
Topgolf Comes To Fortnite

Topgolf Comes To Fortnite

Accesswire ·  09/24 20:00

Players Can Now Tee Off in a Fully Playable Topgolf Universe, Complete with Minigames in Custom Cities - NOW LIVE

玩家現在可以在完全可玩的Topgolf宇宙中開球,包括自定義城市中的迷你遊戲 - 現在直播

FRISCO, TX / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / Zoned, a full-service marketing agency dedicated to bridging the gap between gaming and pop culture, and wholly owned subsidiary of GameSquare Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:GAME), ("GameSquare", or the "Company"), is excited to announce the recent launch of the Topgolf Universe on Fortnite's UEFN platform.

德克薩斯州弗里斯科 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年9月24日 / Zoned,一家致力於彌合遊戲與流行文化差距的全方位營銷機構,是GameSquare Holdings,Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:GAME)的全資子公司,(「GameSquare」或「公司」),很高興地宣佈最近在Fortnite的UEFN平台上推出了Topgolf宇宙。

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Topgolf is breaking new ground in virtual entertainment, launching an immersive experience on Fortnite's UEFN platform. For the first time ever, players can dive into a fully interactive version of the iconic Topgolf experience-teeing off, racing, and exploring-all within Fortnite's expansive universe. Topgolf and Fortnite have come together to represent the growing convergence of entertainment, sports, and gaming, redefining how brands can engage with their audience. Watch the trailer HERE and play NOW!


The Topgolf UEFN map is yet another example of the marketing potential found within Fortnite, providing players with a branded experience that blends real-world excitement with the creativity and interactivity of the metaverse.

Topgolf UEFN地圖是Fortnite中推廣潛力的又一個例子,爲玩家提供了一個品牌體驗,將現實世界的刺激與元宇宙的創造力和互動性融爲一體。

"At Topgolf, we're always seeking for ways to connect people through play, and our collaboration with Fortnite is the perfect way to bring the fun of Topgolf to the virtual world," said Topgolf Chief Brand Officer Geoff Cottrill. "This map is designed to deliver the same excitement and energy you experience at one of our venues. We can't wait to see how players come together to enjoy the game in a whole new way!"

「在Topgolf,我們始終尋求通過遊戲來聯繫人們,我們與Fortnite的合作是將Topgolf的樂趣帶到虛擬世界的完美方式,」Topgolf首席品牌官Geoff Cottrill表示。「此地圖旨在爲玩家提供在我們場地中體驗的同樣刺激和活力。我們迫不及待地想看到玩家如何聚在一起以全新的方式享受遊戲!」

The expansive map features a Topgolf facility where players can engage in a series of minigames designed for replayability and immersive fun, including:


  • Swing Showdown - Where players embody the golf ball, taking on gravity and precision to hit the perfect shot.

  • Topgolf Speedway - A fast-paced racing challenge that brings the adrenaline of the racetrack to the Topgolf universe.

  • Golf Ball Ramp Jump Challenge & Whack-a-Ball - Challenges that push creative limits within the UEFN platform.

  • Topgolf World Tour - Hero mode that takes players through 4 iconic Topgolf locations around the world: Santa Monica, Bangkok, Dubai and Las Vegas. Players will take the form of a golf ball and move through a tabletop mini golf speedrun course. Challenging players' movement abilities, they must navigate golf-themed obstacles, which increasingly get more challenging as the tour continues.

  • Swing Showdown - 玩家扮演高爾夫球,挑戰重力和精準度,擊出完美一杆。

  • Topgolf Speedway - 一項快節奏的賽車挑戰,將賽道的腎上腺素帶入Topgolf宇宙。

  • Golf Ball Ramp Jump Challenge & Whack-a-Ball - 挑戰在UEFN平台上突破創意極限。

  • Topgolf World Tour - 英雄模式帶領玩家穿越全球4個標誌性的Topgolf場地:聖莫尼卡、曼谷、迪拜和拉斯維加斯。玩家將化身高爾夫球,穿越桌面迷你高爾夫賽速通關。挑戰玩家的移動能力,他們必須穿越以高爾夫爲主題的障礙物,隨着巡迴賽的進行,障礙物將變得越來越具有挑戰性。

To launch the new UEFN map, professional Fortnite players Bugha and Clix will livestream to their combined 13.3M+ Twitch subscribers, exploring the new arcade-style map and inviting players to join in to play. Additionally, Bugha, Clix and notable Fortnite creators Nate Hill and Kazify, will further promote the map on their social platforms offering an exclusive promotion where patrons can use code CLIX, BUGHA, NATEHILL or KAZ to earn $15 off gameplay at all U.S. Topgolf locations. Topgolf will also offer the World Tour minigame competition winner the chance to receive a Topgolf Black Card, which grants free Topgolf gameplay for life.

爲了推出新的UEFN地圖,職業Fortnite玩家Bugha和Clix將通過直播向他們共同的1300萬+ Twitch訂閱用戶展示新的街機風格地圖,並邀請玩家加入遊戲。此外,Bugha、Clix以及著名Fortnite創作者Nate Hill和Kazify,將在社交平台上進一步推廣該地圖,提供獨家優惠,顧客可以使用代碼CLIX、BUGHA、NATEHILL或KAZ,在所有美國Topgolf場地遊玩時享受15美元優惠。Topgolf還將向世界巡迴賽小遊戲比賽的獲勝者提供機會獲得Topgolf黑卡,該卡可終身免費暢玩Topgolf。

This announcement follows a series of strategic partnerships secured by Zoned, a full-service marketing agency under GameSquare Holdings that specializes in bridging the gap between gaming and pop culture. The combined partnership campaigns are expected to generate over $3 million in projected revenue for GameSquare - more details here.

這一公告是由GameSquare Holdings旗下的一家全方位營銷機構Zoned達成的一系列戰略合作伙伴關係之後,Zoned專門致力於彌合遊戲與流行文化之間的鴻溝。合作伙伴關係活動預計將爲GameSquare帶來超過300萬美元的預期營業收入 - 更多細節請點擊此處。

"We've loved bringing Topgolf to life in Fortnite," says Carlos Tovar, President of ZONED. "What we've created is a memorable, engaging experience for gamers by merging traditional sports with the digital world - authentically bringing Topgolf into players' living rooms. At Zoned, we believe projects like this show the potential of immersive branded content and how it can deliver value for both brands and gamers alike."

「我們很高興在Fortnite中打造Topgolf,」 ZONED總裁Carlos Tovar說。「我們創造的是一個讓玩家難忘並且引人入勝的體驗,通過將傳統運動與數字世界融合 - 真正將Topgolf帶入玩家的客廳。在Zoned,我們相信像這樣的項目展示了品牌內容的沉浸式潛力,以及它如何爲品牌和玩家提供價值。」

For more information on how to play, please visit .

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**This is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Epic Games, Inc.

**本內容非Epic Games, Inc.贊助、認可或管理

About Topgolf


A Topgolf Callaway Brands Corp. (MODG) brand, Topgolf is the ultimate instigator of play. Thanks to our 100+ outdoor venues around the globe, industry-leading Toptracer technology, mobile game and app, we're leading the charge of modern golf wherever our Players are. We offer a variety of tech-driven games, a top-tier food and drink menu, and a vibe focused on more play for all. Topgolf brands are on a mission to enable Players to hit 50 billion golf balls between 2022 and 2025. To learn more or make plans to come play around, visit

Topgolf Callaway Brands Corp. (MODG)品牌,Topgolf是玩樂的終極發起者。由於我們在全球擁有100多個室外場館,業界領先的Toptracer技術,手遊股和應用程序,我們正在引領現代高爾夫運動的潮流。我們提供各種科技驅動的遊戲,一流的食品和飲料菜單,以及專注於爲所有人提供更多遊戲體驗的氛圍。Topgolf品牌的使命是讓玩家們在2022年至2025年之間擊球達到500億次。要了解更多信息或計劃前來遊玩,請訪問。

About GameSquare Holdings, Inc.

關於GameSquare Holdings,Inc.,GameSquare的(納斯達克股票代碼:GAME)使命是革新品牌和遊戲發行商與難以觸及的Z世代、Alpha世代和千禧一代受衆之間的連接方式。我們的下一代媒體、娛樂和技術能力爲創作者帶來引人入勝的成果,並最大化我們的品牌合作伙伴的投資回報。通過我們基於目的構建的平台,我們提供屢獲殊榮的市場營銷和創意服務,提供領先的數據和分析解決方案,並通過全球最知名和有影響力的遊戲組織之一FaZe Clan擴大知名度。通過Comscore驗證,我們擁有北美最大的遊戲媒體網絡,正在重新塑造數字媒體和沉浸式娛樂的格局。GameSquare的最大投資者是達拉斯牛仔隊老闆傑瑞·瓊斯和高夫家族。

GameSquare's (NASDAQ:GAME) mission is to revolutionize the way brands and game publishers connect with hard-to-reach Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and Millennial audiences. Our next generation media, entertainment, and technology capabilities drive compelling outcomes for creators and maximize our brand partners' return on investment. Through our purpose-built platform, we provide award winning marketing and creative services, offer leading data and analytics solutions, and amplify awareness through FaZe Clan, one of the most prominent and influential gaming organizations in the world. With one of the largest gaming media networks in North America, as verified by Comscore, we are reshaping the landscape of digital media and immersive entertainment. GameSquare's largest investors are Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and the Goff family.

GameSquare (納斯達克:GAME) 的使命是革新品牌和遊戲發行商與難以觸及的Z世代、阿爾法世代和千禧一代受衆之間的連接方式。我們的下一代數字媒體、娛樂和科技能力爲創作者帶來了令人信服的結果,並最大化了我們品牌夥伴的投資回報。通過我們的特意打造的平台,我們提供屢獲殊榮的營銷和創意服務,提供領先的數據和分析解決方案,並通過全球最著名和最有影響力的遊戲組織之一FaZe Clan提高知名度。作爲康姆斯克證實的北美最大的遊戲媒體網絡之一,我們正在重塑數字媒體和沉浸式娛樂的格局。GameSquare的最大投資者是達拉斯牛仔隊的老闆傑裏·瓊斯和戈夫家族。

To learn more, visit .

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Media Contacts:




Alana Battaglia

Alana Battaglia

SOURCE: GameSquare Holdings, Inc.

資訊源:GameSquare Holdings,Inc.

