
Cisco and University of Ottawa Equip Engineering Students With Job-Ready IT and Cybersecurity Skills

Cisco and University of Ottawa Equip Engineering Students With Job-Ready IT and Cybersecurity Skills

GlobeNewswire ·  09/24 20:00

Together, Cisco and uOttawa are addressing Canada's digital skills gap


News Summary:


  • Cisco and the University of Ottawa partner to arm engineering students with job-ready training needed for IT roles after graduation.
  • Cisco's Certified Network Associate certification (CCNA), an industry-recognized credential, will be integrated into the university's Computer and Software Engineering programs, and equipment will be provided to support cybersecurity research.
  • Closing Canada's skills gap requires collaboration between the public and private sector to build a robust pipeline of networking, AI and cybersecurity talent.
  • 思科和 渥太華大學 合作,爲工程學生提供畢業後所需的就業培訓,以適應IT角色
  • 思科的認證網絡工程師認證(CCNA),是業界公認的證書,將集成到該大學的計算機和軟件工程項目中,並提供設備支持網絡安全研究
  • 要縮小加拿大的技能缺口,需要公共和私營部門之間的合作,打造強大的網絡、人工智能和網絡安全人才庫

OTTAWA, Ontario, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Cisco, a worldwide leader in networking and security, and the University of Ottawa have announced a partnership to better prepare students for careers in the technology industry.

渥太華,安大略,2024年9月24日(環球新聞社)-- 今天,全球網絡和安全領導者思科與渥太華大學宣佈合作,更好地爲學生們在科技行業的職業做準備。

Funded by Cisco's Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) program, Cisco will integrate industry-recognized Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification into the university's Computer and Software Engineering curriculum. The CCNA certification validates a broad range of fundamentals for all IT careers -- from networking technologies, to security, to software development -- proving that the holder has the skills businesses want and candidates need to meet market demands.


"Cultivating a strong talent pool is critical for Canada's future - especially as we strive to maintain a leadership position in key areas such as cybersecurity and AI," said Wayne Cuervo, Director, Cisco Canada's Digital Impact Office. "This partnership helps ensure students start their career on the right foot, while addressing the broader digital skills gap we face in Canada."


Building Canada's Digital Skills Capacity
ICTC projections indicate a need for 250,000 additional jobs within the technology industry by 2025. Addressing a shortage of skilled talent is a strategic imperative for companies to innovate, sustain growth, and compete globally, and it requires collaboration between the public and private sector to build a robust pipeline of networking, AI and cybersecurity talent.


"The CCNA certification is the industry standard stamp of approval for IT networks jobs," said Guy-Vincent Jourdan, Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Co-Director of the uOttawa-IBM Cyber Range at University of Ottawa. "We're proud to partner with Cisco as their commitment to skill development aligns with our university's mission of empowering students for success and bolstering Canada's reputation as an innovation hub."

"CCNA認證是IT網絡工作的行業標準認可章," Guy-Vincent Jourdan教授是uOttawa工程學院教授,也是渥太華大學uOttawa-IBm網絡安全概念的聯合主任。"我們很自豪能與思科合作,因爲他們對技能發展的承諾與我們大學賦予學生成功能力、增強加拿大作爲創新中心的聲譽的使命相一致。"

As part of this partnership, Cisco is also providing equipment to the university's Cyber Range to support cyber-research initiatives. The Cyber Range is a unique training, learning and research facility where individuals and organizations can practice comprehensive cybersecurity crisis management in a realistic and immersive environment to learn how to anticipate, respond to, manage, contain and remediate cyber-attacks.

作爲這一合作的一部分,思科還向大學的網絡安全概念提供設備,以支持網絡研究項目。 網絡安全概念 是一個獨特的培訓、學習和研究設施,在這裏個人和組織可以在逼真和沉浸式環境中練習全面的網絡安全危機管理,以了解如何預測、應對、管理、控制和消除網絡攻擊。

Students enrolled in the Computer and Software Engineering programs can expect to take the CCNA certification as part of their third-year courses starting in the Winter 2025 semester.

就讀於 計算機和軟件工程項目 可以預計,從2025年冬季學期開始,他們的大三課程中將包含CCNA認證考試。

Digital Skills for All
Cisco is committed to inclusive access to digital skills training and supporting those who use technology to educate. Through programs like Cisco Networking Academy and CDA, Cisco leverages its technology and expertise to create opportunities for individuals to thrive and supports Canada's digital leadership on the global stage. Since its inception in Canada, Networking Academy has trained over 340,000 Canadians with industry-recognized credentials and courses.


About Cisco's Country Digital Acceleration Program
Cisco's CDA program aims to stimulate global digitization. Currently, Cisco is working with national, state, and local governments in 50 countries around the world to accelerate their national digitization agendas, co-develop cutting-edge solutions, and deliver beneficial services to their citizens more effectively. Cisco's CDA programs have supported the creation of net new jobs, promoted GDP growth, and helped nurture innovation ecosystems.


About Cisco
Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide technology leader that securely connects everything to make anything possible. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all by helping our customers reimagine their applications, power hybrid work, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals. Discover more on The Newsroom and follow us on X at @Cisco.

思科(納斯達克:CSCO)是全球科技領導者,安全地連接一切,實現一切可能性。我們的使命是通過幫助客戶重新構想應用程序,支持混合工作,保護企業安全,轉型基礎設施,實現可持續目標,爲所有人賦能創造一個包容的未來。了解更多,請訪問 資訊(COVID-19疫苗,mRNA)(BNT162b2),包括一種Omicron適應性單價COVID-19疫苗候選者,基於JN.1譜系,包括向歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)提交一種基於JN.1譜系的Omicron適應性單價COVID-19疫苗,有關COVID-19疫苗的需求預期,計劃的監管提交,可用數據的定性評估,潛在的好處,臨床試驗的預期,潛在的監管提交,預期的數據讀數時間,監管提交,監管批准或授權以及預期的大規模製造、分銷和供應。這些都涉及到大量的風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與這些聲明所表達或暗示的結果有重大差異。風險和不確定性包括但不限於研究和開發的不確定性,包括滿足預期的臨床終點,開始和/或完成臨床試驗的日期,監管提交日期,監管批准日期和/或上市日期,以及有關兒童、青少年或成人的任何單價或雙價疫苗候選者或BNT162項目中的任何其他疫苗候選者的我們所有研究中的任何數據(包括1/2/3期或4期數據),包括本公告中爲BNT162b2、任何單價或雙價疫苗候選者或BNT162計劃中的任何其他疫苗候選者或任何實際證據的數據,包括可能的不利新的臨床前、臨床或安全數據和現有臨床前、臨床或安全數據的進一步分析;能否產生可比的臨床或其他結果,包括迄今爲止觀察到的疫苗有效性和安全性以及可耐受性;任何其他次生效應的觀察來分析臨床或其他數據;能否在更大、更多樣化的人群中進行實際數據研究分析或在發刊之前的進一步分析中產生可比的臨床或其他結果;BNT162b2、任何單價或雙價疫苗候選者或任何未來疫苗能否預防因新興病毒變種引起的COVID-19;使用疫苗更加廣泛會不會提供關於疫苗的新信息,包括效力、安全性或其他方面的信息,包括產生額外嚴重不良反應的風險;臨床前和臨床試驗數據的風險和不確定性,包括科學界的同行評審或出版過程期間的對數據進行的不同解釋和評估以及監管機構的評估;BNT162 mRNA疫苗程序的任何其他數據是否會在科學期刊中出版,如果出版,何時以及在進行何種修改和解釋;監管機構是否會對這些和任何未來臨床前和臨床研究的設計和結果感到滿意;以及提交請求爲BNT162b2在其他人群中請求緊急使用或有條件銷售授權、爲BNT162b2、任何單價或雙價疫苗候選者向特定司法轄區提交任何其他生物許可和/或緊急使用授權申請或修改任何該等申請的時機和是否提交,以及如果獲得,在何時將出現這樣的緊急使用授權或許可;提交請求BNT162b2(包括任何緊急使用或有條件銷售授權的請求的修正),任何單價或雙價疫苗候選者(包括基於JN.1譜系的Omicron適應性單價COVID-19疫苗的提交給EMA),或BNT162計劃可能會產生的其他疫苗的任何申請是否會得到特定監管機構的批准,這將取決於無數因素,包括是否作出決定認爲該疫苗的益處超過其已知的風險,以及該疫苗的功效,並且如果獲得批准,它是否會獲得商業上的成功;監管機構是否會有影響標籤或營銷、製造過程、安全和/或其他事項的決定,這些決定可能影響疫苗可用性或商業潛力,包括其他公司開發產品或療法;我們與合作伙伴、臨床試驗網站或第三方供應商的關係出現中斷的風險;任何產品的需求量可能會減少或不再存在或不能滿足預期,這可能導致營收減少或手頭和/或渠道管道中存在過量庫存,對於我們的COVID-19疫苗,2023年產生了顯着的庫存減值,可能繼續導致庫存減值或其他意外費用;關於我們的COVID-19疫苗向商業市場的轉型存在挑戰;與公衆接種疫苗、加強劑、治療方案或組合相關的挑戰;關於我們能否準確預測或實現我們對我們的COVID-19疫苗或任何潛在未來COVID-19疫苗的營收預測的不確定性;涉及我們的COVID-19疫苗產生第三方版稅或其他索賠的風險;其他公司可能會生產出更優秀或競爭性的產品的風險;涉及獲得原材料進行疫苗製造或測試的風險;與我們疫苗的配方、劑量時間表以及相應的存儲、分銷和管理要求相關的挑戰,包括涉及輝瑞交付後的存儲和處理的風險;我們可能無法成功開發其他疫苗配方、加強劑或潛在未來的年度加強劑或補種,或基於新變種的疫苗;我們可能無法按時保持或擴大製造能力,或按與全球對我們的疫苗的需求相符的時間表,保持物流或供應渠道的訪問,這將對我們在預期時間範圍內提供疫苗預估的劑量數產生負面影響,以前述所示;是否會達成額外供應協議存在不確定性;能否獲得來自疫苗諮詢或技術委員會以及其他公共衛生機構的建議存在不確定性,以及任何此類建議的商業影響的不確定性;與公衆對疫苗信心或認識有關的挑戰;關於COVID-19對輝瑞業務、運營和財務結果的影響的不確定性;以及競爭發展。@思科.

Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at . Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company.

思科及思科標誌爲思科及/或其附屬公司在美國及其他國家的商標或註冊商標。可在 查看思科的商標清單。提到的第三方商標是其各自所有者的財產。 使用「合作伙伴」一詞並不意味着思科與任何其他公司之間存在合作關係。

About the University of Ottawa
Rooted in our bilingual and Francophone DNA, we are evolving at the intersection of many cultures. Located in Canada's capital, a gateway to the world, we possess a unique platform to respond with energy, creativity, and scale to the global challenges and opportunities our world offers. With an active focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion, we will thrive like never before.


Already in this new millennium we have rocketed into the top 1% of the world's 20,000+ universities with our research reputation. We have doubled our enrolment with students from across Canada, as well as from 147 countries around the globe, choosing uOttawa.


Our international influence is surging, with institutional partnerships in Europe, Asia and Africa multiplying rapidly – including membership in the U7 Alliance of world universities.


Meanwhile our research and programs in Cybertech, health, science, social justice, sustainability, education, and entrepreneurship continue to impact communities across Canada and around the globe every single day. Our scientists and academicians are driving progress in ethical AI and technology development, in clean growth and innovation and in action- oriented research on aging, active and healthy living, lifelong learning, and well-being, to name but a few.


At uOttawa we are driven by the urge to challenge the status quo, the will to make an impact, and the ambition to become a catalyst for change.


Samantha Campana
Head of Communications, Cisco Canada

Samantha Campana

