
Tesla Says Model Y Is The Best-Selling EV In Norway With Over 60K Units On Road

Tesla Says Model Y Is The Best-Selling EV In Norway With Over 60K Units On Road

特斯拉表示,Model Y是挪威在路上行駛的最暢銷電動汽車,超過6萬輛。
Benzinga ·  09/24 20:27

EV giant Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) said on Monday that there are over 60,000 Model Ys on the road in Norway, making it the best-selling EV in the Nordic country.

特斯拉公司(納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)週一表示,挪威已有超過6萬輛Model Y汽車在路上行駛,成爲該北歐國家銷量最好的新能源車。

What Happened: "We were told EVs don't work in colder climates. There are now more EVs than petrol cars on the road in Norway," Tesla wrote on one of its several official X accounts.

發生了什麼:「我們曾聽說新能源汽車在寒冷氣候下不能運行。如今,在挪威,新能源車數量已經超過燃油汽車數量了,」 特斯拉在其數個官方社交平台上之一寫道。

We were told EVs don't work in colder climates
There are now more EVs than petrol cars on the road in Norway

— Tesla Europe & Middle East (@teslaeurope) September 23, 2024


— 特斯拉歐洲及中東(@特斯拉歐洲)2024年9月23日

The Norwegian Road Federation said last week that there are 2.8 million private cars registered in the country. Of these, 754,303 are battery electric vehicles and only 753,905 are powered by gasoline. Diesel, however, continues to be the most popular fuel choice in the country.


This is in spite of the country's low temperatures. EV critics have often said that electric vehicles will not work well in the cold and offer low range once the mercury drops.


Why It Matters: Last month, over 94% of all new car registrations in Norway were EVs. Model Y was the best-selling EV in the country during the month, accounting for 19% of overall vehicle sales in the country.

爲什麼重要:上個月,挪威所有新車註冊中超過94%是新能源車。Model Y在當月成爲該國最暢銷的新能源車,佔據了該國總車輛銷量的19%。

Other popular vehicle models in the country include the Volvo EX30, the Skoda Enyaq, and the Volkswagen ID.4.


Norway has set a goal of making all new cars sold in the county zero emission vehicles by 2025, years ahead of the European Union.


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Photo by Michal Lauko on Unsplash

Michal Lauko在Unsplash上的照片

