stockholm.Prince Daniel of the Swedish Royal Family was among the dignitaries that attended the official inauguration ceremony.

2020年,瑞典斯德哥爾摩首都的皇家德瑟加登島上,基斯塔科學城、愛立信、泰利亞、凱利斯和英特爾,在瑞典創新署和Drive瑞典的資助下,推出了5G連接的和自主的電動小巴5G Ride。瑞典皇室成員丹尼爾王子是出席正式開幕式的貴賓之一。

Since then, Scania, KTH, Region Stockholm, T-Engineering, Viscando, Vy and Applied Autonomy have joined the project, putting focus into technical solutions that make autonomous vehicles safe in traffic, secure for passengers and efficiently integrated in the overall transport system.

此後,Scania、KTH、Region Stockholm、Engineering、Viscando、Vy和Applied Autonomy加入了該項目,側重於使自動駕駛車輛在交通中更安全、對乘客更可靠且有效地整合到整體交通系統中的技術解決方案。

Subsequent achievements include further developing the Traffic Tower concept from Applied Autonomy using a 5G connection to monitor and manage fleets of self-driving vehicles on public roads, as well as deploying sensors in infrastructure that enhance the traffic perception of self-driving vehicles by sharing real-time traffic data via a low latency reliable 5G network.

隨後的成就包括從Applied Autonomy進一步開發交通塔概念,使用5G連接來監視和管理在公共道路上行駛的一系列自動駕駛車輛,以及部署在基礎設施中的傳感器,通過低延遲可靠的5G網絡共享實時交通數據,增強自動駕駛車輛的交通感知。

Throughout the project, the goal has been to ensure safety and stability for solutions to be implemented in regular traffic, and to make 5G-enabled electric driverless public transport services a reality.


Ericsson has contributed with a private 5G network to evaluate how new features in 5G can support the use cases in question. Telia provided connectivity through its public 5G network and a private 5G network at Scania's test track in Södertälje in collaboration with Ericsson.


Intel delivered analytics and processing for onboard AI, while both Scania and Applied Autonomy delivered vehicle and self-driving technology.

英特爾爲車載人工智能提供了分析和處理,而Scania和Applied Autonomy提供了車輛和自動駕駛技術。

Viscando provided smart 3D&AI based infrastructure sensors, and KTH conducted research on both 5G network capacity and advanced sensor fusion and driving logics.


In addition, Vy Buss has investigated how customers experience safety on board when the bus is driven without a safety driver. Through focus groups, Vy has also investigated how communication between the control tower and the bus worked in an emergency.

此外,Vy Buss調查了乘客體驗無安全司機駕駛公交車時的安全情況。Vy還通過重點小組調查了控制塔和公交車在緊急情況下的溝通情況。

On September 26, the Future 5G Ride project will showcase key enablers for autonomous transport in Kista Innovation Park, focusing on safe and inclusive journeys.


Visitors can experience a ride in the driverless vehicle and learn about crucial aspects such as robustness, passenger interaction and the ability of 5G to serve various strict application requirements on demand - known as differentiated connectivity.


Magnus Leonhardt, Head of Strategy & Innovation, Telia B2B, says: "The 5G Ride project has given us unique insights around the demands on connectivity, and 5G specifically, to enable self-driving vehicles to be deployed safely in public transport. We have also had the opportunity to use our joint capabilities in our 5G-innovation program NorthStar, that we run with Ericsson and that Scania is also part of, to trial key scenarios in the 5G Ride-project. We look forward to continuing this work with customers and partners in public transport and the automotive industry, to allow for the transition to safer, more efficient, and sustainable solutions for public transport."

Telia B20億的戰略與創新負責人馬格努斯·萊昂哈特表示:「5g概念搭乘項目爲我們提供了關於連接的需求和5g技術的獨特見解,以便安全地在公共運輸中部署自動駕駛車輛。我們也有機會利用我們與愛立信合作的5g創新計劃NorthStar中的共同能力,在與Ericsson和Scania合作進行5g概念搭乘項目中的關鍵場景實驗。我們期待繼續與公共運輸和汽車行業的客戶和合作夥伴合作,促成向更安全、更高效和更可持續的公共運輸解決方案過渡。」

Håkan Olofsson, Head of Systems Concepts & Algorithms, Ericsson, says: "5G Ride is a good example of a use case with strict 5G requirements. The project shows that when these strict 5G requirements arise during a journey, 5G capabilities are provided instantly via network APIs, that allow application developers to easily access 5G capabilities such as differentiated connectivity. Ericsson's network support for differentiated connectivity ensures a reliable network performance, even at times of peak network load."


Olav Madland, CEO of Applied Autonomy AB, is enthusiastic about scaling these autonomous transport services in Sweden and Europe. He says: "Based on the outcomes of this project, mobility operators can offer passengers a seamless and comfortable experience in driverless vehicles. Our Control Tower, xFlow, leverages integrations with Ericsson and Intel to provide a comprehensive solution for operators."

Applied Autonomy Ab的首席執行官奧拉夫·馬德蘭對在瑞典和歐洲擴大這些自主運輸服務感到興奮。他表示:「基於該項目的成果,移動運營商可以爲乘客提供在無人駕駛車輛中無縫舒適的體驗。我們的控制塔架xFlow藉助與愛立信和英特爾的集成,爲運營商提供全面的解決方案。」

