
Non Financial Sector Remains A Mixed Bag

Non Financial Sector Remains A Mixed Bag

Business Today ·  09/24 12:33

The non-bank financial sector in Malaysia remains a mixed bag, with sector results for the June 2024 quarter largely in line with expectations. RHB Stock Broking House (RHB) maintain a NEUTRAL stance on the sector, citing varied valuation profiles across the industry. Key catalysts, such as the anticipated US Federal Reserve rate cuts and the civil servant salary revision, provide optimism for the near term. However, analysts recommend a more selective approach, with top picks being Bursa Malaysia (BURSA) and AEON Credit Service (ACSM), given their growth potential and possible dividend upsides.

馬來西亞的非銀行金融業仍然喜憂參半,2024年6月季度的行業業績基本符合預期。RhB Stock Broking House(RHB)對該行業保持中立立場,理由是整個行業的估值狀況各不相同。關鍵催化劑,例如預期的聯儲局減息和公務員工資的修訂,爲短期提供了樂觀情緒。但是,分析師建議採取更具選擇性的方法,考慮到它們的增長潛力和可能的股息優勢,首選是馬來西亞證券交易所(BURSA)和永旺信貸服務(ACSM)。

RHB have issued a Buy call on Bursa Malaysia following strong performance in the first half of 2024, with a net profit of RM155.5 million, up 17% year-on-year. The group revised its full-year profit before tax target upwards to RM361–379 million. BURSA's robust IPO pipeline and continued strength in the securities market position it well for further growth. Despite concerns about geopolitical risks, the expected US rate cuts are expected to boost domestic trading liquidity. BURSA's historical tendency to issue special dividends in periods of high trading activity adds to its appeal. Meanwhile, a Neutral recommendation has been issued for AEON Credit Service, as its results met expectations, and it remains well-placed for growth, with double-digit growth in receivables.

繼2024年上半年表現強勁之後,RhB已對馬來西亞證券交易所發出了買入看漲期權,淨利潤爲15550萬令吉,同比增長17%。該集團將其全年稅前利潤目標上調至361—37900萬令吉。BURSA穩健的IPO渠道和證券市場的持續強勁勢頭使其爲進一步增長做好了準備。儘管對地緣政治風險感到擔憂,但預計美國的減息將增加國內貿易的流動性。BURSA在交易活動旺盛時期發行特別股息的歷史趨勢增加了其吸引力。同時,AEON Credit Service已發佈中性建議,因爲其業績符合預期,而且其增長勢頭依然良好,應收賬款增長兩位數。

In the insurance sector, underwriting margins have tightened, driven by higher claims and acquisition costs. However, investment returns have surged over 30% year-on-year due to marked-to-market gains and portfolio expansion. Analysts maintain a selective stance here, preferring Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga (STMB) over Allianz Malaysia (ALLZ), given STMB's smaller portion of participating contracts, allowing it to retain more of its investment gains. The introduction of mandatory co-payment options is not expected to significantly impact the sector in the near term, as meaningful uptake will take time.

在保險業,受索賠和收購成本上漲的推動,承保利潤率有所收緊。但是,由於市值收益和投資組合擴大,投資回報同比激增了30%以上。分析師在這裏保持選擇性立場,他們更傾向於Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga(STMB)而不是馬來西亞安聯(ALLZ),因爲STMB的參與合約比例較小,這使其能夠保留更多的投資收益。強制性共付選項的引入預計不會在短期內對該行業產生重大影響,因爲有意義的採用需要時間。

For non-bank lenders, AEON Credit Service remains the top pick due to its undemanding valuation and multiple growth avenues, including its digital bank. Results from RCE Capital and ELK-Desa Resources fell below expectations due to slower disbursements and higher credit costs, though receivables growth remained strong. The sub-sector is likely to benefit from the upcoming civil servant salary revision, which is expected to support receivables growth and improve asset quality. Credit costs are also anticipated to decline, further improving prospects for companies like ACSM. However, the impact of subsidy rationalisation measures on the sector remains uncertain, though asset quality remains stable for now.

對於非銀行貸款機構而言,AEON Credit Service仍然是首選,因爲其估值要求不高,而且包括數字銀行在內的多種增長途徑。儘管應收賬款增長仍然強勁,但由於支出放緩和信貸成本上漲,RCE Capital和ELK-DESA Resources的業績低於預期。該子行業可能會受益於即將到來的公務員薪資修訂,預計這將支持應收賬款的增長並改善資產質量。預計信貸成本也將下降,進一步改善像ACSM這樣的公司的前景。但是,儘管目前資產質量保持穩定,但補貼合理化措施對該行業的影響仍不確定。

