
资金提前跑路?凯瑞德董事长涉嫌行贿被留置 股价逆势大跌超6%|速读公告

Did the funds run ahead? kairuide chairman director suspected of bribery and detained, stock price plummeted by more than 6% against the trend | Speed ​​reading notice ·  Sep 24 23:16

Kairuide announced that the chairman of the board of directors is under investigation for alleged bribery, and the stock price fell by more than 6% against the trend today with all three major indexes rising.

Cailianshe September 24 news (Reporter Liu Yue) with a total market value of less than 1.5 billion yuan, Kairuide (002072.SZ) announced in the evening that the chairman of the board of directors is under investigation for alleged bribery and has been placed on detention, and the company's stock price has been dropping early for three consecutive days, especially today, falling by more than 6% against the trend despite all three major indexes rising significantly.

In the evening, Kairuide announced that the company recently received a "Detention Notice" and a "Case Filing Notice" from the Duodao District Commission for Discipline Inspection of Jingmen City. Mr. Ji Xiaowen, chairman and general manager of the company, is under investigation and has been placed on detention for alleged bribery.

Public information shows that Ji Xiaowen has been the chairman of Kairuide since June 2019, for over five years now. Known as a "professional chairman" in the capital markets, Ji Xiaowen has previously served as the chairman of several listed companies including CCS Supply Chain Management (600180.SH, formerly known as "*ST Jiu Fa"), Special Treat Huicheng (002168.SZ), Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock (002575.SZ), and led the companies through restructuring matters. Among them, CCS Supply Chain Management even achieved a brilliant record of 30 consecutive limit-up days in 2009.

It is worth noting that despite all three major indexes rising by more than 4% and the market turning red today, Kairuide's stock price fell sharply by over 6% against the trend, with a transaction amount of 0.114 billion yuan.

The company's stock price has had "preemptive reactions" in the past. However, on previous occasions, it surged when the market declined, leading to suspicions of insider trading.

On August 5th, Kairuide issued four announcements in the evening, including the plan to purchase no less than 29% of State Grid electrical utilities' equity. On that day, the company's stock price hit the limit up in early trading, with the three major indexes hitting new lows at that time.

The aforementioned trading symbol "State Grid Electrical Utilities" may seem to have a strong central enterprise background, but in reality, according to Tianyancha, the ultimate beneficiary and suspected actual controller of this State Grid Electrical Utilities are both natural person Zhou Ziguan.

Kairuide announced tonight that the company is advancing the planning of a major asset restructuring. According to the decision of the general manager's office of the company, Ms. Zhu Xiaoyan, vice general manager and secretary of the board of directors, will temporarily preside over the daily business management of the company. This matter will not have a significant impact on the company's daily production and operation.

Kairuide is mainly engaged in coal trading business through a self-operated model. The Caixin reporter noticed that since 2013, the company has undergone several restructurings, almost every restructuring has raised questions and inquiries from regulatory authorities, as well as penalties for any violations.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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