
Koryx Copper Appoints CFO and Technical Management Team, Accelerating the Advancement of the Haib Copper Project, Southern Namibia

Koryx Copper Appoints CFO and Technical Management Team, Accelerating the Advancement of the Haib Copper Project, Southern Namibia

Koryx Copper任命首席財務官和技術管理團隊,加速南部納米比亞Haib銅礦項目的推進。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/24 19:30

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Koryx Copper Inc. ("Koryx" or the "Company") (TSX-V: KRY) announces the appointment of a highly experienced technical and management team who will implement the fast-tracked development of the Haib Copper Project ("Haib" or "the Project") in Namibia. This multi-disciplinary team has worked together successfully for many years advancing Osino's Twin Hills Gold Project (recently sold to Shanjin International Gold) and is already in place to drive the continued advancement of Koryx assets in Namibia and Zambia.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年9月24日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Koryx Copper Inc.(「Koryx」 或 「公司」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KRY)宣佈任命一支經驗豐富的技術和管理團隊,負責在納米比亞實施海布銅業項目(「Haib」 或 「項目」)的快速開發。這個多學科團隊多年來成功合作推進了Osino的雙山黃金項目(最近出售給了山金國際黃金),並且已經準備就緒,可以推動Koryx在納米比亞和贊比亞的資產的持續發展。



  • Tony da Silva appointed as CFO
  • Charles Creasy appointed as Head of Project Development
  • Steve Burks appointed as Senior Metallurgical Study Consultant
  • Jon Andrew appointed as VP Exploration (Namibia and Zambia)
  • All 4 are part of the former Osino management team who discovered and advanced Osino's Twin Hills gold project in Namibia until the recent sale to Shanjin Gold International. They have successfully worked together as a team for over 5 years and continue to assist in the ownership transition of Osino, whilst taking up their new roles with Koryx.
  • Together with this established and well proven team, Heye Daun and Alan Friedman will lead the repositioning of Koryx as a successful African copper developer with a strengthened shareholder base, improved technical credibility and better public market traction.
  • 託尼·達席爾瓦被任命爲首席財務官
  • 查爾斯·克雷西被任命爲項目開發主管
  • 史蒂夫·伯克斯被任命爲高級冶金研究顧問
  • 喬恩·安德魯被任命爲勘探副總裁(納米比亞和贊比亞)
  • 這四個人都是前奧西諾管理團隊的一員,該團隊在納米比亞發現並推進了奧西諾的雙山黃金項目,直到最近出售給山金金國際。他們作爲一個團隊成功合作了5年以上,並繼續協助Osino的所有權過渡,同時在Koryx擔任新職務。
  • Heye Daun和Alan Friedman將與這支成熟且久經考驗的團隊一起,領導Koryx的重新定位,使其成爲一家成功的非洲銅業開發商,其股東基礎得到加強,技術信譽得到提高,公開市場吸引力得到提高。

Heye Daun, Koryx Executive Chairman stated: "After investing our own capital into Koryx earlier in 2024 and being appointed to the Board of Directors as Executive Chair and Lead director earlier this month we are fortunate to attract the skilled technical and executive management required to re-position Koryx as a successful Namibian copper developer with significant scale potential. The team's track record and experience, particularly in Namibia, in advancing Osino's Twin Hills Gold Project from discovery to construction is a great example of our vision for Koryx Copper. That vision is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of the Haib Copper Project as the next great copper development asset in Africa. We plan to achieve this by financing the company, building a competent management team and then permitting and advancing the project to construction readiness in as short a timeframe as possible."

Koryx 執行董事長 Heye Daun 表示:「在 2024 年初將自有資金投資於 Koryx 並在本月早些時候被任命爲董事會執行主席兼首席董事之後,我們很幸運能夠吸引到所需的熟練技術和執行管理層,將 Koryx 重新定位爲具有巨大規模潛力的成功納米比亞銅業開發商。該團隊在推進奧西諾雙山金礦項目從發現到施工方面的往績和經驗,尤其是在納米比亞,是我們對Koryx Copper願景的一個很好的例子。這一願景是證明海布銅業項目作爲非洲下一個重要銅開發資產的技術和經濟可行性。我們計劃通過爲公司融資、組建一支稱職的管理團隊,然後批准項目並在儘可能短的時間內推進施工準備來實現這一目標。」

Appointment of Technical and Management Team


A strong technical team has been identified who have already started driving a number of exploration & project development initiatives with the aim of optimizing and right-sizing the Haib Copper Project. A particular focus is on testing the significant growth potential of the mineral resource at Haib, whilst demonstrating the feasibility of a more conventional metallurgical process route (crushing, milling & flotation for higher-grade material as well as coarse particle flotation and bacterial heap leaching for lower grade material). Environmental baseline studies and other de-risking activities are underway.


Tony da Silva – Chief Financial Officer

託尼·達席爾瓦 — 首席財務官

Tony has approximately 20 years of experience as a finance professional in private and public companies, auditing and capital asset management. Tony is the former CFO of Osino Resources Corp. and has been instrumental in the successful advancement, financing and sale of Osino Resources Corp. As Osino's CFO he was instrumental in concluding all of Osino's financings and was responsible for all financial controls, stock exchange reporting and ensuring compliance in multiple jurisdictions. He was also instrumental in the formation of Lotus Gold Corp. (an Egypt exploration company), and other projects and companies. He has previously worked at Nexia International and BlueAlpha Investment Management. Tony is a qualified accountant with degrees from Universities of South Africa and Natal and he is a Registered Chartered Accountant (CA(SA)) in South Africa since 2004.

Tony在私營和上市公司、審計和資本資產管理領域擁有約20年的金融專業經驗。託尼是奧西諾資源公司的前首席財務官,在奧西諾資源公司的成功推進、融資和出售中發揮了重要作用。作爲奧西諾的首席財務官,他在完成奧西諾的所有融資方面發揮了重要作用,並負責所有財務控制、證券交易所報告和確保多個司法管轄區的合規性。他還在Lotus Gold Corp.(一家埃及勘探公司)以及其他項目和公司的成立中發揮了重要作用。他之前曾在耐夏國際和BlueAlpha投資管理公司工作。Tony 是一名合格會計師,擁有南非大學和納塔爾大學的學位,自 2004 年起成爲南非註冊特許會計師(CA(SA))。

Charles Creasy – Head of Project Development

Charles Creasy — 項目開發主管

Charles is a geologist with over 24 years of professional experience and more than 16 years' experience in the mining industry. He holds a BSc (Hons) Geology degree from London University and B.Econ from Stellenbosch. Charles began his career with Randgold Resources, in greenfield regional exploration, before pivoting to focus on the development of major gold mine development projects in West and Central Africa at Randgold Resources. He was responsible for project technical studies and financial evaluations of assets to pass strategic filters for capital investment. Most recently Charles was the Feasibility Manager for Osino Resources and lead the completion of various technical studies for Osino's Twin Hills Gold Project. Charles had an especially noteworthy and successful role in leading the entire permitting process for the Twin Hills Gold Project in Namibia, achieving the full permitting of the project within 3 years which ultimately lead to the successful sale of the project to Shanjin International Gold.


Steve Burks – Senior Metallurgical Study Consultant

史蒂夫·伯克斯 — 高級冶金研究顧問

Steve has about 40 years of wide-ranging processing plant and mine experience gained in production and project implementation roles. He is a minerals processing engineer who transitioned from process plant design roles into study and business unit management at Bateman Engineering and Lycopodium Minerals Africa. At Bateman, he was Chief Technology Officer for several years, including direct responsibility for investigation of copper sulphide leach technologies incorporating development of partnerships and relationships with several commercial technology suppliers. In addition, he worked at Advisian as a management consultant providing operational improvement advice as well as providing mining and processing value chain optimisation services during a 4-year period as Managing Director of Whittle Consulting Africa. Between 2020 and 2024, Steve worked part-time for Osino Resources on the Twin Hills Gold Project in Namibia, most recently as the Project Director responsible for the overall definitive feasibility study and (DFS) and coordination of several front-end engineering design (FEED) contracts. Steve applied his experience to provide a highly professional project management approach which was tested and confirmed by multiple intensive lender due diligence processes as part of the Twin Hills Gold Project financing.

Steve 在生產和項目實施工作中積累了大約 40 年的豐富加工廠和礦山經驗。他是一名礦物加工工程師,從加工廠設計職位過渡到貝特曼工程和非洲萊科波迪姆礦業公司的研究和業務部門管理。在貝特曼,他曾擔任首席技術官多年,包括直接負責硫化銅浸出技術的調查,包括髮展與多家商業技術供應商的夥伴關係和關係。此外,他在Advisian擔任管理顧問,在擔任惠特爾諮詢非洲董事總經理的4年期間,提供運營改進建議並提供採礦和加工價值鏈優化服務。2020 年至 2024 年間,Steve 在 Osino Resources 兼職,負責納米比亞雙山金礦項目,最近擔任項目總監,負責總體最終可行性研究和(DFS)以及多份前端工程設計(FEED)合同的協調。作爲雙山黃金項目融資的一部分,Steve運用自己的經驗提供了高度專業的項目管理方法,該方法經過了多個密集的貸款機構盡職調查流程的測試和確認。

Jon Andrew – Vice President Exploration

喬恩·安德魯 — 勘探副總裁

Jon is a professional geologist with more than 30 years' experience in Exploration and Mining Geology. His career has been focused on the Africa and Middle East regions and includes diverse experience in precious, base and rare metals and industrial minerals. He has held exploration manager and senior consulting positions with several major and junior mining companies listed on all major international stock exchanges. Early career roles with Gold Fields and BHP Billiton developed into management roles with juniors including Albidon Limited, North River Resources and Osino Resources Corp. Jon was responsible for the start-up and management of the Osino exploration projects in Namibia since inception in 2016 until the discovery and subsequent drill-out of Osino's Twin Hills gold deposit in Namibia in 2020 and as such played an integral part in the discovery and development of Twin Hills. Jon is currently also VP Exploration for Lotus Gold Corp.

Jon 是一位專業地質學家,在勘探和採礦地質方面擁有 30 多年的經驗。他的職業生涯主要集中在非洲和中東地區,包括在貴金屬、基本金屬和稀有金屬以及工業礦物方面的豐富經驗。他曾在所有主要國際證券交易所上市的幾家大型和初級礦業公司擔任勘探經理和高級諮詢職位。在Gold Fields和必和必拓的早期職業生涯發展爲Albidon Limited、North River Resources和Osino Resources Corp等初級公司的管理職位。喬恩自2016年啓動以來一直負責納米比亞奧西諾勘探項目的啓動和管理,直到2020年發現並隨後鑽探出納米比亞奧西諾的雙山金礦牀,因此在雙子山的發現和開發中發揮了不可或缺的作用。喬恩目前還是蓮花黃金公司的勘探副總裁

Board Changes


Furthermore, Matthew Starnes has resigned from the Board of Directors, effective 1 October 2024. Matthew has been a Director of Koryx since February 27, 2024 and the Board of Directors and management of Koryx thank Matthew for his dedicated and committed service over the last 7 months.
About Koryx Copper Inc.

此外,馬修·斯塔恩斯已辭去董事會職務,自 2024 年 10 月 1 日起生效。Matthew 自 2024 年 2 月 27 日起擔任 Koryx 的董事,Koryx 的董事會和管理層感謝馬修在過去的 7 個月中提供的全心全意的服務。
關於 Koryx Copper Inc.

Koryx Copper Inc. is a Canadian copper development Company focused on advancing the 100% owned, PEA-stage Haib Copper Project in Namibia whilst also building a portfolio of copper exploration licenses in Zambia.

Koryx Copper Inc.是一家加拿大銅業開發公司,專注於推進納米比亞100%持股、處於PEA階段的Haib銅業項目,同時還在贊比亞建立銅礦勘探許可證組合。

Haib is a large and advanced copper/molybdenum porphyry deposit in southern Namibia with a long history of exploration and project development by multiple operators. Mineralization at Haib is typical of a porphyry copper deposit and the deposit remains intact. Porphyry copper deposits are a major global source of copper with the best-known examples being concentrated around the Pacific Rim, North America and South America. Haib is one of the few examples of a Paleoproterozoic porphyry copper deposit in the world and one of only two in southern Africa (both in Namibia). Due to its age, the deposit has been subjected to multiple metamorphic and deformation events, but still retains many of the classic mineralization and alteration features typical of these deposits. The mineralization is dominantly chalcopyrite with minor bornite and chalcocite present and only minor secondary copper minerals at surface due to the arid environment.


More than 70,000m of drilling has been conducted at Haib since the 1970's with significant exploration programs led by companies including Falconbridge (1964), Rio Tinto (1975) and Teck (2014). Teck remains a strategic and supportive shareholder. In addition to extensive drilling, metallurgical testing, geophysics and geological mapping, various mine modeling and technical studies have been completed to date.


Further details are available on the Company's website at and under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .


Pierre Léveillé


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