
MustGrow Provides 2024 Pipeline Update

MustGrow Provides 2024 Pipeline Update

newsfile ·  09/24 05:00
  • MustGrow transitions from R&D to commercialization.
  • TerraSanteTM biofertility product manufacturing and sales has commenced, with potential initial sales ramp-up in 2025 and 2026.
  • Commercialization of TerraMGTM soil biopesticide is progressing under the Bayer commercial agreement in the EU, Middle East and Africa.
  • Registration work for TerraMGTM soil biopesticide continues in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Expiration of exclusive non-commercial agreements.
  • Intellectual property portfolio continues to grow.
  • Management presentation and Q&A set for Tuesday September 24, 2024.
  • MustGrow從研發轉向商業化。
  • TerraSanteTm生物肥料產品的製造和銷售已經開始,2025年和2026年有潛在的初期銷售增長。
  • TerraMGTm土壤生物殺蟲劑在歐洲、中東和非洲的拜耳商業協議下正在不斷進展商業化。
  • TerraMGTm土壤生物殺蟲劑在美國和加拿大的登記工作仍在進行中。
  • 獨家非商業協議的到期。
  • 知識產權組合仍在增長。
  • 管理人員介紹和問答活動定於2024年9月24日星期二舉行。

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan--(Newsfile Corp. - September 23, 2024) - MustGrow Biologics Corp. (TSXV: MGRO) (OTCQB: MGROF) (FSE: 0C0) (the "Company" or "MustGrow") is pleased to provide its 2024 pipeline update. The Company is a leader in innovative biological nutrition and crop protection solutions from mustard and today announced significant developments in the commercialization of its flagship products, TerraSanteTM and TerraMGTM, as the Company advances its efforts to transform sustainable agriculture.

薩斯喀徹溫,薩斯喀徹溫--(新聞發佈社- September 23, 2024) - MustGrow生物製品公司(TSXV: MGRO)(OTCQB: MGROF)(FSE: 0C0)(「公司」或「MustGrow」)很高興提供其2024年管道更新。該公司是芥子種植的創新生物營養和作物保護解決方案領導者,今天宣佈了旗艦產品TerraSanteTm和TerraMGTm商業化方面的重大進展,公司正在推動其努力改變可持續農業的款項。

TerraSanteTM: Initial Sales and Market Opportunity


MustGrow is pleased to announce that TerraSanteTM is in the initial stages of commercialization, with product registration successfully obtained in key high value crop growing U.S. states, including California, Florida, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Company is receiving purchase orders and sales have commenced, marking a major milestone for the Company.

MustGrow很高興宣佈,TerraSanteTM 正處於商業化初期階段,在美國主要高價值作物種植州如加利福尼亞、佛羅里達、亞利桑那、愛達荷、俄勒岡和華盛頓成功獲得產品註冊。公司正在接收採購訂單,並銷售已經開始,這標誌着公司的重大里程碑。

To assist in executing the direct sales and marketing strategy in the U.S., MustGrow engaged the services of two key industry veterans, Tim Lichatowich and Mike Atkins, who have close to six decades of combined experience in the fruit, vegetable and row crop markets.

爲了在美國執行直接銷售和市場營銷策略,MustGrow聘請了兩名行業資深人士Tim Lichatowich和Mike Atkins的服務,兩人在水果、蔬菜和一年生作物市場擁有近60年的綜合經驗。

"We are seeing strong initial interest in TerraSanteTM, particularly in California, where the market demand for a product like MustGrow's is significant," said Mike Atkins. Tim Lichatowich, who led multiple grower and industry meetings in California throughout 2024 also commented, "The potential for TerraSanteTM is even greater than we anticipated, with opportunity for multiple applications per year over large acreages."

「我們正在看到對TerraSanteTM的強烈初期興趣,尤其是在加利福尼亞,那裏對於類似MustGrow產品的市場需求非常大,」Mike Atkins表示。在2024年間在加利福尼亞主持了多次種植者和行業會議的Tim Lichatowich也評論道,「TerraSanteTM的潛力甚至超出我們預期,每年在大面積耕地上有多次應用的機會。」

Key highlights of TerraSanteTM's market progress include:


  • Initial Sales: Sales have commenced in the U.S., following registrations in several key fruit & vegetable growing states.
  • 初期銷售:在美國多個關鍵果蔬種植州註冊後,銷售已經開始。
  • Potential Market Opportunity: To date, MustGrow's representatives are in direct contact with production companies covering an estimated 355,000 acres. These acres support multiple crops per year, therefore, there is potential for multiple applications of TerraSanteTM annually. Sales volume from multiple applications is beyond what was initially anticipated, and as such, the 355,000 acres could potentially translate into 850,000 to 1 million acres per year application potential. This is just on a small fraction of the estimated 5.6 million acres of high value crops in the US (fruit & vegetable; tree, nut & vine; root & tuber).

  • Potential Future Growth: For 2024 and 2025, initial sales and successful customer testing results will drive sales growth. Commercial sales and data on product performance is expected during the upcoming winter and spring. From there, management anticipates a full-scale sales ramp-up in 2025 and 2026.

  • 潛在市場機會:截至目前,MustGrow代表已與生產公司直接接觸,涵蓋約35.5萬英畝。這些英畝支持每年多種作物種植,因此TerraSanteTM每年有多次應用的潛力。多次應用的銷售量超出最初預期,因此這35.5萬英畝潛在地可轉化爲85萬至100萬英畝的年應用潛力。僅這部分佔美國高價值作物估計560萬英畝的一小部分(水果蔬菜、樹木果仁葡萄、根莖)而已。

  • 未來潛在增長:對於2024年和2025年,初期銷售和顧客測試成果的成功將推動銷售增長。商業銷售和產品表現數據預計在即將到來的冬季和春季出爐。屆時,管理層預計2025年和2026年將推進全面銷售的增長。

TerraSanteTM Production Update


Manufacture of TerraSanteTM started in 2023 with MustGrow's first commercial production run. MustGrow is actively planning for larger-scale production to meet anticipated demand. The Company is exploring various production options, including existing and expanded contract manufacturing partnerships.


"This is a very exciting time for MustGrow with actual production and sales," said Corey Giasson, MustGrow's President & CEO. "A few years ago, I mentioned that MustGrow was going to start the commercialization process. Well we did, and what you are witnessing is the transformation of the Company from being strictly an R&D company to now one with product sales. Our goal with TerraSanteTM, and other future registered products such as TerraMGTM, is to not only produce enough product to meet demand but do so in a cost-effective manner so as to increase margins and return on investment. You can be rest assured, that MustGrow's management focuses on this each and every day."

「這是MustGrow非常激動人心的時刻,實際生產和銷售已經開始,」MustGrow的總裁兼首席執行官Corey Giasson表示。 「幾年前,我提到MustGrow將開始商業化進程。我們實現了,並且您目睹的是公司由嚴格的研發公司轉變爲現在有產品銷售的公司。我們與TerraSanteTm以及未來的註冊產品TerraMGTm的目標不僅是生產足夠的產品以滿足需求,而且要以節約成本的方式增加利潤率和投資回報。請放心,MustGrow的管理層每天都專注於此。」

TerraSanteTM for Soil and Ecological Health


MustGrow's soil amendment and biofertility development programs focus on soil and soil microbiome health, nutrient and water use efficiencies, and plant yields. Soil is a farmer's most valuable asset, and MustGrow's mustard plant-based technologies are being developed with the intention to improve not only the health of the soil, but also the surrounding ecological environment.


As an organic biofertilizer in wettable powder form, TerraSanteTM contains nutritious plant proteins and carbohydrates that feed the soil and soil microbes, potentially improving beneficial microbial activity and ensuring long-term sustainable soil health. These targeted micro-communities have been shown to work to improve nutrient availability, which can potentially increase plant vigor and yields, while reducing plant stress. TerraSanteTM has the potential to improve crop nutrient uptake and, hence, overall crop performance. There are no artificial additives or preservatives used during its manufacturing.


TerraMGTM: Progress with Bayer

TerraMGTM: 與拜耳取得進展

TerraMGTM's commercialization is progressing under MustGrow's commercial agreement with Bayer for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. While registrations are still in process in the US and Canada, MustGrow is encouraged by the ongoing work and progress being made alongside Bayer in the EU.


"We are very pleased with how things are proceeding with Bayer and they have been a great partner," said MustGrow's CEO. "Field trials are continuing in multiple countries and regions, and Bayer's technical, regulatory, production, sales and marketing teams are providing excellent support as we work to advance TerraMGTM under the commercial agreement."


Key developments for TerraMGTM under the Bayer commercial agreement include:


  • Signing of the Bayer Commercial Agreement: This agreement, signed in December 2023, includes licensing for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and included an upfront payment as well as milestone payments to MustGrow for development and registration work.

  • Field Trials and Technical Success with Bayer: Field trials and technical evaluations continue to yield positive results for both nematode and disease treatment, with the next program review scheduled for the end of October at the Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting ("ABIM") meeting in Basel.

  • Assessing Future Production for Bayer: MustGrow and Bayer are also focusing on sourcing raw materials and scaling production capabilities for future sales and growth.

  • 簽署拜耳商業協議:2023年12月簽署的該協議包括歐洲、中東和非洲的許可,以及給予MustGrow的一次性付款以及里程碑支付,用於開發和註冊工作。

  • 與拜耳的田間試驗和技術成功:田間試驗和技術評估持續取得線蟲和疾病治療方面的積極結果,下一階段項目審查計劃於10月底在巴塞爾舉行的年度生物防治行業會議(「ABIM」)會議上進行。

  • 評估拜耳的未來生產:MustGrow和拜耳也專注於原材料採購和擴大生產能力,以應對未來的銷售和增長。

TerraMGTM in U.S. and Canada


TerraMGTM registration work continues to progress in the U.S. with the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and in Canada with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency ("PMRA"). MustGrow continues to work closely with regulatory agencies and consultants and management remains committed to continuing these registrations.

TerraMGTm註冊工作在美國繼續取得進展,在加拿大與農藥管理監管機構("PMRA")合作。 MustGrow繼續與監管機構、顧問和管理團隊密切合作,致力於繼續進行這些註冊工作。

Exclusive Non-Commercial Agreements


MustGrow is announcing expiration of the exclusive non-commercial agreements with NexusBioAg, Janssen PMP and Sumitomo Corporation. The Company collected substantial data and market analysis through these agreements and will now move forward on a non-exclusive basis with multiple parties to commercialize these opportunities.

MustGrow宣佈與NexusBioAg,Janssen PMP和住友商事公司的獨家非商業協議到期。公司通過這些協議收集了大量數據和市場分析,現在將與多方以非獨家方式合作,推動商業機會的實現。

Intellectual Property Portfolio


MustGrow continues to build its intellectual property portfolio, with 112 issued and pending patents, even as the Company pivots from R&D toward commercialization. This is up from 84 total patents issued and pending in March of 2023.


The intellectual property pipeline continues to grow through MustGrow's own work as well as collaborations with university, government and other research groups. Expanded infield applications of existing formulations as well as new active ingredients are generating new product and patent opportunities. Most recently, the Company and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced funding to explore the possibilities of MustGrow's mustard extracts in the human and animal health area.

知識產權管線繼續通過MustGrow自身工作以及與大學、政府和其他研究團體的合作而增長。 擴展現有配方的實地應用以及新活性成分正在產生新的產品和專利機會。 最近,公司與加拿大農業與食品部宣佈資助,以探索MustGrow芥子提取物在人類和動物健康領域的可能性。

Future Roadmap


Looking ahead, MustGrow's 2024-2025 roadmap focuses on delivering the commercialization of TerraSanteTM and TerraMGTM, validating product efficacy through sales, and driving global expansion. The Company is committed to fostering its partnership with Bayer and securing new commercial partners in non-commercialized territories, including Mexico, South America, and Asia.


"We are evolving as a Company, and sales, margins and return on investment will become key drivers for our growth moving forward," said Mr. Giasson. "While blue-sky opportunities remain important, our focus will shift towards delivering on our commercial potential."

「我們作爲一家公司正在不斷髮展,銷售額、利潤率和投資回報率將成爲我們未來增長的關鍵驅動因素,」 Giasson先生表示。「雖然藍天機會仍然很重要,但我們的重點將轉向實現商業潛力。」

Management Presentation and Q&A


MustGrow is pleased to invite investors and other interested parties to attend an upcoming interview with Market Radius Research. The Company's CEO Corey Giasson and COO Colin Bletsky will be presenting an update and taking any questions for the audience. The webinar will be a live, interactive online event where attendees are invited to ask the Company questions in real-time following the interview. An archived webcast will be made available for those who cannot join the event live on the day of the webinar.

MustGrow很高興邀請投資者和其他有興趣的方參加即將到來的與Market Radius Research的採訪。該公司的CEO Corey Giasson 和 COO Colin Bletsky 將介紹最新情況,並接受觀衆提出的任何問題。網絡研討會將是一個現場、互動的在線活動,與會者可以跟隨採訪實時向公司提問。對於無法在網絡研討會當天現場參加的人,將提供存檔的網絡廣播。

  • Event: Radius Research Pitch, Deep Dive, and Q&A with MustGrow Biologics (MGRO)
  • Presentation date & time: Tuesday, September 24th @ 4 PM ET
  • Registration link:
  • 活動:Radius Research Pitch, 深度挖掘和MustGrow Biologics (MGRO) 問答
  • 演示日期&時間:週二,9月24日 @ 北美東部時間下午4點
  • 註冊鏈接:

Market Radius Research gives individual investors access to in-depth CEO interviews with deep-dive institutional level discussion and Q&A. Market Radius is hosted by Martin Gagel, former top-ranked technology analyst. By registering for this webinar, you agree to receive email communications from Market Radius Capital, Inc. and from the presenting company (with unsubscribe). Your email will not be further shared. Martin Gagel and Market Radius Capital, Inc. are not registered or licensed to provide investment advice and may own shares in mentioned companies and may be compensated for these services. Content is for information purposes only and is not advice or recommendations and may include incomplete or incorrect information. Investing entails a high degree of risk. This is a production of Market Radius Capital, Inc.

Market Radius Research爲個人投資者提供深度CEO專訪和機構級別深入討論和問答。Market Radius由前科技分析師瑪丁·加格爾(Martin Gagel)主持。通過註冊此網絡研討會,您同意接收來自Market Radius Capital, Inc.和介紹公司的電子郵件通訊(可退訂)。您的電子郵件地址不會進一步共享。Martin Gagel和Market Radius Capital, Inc.未經註冊或持有提供投資建議的許可,可能擁有所提及公司的股份,並可能因這些服務而獲得補償。內容僅供參考,並非建議或推薦,並可能包含不完整或錯誤的信息。投資涉及高風險。此爲Market Radius Capital, Inc.的製作。

About MustGrow


MustGrow is an agriculture biotech company developing organic biocontrol and biofertility products by harnessing the natural defense mechanism and organic materials of the mustard plant to sustainably protect the global food supply and help farmers feed the world. The Company has a registered and organically certified biofertility product call TerraSanteTM in key U.S.-states including California. Registrations of TerraSanteTM are owned by MustGrow and production and sales of TerraSanteTM has commenced with ramp-up slated to begin in 2025 and 2026. Commercialization is also occurring under biocontrol, with Bayer signing on under a Commercial Licensing agreement in December 2023 for the TerraMGTM soil biopesticide in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. MustGrow estimates that Bayer will spend US$35-40 million for upfront and milestone payments and registration work of TerraMGTM in their respective territory. The Company's main focus is continued commercialization globally of it products and technologies, and to expand its intellectual property portfolio from approximately 112 patents that are issued and pending. MustGrow is a public company (TSXV: MGRO) and has approximately 51.6 million basic common shares issued and outstanding and 55.7 million shares fully diluted. For further details, please visit .


Contact Information


Corey Giasson
Director & CEO
Phone: +1-306-668-2652

Corey Giasson

MustGrow Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements included in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may affect the results, performance or achievements of MustGrow.


Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "estimates", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "occur" or "be achieved". Examples of forward-looking statements in this news release include, among others, statements MustGrow makes regarding: its commercialization strategy; its continuing efforts towards further state-level registrations; TerraSanteTM ability to improve beneficial microbial activity; the ability of TerraSanteTM to increase plant vigor and yields; and the ability of TerraSanteTM to improve crop nutrient uptake. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results of MustGrow to differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements, and even if such actual results are realized or substantially realized, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, MustGrow. Important factors that could cause MustGrow's actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include market receptivity to investor relations activities as well as those risks described in more detail in MustGrow's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2023 and other continuous disclosure documents filed by MustGrow with the applicable securities regulatory authorities which are available on SEDAR+ at . Readers are referred to such documents for more detailed information about MustGrow, which is subject to the qualifications, assumptions and notes set forth therein.


This release does not constitute an offer for sale of, nor a solicitation for offers to buy, any securities in the United States.


Neither the TSXV, nor their Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV), nor the OTC Markets has approved the contents of this release or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


2024 MustGrow Biologics Corp. All rights reserved.

2024年MustGrow Biologics Corp.版權所有。

