
XtalPi Launches Computational Chemistry Software for Drug Discovery: XMolGen and XFEP

XtalPi Launches Computational Chemistry Software for Drug Discovery: XMolGen and XFEP

PR Newswire ·  09/24 21:00

BOSTON and SHANGHAI, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, XtalPi announced the official launch of XFEP and XMolGen, two proprietary software products designed to accelerate and enhance the efficiency of drug discovery. Upon this launch, XtalPi will offer commercial licenses with flexible terms for industrial and academic scientists to use the software based on their research goals. With user-friendly interfaces, these platforms are seamlessly integrated within a shared suite to enable streamlined drug discovery workflows.

波士頓與上海,2024年9月24日 /PRNewswire/ -- 今天,晶泰科技(臨時代碼)宣佈正式推出XFEP和XMolGen兩款專有軟件產品,旨在加速並提高藥物發現效率。隨着這一發布,晶泰科技(臨時代碼)將提供商用許可證,並根據工業和學術科學家的研究目標,靈活制定使用軟件的條款。這些平台擁有用戶友好的界面,並無縫集成於共享套件內,以實現流暢的藥物發現工作流程。

Scientists can generate diverse compound libraries using XMolGen's generative and predictive AI modules, and subsequently assess the potency of these compounds through physics-based ligand binding affinity predictions with XFEP — unlocking faster pathways to discovering novel therapeutics by efficiently tapping into diverse, unexplored chemical spaces.

科學家可以使用XMolGen的生成和預測AI模塊生成多樣化的化合物庫,並通過XFEP進行基於物理的配體結合親和力預測,從而評估這些化合物的效力 — 通過高效地利用多樣化、未開發的化學空間,以更快速的方式發現新型治療藥物的途徑。

Despite the widespread application of computational chemistry in drug discovery, unresolved issues persist. Virtual library creation often yields compounds that are unrealistic and unsynthesizable. XMolGen addresses this by using AI and big data to generate libraries that explore real chemical space and ensure synthesizability. Additionally, the growing appreciation for physics-based calculations in ligand binding has increased the demand for power-efficient free energy perturbation (FEP) predictions and versatile applications across various ligands and proteins. XFEP meets this need with advanced computational capabilities for accurate and efficient FEP predictions across challenging proteins and ligands.


XMolGen – AI and Big Data-based Molecular Generation

XMolGen – 基於人工智能和大數據的分子生成

XMolGen is an AI-powered software that enables the design and screening of molecules with a focus on novel chemical space. XMolGen utilizes a generative chemistry module for novel molecular designs that can be associated to comprehensive commercial building block libraries to ensure the accessibility of the compounds. XMolGen also features a predictive AI module to evaluate drug-like properties and rapidly rank molecules based on docking scores, allowing for the prioritization of compounds for further drug development. XMolGen covers diverse application scenarios including de novo molecular generation, focused-library creation, and virtual screening.

XMolGen是一種由人工智能驅動的軟件,可以實現分子設計與篩選,重點關注新型化學空間。XMolGen利用生成化學模塊進行新型分子設計,這些設計可以與全面的商業構建庫相關聯,以確保化合物的可獲得性。XMolGen還擁有預測性人工智能模塊,用於評估藥物樣性質,並根據對接評分快速對分子進行排名,從而優先考慮進一步藥物開發的化合物。XMolGen涵蓋多種應用場景,包括de novo分子生成、重點庫創建和虛擬篩選。

XFEP – High Accuracy Affinity Prediction By Physics-based Free Energy Perturbation

XFEP - 通過基於物理的自由能擾動實現高精度親和力預測

XFEP is high-accuracy free energy perturbation calculation software that can accurately evaluate the ligand binding affinity to target proteins, powered by XtalPi's proprietary force field platform that was developed based on the company's large training sets and a cloud platform capable of large-scale dynamic calculations. Whether deployed locally or via the cloud, XFEP is coded to optimize GPU power and parallel computation processes to improve per-hardware utilization, significantly reducing the computational resources and time required for prediction calculations. Researchers can achieve comprehensive, accurate predictions across a wide range of ligands, including noncovalent, covalent, peptide, macrocyclic ligands, and PROTACs, with high performance.


Proven Workflow, Proven Results


XtalPi has validated the accuracy and effectiveness of these tools across numerous drug discovery projects, from hit identification to lead optimization. With the launch of the XMolGen and XFEP software, researchers can now access this proven, seamlessly integrated workflow — generating real compound libraries with XMolGen and assessing binding affinities with XFEP— directly from their own desktops, empowering them to drive faster, more efficient drug discovery efforts.


"We are proud to present XMolGen and XFEP, two innovative tools designed to accelerate drug discovery," said Dr. Jian Ma, CEO of XtalPi. "Harnessing the power of AI and quantum physics, we aim to support researchers in achieving greater accuracy and efficiency, reflecting our commitment to innovation in the life sciences."

「我們很自豪地推出XMolGen和XFEP,這兩款旨在加速藥物發現的創新工具,」晶泰科技(臨時代碼)首席執行官Jian Ma博士表示。「利用人工智能和量子物理的力量,我們旨在支持研究人員實現更高的準確性和效率,體現了我們在生命科學創新上的承諾。」

About XtalPi


XtalPi ("QuantumPharm Inc.", stock code: 2228.HK) is a quantum physics-based, AI-powered, and robotics-driven, innovative R&D platform company. Established in 2015 by three postdoctoral physicists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the company is dedicated to driving intelligent and digital transformation in the life sciences and materials sciences sectors. XtalPi combines quantum physics, AI, cloud computing, and large-scale robotics to provide R&D solutions and services for biomedicine, chemical, renewable energy and advanced materials industries globally.

晶泰科技(臨時代碼)(「QuantumPharm Inc.」,股票代碼:2228.HK) 是一家基於量子物理,人工智能驅動和機器人驅動的創新研發平台公司。該公司成立於2015年,由麻省理工學院(MIT)的三位博士後物理學家創立,致力於推動生命科學和材料科學領域的智能數字化轉型。晶泰科技(臨時代碼)結合量子物理學,人工智能,雲計算和大規模機器人技術,爲全球生物醫藥,化學,可再生能源和先進材料行業提供研發解決方案和服務。

For more information or to request a demo of XFEP and XMolGen, visit our website at or contact our sales team at

如需更多信息或申請XFEP和XMolGen演示,請訪問我們的網站 或聯繫我們的銷售團隊,郵箱。

