
C-suite Agenda Seeks Growth and Innovation in Balance With Cost Control and Efficiency

C-suite Agenda Seeks Growth and Innovation in Balance With Cost Control and Efficiency

CGI Inc ·  09/24 12:00

CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, released its annual global proprietary research, which analyzes findings from more than 1,800 in-person interviews with business and technology executives, of which 80% are C-level. This year's research across 21 economic sectors reveals three key takeaways:

全球貨幣(TSX: GIb.A)(紐約證券交易所: GIB)是全球最大的獨立IT和業務諮詢服務公司之一,發佈了其年度全球專有研究報告,該報告分析了來自1800多次面對面訪談的調查結果,其中80%爲C級別的商業和技術高管。今年的研究涵蓋了21個經濟領域,揭示了三個關鍵點:

  • Rebalancing cost savings with revenue growth: As clients shift to a renewed focus on revenue growth, they cite the need to drive innovation, introduce new products and services, and improve the customer and citizen experience, while also achieving modernization, optimization and cost control.
  • Closer business and IT alignment: The alignment between business and IT operations to execute a shared strategy is at its highest level. CGI sees the primary drivers for this as a combination of business efficiency focus and the use of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), to drive business outcomes.
  • Increasing advantages for digital leaders: Digital leaders (those producing expected results from their digital strategies) are widening the gap in achieving desired outcomes compared to those building and launching their strategies. For example, digital leaders are more successful in expanding their data strategies, modernizing legacy systems, driving business model agility, using managed services, and implementing advanced technologies, including AI.
  • 當客戶將重點轉向營收增長時,重新平衡成本節省與營收增長:他們提到需要推動創新,推出新產品和服務,改善客戶和公民體驗,同時實現現代化、優化和成本控制。
  • 更緊密的業務和IT對齊:業務和IT運營之間爲執行共享策略的對齊達到了最高水平。CGI認爲,主要的推動因素是業務效率的聚焦以及利用數字技術(包括人工智能)來實現業務成果。
  • 數字領導者(即從其數字戰略中產生預期結果的人)正加大在實現期望結果方面的差距,與那些正在制定和推出策略的人相比。例如,數字領導者在擴大其數據戰略、現代化傳統系統、推動業務模型敏捷性、使用託管服務以及實施包括人工智能在內的先進技術方面更成功。

"This resurgence in growth as a priority, along with a continued focus on cost savings through efficiencies, is well aligned to CGI's end-to-end services and solutions and our focus on delivering tangible business outcomes," said Jean-Michel Baticle, President & Chief Operating Officer, CGI. "We expect the dual agenda of growth and efficiencies to drive new opportunities to help clients evolve their business models, apply innovation, and accelerate a shared business and IT agenda to achieve ROI-led digital transformation."

""重視增長作爲優先事項的回歸,以及持續關注通過效率實現成本節省,與CGI端到端服務和解決方案的完全一致,以及我們專注於提供切實的業務成果,"CGI總裁兼首席運營官Jean-Michel Baticle表示。"我們期待增長和效率的雙重議程將帶來新的機會,以幫助客戶發展其業務模式,應用創新,並加速實現以回報率爲主導的數字化轉型的共享業務和IT議程。"

As executives pursue this dual agenda, they are increasingly looking to AI. Across industries, CGI's research reveals that 26% are implementing traditional AI—up 10 percentage points year-over-year—and 79% are investigating or conducting proofs of concept for generative AI. AI also tops clients' innovation investment priorities over the next three years. Further, executives are deepening their focus on data because of AI.


"AI presents a paradigm shift that we haven't seen since the adoption of the Internet," said Dr. Diane Gutiw, Vice President, Global AI Research Lead at CGI. "As CGI's global research demonstrates, industry executives are pursuing AI to evolve entire business models, inform critical decisions, increase efficiency, and accelerate both savings and growth."

"人工智能呈現了自互聯網採納以來我們所未見的一種範式轉變,"CGI全球人工智能研究主管Diane Gutiw博士表示。"正如CGI的全球研究所示,行業高管正在追求人工智能,以演進整個業務模式,指導關鍵決策,提高效率,加速節省和增長。"

For additional global insights from the CGI Voice of Our Clients (VOC), as well as industry-specific insights, visit


About CGI Voice of Our Clients


Annually, CGI leaders around the world conduct in-depth interviews with business and IT executives on a range of strategic topics affecting their enterprises. The resulting industry insights—including the attributes of digital leaders—lead to actions that help clients better serve their customers and citizens. This year, CGI interviewed more than 1,800 executives, a majority of whom are C-level, across the industries and geographies the company serves. These in-depth discussions covered topics such as digitization, business agility, innovation, cybersecurity, regulatory compliance, sustainability, change management and more. Over the past five years, one million data points have been collected through this research for trending and comparison purposes. Learn more at


About CGI


Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 90,000 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is CA$14.30 billion and CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB). Learn more at

CGI成立於1976年,是全球最大的獨立IT和業務諮詢服務公司之一。CGI在全球擁有90,000名顧問和專業人員,提供從戰略IT和業務諮詢到系統集成、託管IT和業務流程服務以及知識產權解決方案的端到端能力組合。CGI通過本地關係模式與客戶合作,輔以全球交付網絡,幫助客戶數字化轉型並加速業務結果。CGI 2023財年報告的營業收入爲143億加元,CGI股票在TSX(GIb.A)和NYSE(GIB)上交易。了解更多信息,請訪問。

For more information:


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+1 905-973-8363

Kevin Linder
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