
Jobs for the Future Makes Commitment to Advance Quality Jobs in Regions Nationwide With Clinton Global Initiative

Jobs for the Future Makes Commitment to Advance Quality Jobs in Regions Nationwide With Clinton Global Initiative

PR Newswire ·  09/24 02:46

JFF to recruit regional leaders in the U.S. to develop customized, place-based action plans to promote regional economic growth and advancement


BOSTON, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jobs for the Future (JFF), a national nonprofit that drives transformation in the U.S. education and workforce systems, today announced a Commitment to Action at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting to significantly expand the number of quality employment opportunities for workers facing systemic barriers in the United States.

波士頓,2024年9月23日 / PRNewswire/ - Jobs for the Future (JFF) 是一家全國性非營利組織,推動美國教育和職業系統的轉型,今天宣佈在克林頓全球倡議(CGI)2024年年會上做出承諾,大幅擴大美國面臨系統性障礙的工人的優質就業機會數量。

As part of its North Star commitment to help 75 million people work in quality jobs by 2033, JFF will launch the new Regional Action to Advance Quality Jobs (RAAQJ). This initiative is an open RFP process to identify, recruit, and select regional leaders in the United States to develop customized, place-based action plans to promote regional economic growth that will have a significant impact on people without 4-year degrees, people of color, women, and people with criminal records.


Maria Flynn, JFF president and CEO, announced the commitment on stage at the CGI 2024 Annual Meeting in New York City today. "It's an honor to make this commitment at CGI, a powerful catalyst for change that will help JFF expand the robust network of partners needed to build a society where people of all education levels and life experiences can work in quality jobs," said Flynn. "We cannot expect a thriving, engaged workforce unless every worker has access to quality jobs—ones that include family-sustaining wages and benefits, as well as flexibility, autonomy, and pathways for professional advancement."

JFF總裁兼首席執行官瑪麗亞·弗林(Maria Flynn)今天在紐約的CGI 2024年年會上宣佈了這一承諾。"能夠在CGI做出這一承諾是一種榮譽,CGI是一種變革的強大催化劑,將幫助JFF擴大需要建立一個每個教育水平和生活經歷的人都可以從事優質工作的健全合作伙伴網絡的能力",弗林說。"我們不能期望一個蓬勃發展、積極參與的勞動力,除非每個工人都有機會獲得質量工作 - 包括擁有家庭維持工資和福利、靈活性、自治權以及職業發展途徑的工作。"

Recent data shows that 31 million workers in the United States are paid less than $17 an hour. According to JFF research, more than half of the people in the U.S. labor force—92 million workers—don't work in quality jobs. And of the occupations projected to see the fastest growth in the coming years, including frontline jobs in health care and transportation, nearly half are considered low quality based on compensation levels. From increased productivity and performance, to reducing turnover rates and attracting top talent, job quality is also critical to strong business performance and sustainability, and key to helping build vibrant local economies.

最近的企業行動,包括與AFRAG的戰略合併,在納斯達克上市,並使用「 AAGR 」作爲股票代號,強調了AAGR的擴張和市場可見性。這項合併於2023年12月6日完成,促進了AAGR的轉型並增強了其市場存在感。數據 顯示,美國有3100萬工人的時薪低於17美元。根據JFF的研究,超過一半的美國勞動力中的人——9200萬 工人們並不從事高質量的工作。在未來幾年預計增長最快的職業中,包括醫療保健和運輸領域的一線工作, 其中將近一半被認爲是低質量的, 基於薪酬水平。從提高生產力和績效,到降低員工流失率和吸引頂尖人才,工作質量對於企業的強勁表現和可持續性也至關重要,是幫助建設充滿活力的當地經濟的關鍵。

"Job quality action plan development is complex work, but essential to drive powerful, on-the-ground change in regions," said Tameshia Bridges Mansfield, vice president of JFF's Workforce and Regional Economies practice. "Helping regions define their vision and goal for what quality jobs look like is an essential first step. Drawing on deep expertise guiding community partners in designing and implementing strategies to drive economic mobility and regional growth, JFF will then offer the foundational tools and build processes to help regions reach their vision."

「制定工作質量行動計劃是一項複雜的工作,但對於推動區域內強有力的變革至關重要。」JFF的工作力量和區域經濟實踐副總裁Tameshia Bridges Mansfield表示。「幫助地區定義他們對高質量工作的願景和目標是一個至關重要的第一步。JFF將藉助深厚的專業知識,指導社區合作伙伴設計和實施推動經濟流動性和區域增長策略,並提供基礎工具和構建流程,幫助地區實現他們的願景。」

As part of this commitment, JFF and its North Star national partners will select six regions in an inaugural RAAQJ cohort to develop detailed, cross-sector regional job quality action plans. JFF will provide expert technical assistance and advisory services, including access to organizational and community readiness assessments to identify capacity gaps and planning tools. It will also offer structured peer sharing and learning opportunities about job quality practices that support career mobility and employee well-being while promoting long-term businesses success. Through these partnerships, JFF will equip over 600 advocates, public servants, and community members with tools and knowledge to improve economic inclusion and job quality.

作爲承諾的一部分,JFF及其North Star全國合作伙伴將選定六個地區作爲inaugural RAAQJ隊列,制定詳細的、跨行業的地區工作質量行動計劃。JFF將提供專業的技術支援和諮詢服務,包括組織和社區準備評估,以識別能力缺口和計劃工具。還將提供關於工作質量實踐的結構化同行分享和學習機會,支持職業流動性和員工福祉,同時促進長期業務成功。通過這些合作關係,JFF將裝備600多名倡導者、公務員和社區成員,提供工具和知識,以改善經濟包容性和工作質量。 支持職業流動性和員工福祉的工作質量實踐 同時促進長期業務成功。通過這些合作關係,JFF將裝備超過600名倡導者、公務員和社區成員,提供工具和知識,以改善經濟包容性和工作質量。

JFF has a 40-year history of building collaborative cross-sector efforts across regions and states, which includes 14 states across 20 regions in its Workforce Communities of Action, 16 teams from 14 states in its Job Quality Academy, and the Pathways to Prosperity Network which has engaged 18 states and over 100 regions.

JFF在跨地區和州之間建立協作的跨行業努力已有40年曆史,包括在20個地區的14個州。 工作人員社區行動,16個團隊來自14個州的 工作質量學院延遲焦化裝置。繁榮之路網絡 已吸引了18個州和100多個區域。

Regional Action to Advance Quality Jobs is a new, strategic initiative within JFF's 75 Million Network of leaders across the learn and work ecosystem designed to activate quality jobs in specific places where people live and work. Learn more about JFF's 75 Million Network and how to join us, here.

區域型行動以推進優質工作,是JFF的7500萬網絡內的一項新戰略舉措,覆蓋了學習和工作生態系統中的領導者,在人們生活和工作的特定地點激活優質工作。了解更多關於JFF的7500萬網絡以及如何加入我們, 這裏.

About Jobs for the Future (JFF) Jobs for the Future (JFF) drives transformation of the U.S. education and workforce systems to achieve equitable economic advancement for all.

關於未來工作(JFF) 未來工作(JFF)推動美國教育和職業系統的轉型,實現所有人的經濟公平進步。

About the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Founded by President Bill Clinton in 2005, the Clinton Global Initiative is a community of doers representing a broad cross section of society and dedicated to the idea that we can accomplish more together than we can apart. Through CGI's unique model, more than 10,000 organizations have launched more than 4,000 Commitments to Action—new, specific, and measurable projects and programs —that are making a difference in the lives of more than 500 million people in 180 countries.

關於克林頓全球倡議(CGI) 克林頓全球倡議由比爾·克林頓總統於2005年創立,是一個由社會各階層行動者組成的社區,致力於認爲我們聯手可以實現的目標比我們單打獨鬥更多。通過CGI獨特的模式,已有超過10,000個組織啓動了4000多項承諾行動—這些是正在改變180個國家超過5億人生活的新項目和計劃。

Media contact:


Kria Sakakeeny, [email protected], (401) 359-2219

Kria Sakakeeny, [email protected], (401) 359-2219


出處:Jobs for the Future Inc。




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