
Snap One Extends Partnership With Sonos To Australia And New Zealand Through ADI Distribution

Snap One Extends Partnership With Sonos To Australia And New Zealand Through ADI Distribution

Snap One通過ADI分銷將與搜諾思公司的合作擴展至澳洲和新西蘭
Benzinga ·  09/24 01:08

Snap One Extends Partnership with Sonos to Australia and New Zealand Through ADI Distribution

Snap One與Sonos公司合作,通過ADI分銷拓展至澳洲和新西蘭

Building upon the success of its United States partnership, Snap One, now part of ADI, has announced that it will now serve as a distributor of the Sonos smart home sound system in Australia and New Zealand, creating a major new growth opportunity for integrator partners in the region.

在美國合作成功的基礎上,現在屬於ADI的Snap One宣佈將成爲Sonos智能家居音響系統的澳洲和新西蘭經銷商,在該地區爲集成夥伴創造了重要的新增長機會。

According to Snap One APAC Vice President and General Manager Adam Merlino, the entire Sonos product line is now available for pre-order on the Snap One ecommerce platform for delivery beginning on September 16, 2024.

根據Snap One亞太區副總裁兼總經理亞當·默爾利諾的說法,整個Sonos產品線現在可以在Snap One的電商平台上進行預定,預計可以在2024年9月16日開始發貨。

"The combined strength of Snap One and ADI has given us the opportunity to deliver more products and services, as well as more expertise and support to all of our partners," Merlino said today. "Our collaboration with Sonos, specifically, represents a significant opportunity for our integrator partners by providing high-quality audio solutions within smart home ecosystems or as a stand-alone solution."

「Snap One和ADI的聯合實力爲我們提供了向所有合作伙伴提供更多產品和服務、更多專業知識和支持的機會。」默爾利諾今天說道。「我們與Sonos的合作代表着爲我們的集成夥伴提供高質量音頻解決方案的重要機會,這些解決方案可以融入智能家居生態系統或作爲獨立解決方案。」

"Sonos is renowned for their wireless audio technology that enhances both residential and commercial environments with superior sound experiences. This partnership not only broadens the availability of Sonos products in Australia and New Zealand but also strengthens the 'Connects with Control4' program, ensuring seamless integration with Control4's Smart Home OS," he added.


Additionally, the native compatibility with Integra AV receivers, cinema systems, and high-fidelity speaker options from Triad and Episode, ensures that customers receive a comprehensive and premium audio solution tailored to their needs.

此外,與Integra AV接收器、影院系統以及Triad和Episode的高保真揚聲器選項的本地兼容性,確保客戶獲得專爲其需求量身定製的全面和優質音頻解決方案。

According to Sonos Country Director Rennie Addabbo, "We are thrilled to expand our partnership with ADI and Snap One to Australia and New Zealand. This collaboration ensures that our cutting-edge audio solutions are readily available to integrator partners in the region and reinforces our presence in the market as an additional distributor in the professional category, underscoring the growth potential for integrated solutions while complementing our existing distribution channels."

根據Sonos澳大利亞總經理Rennie Addabbo表示: "我們很高興與ADI和Snap One擴展合作至澳大利亞和新西蘭。這一合作確保了我們的尖端音頻解決方案能夠在該地區方便地爲集成合作夥伴使用,並且作爲專業類別的額外分銷商進一步鞏固了我們在市場上的存在,強調了整合解決方案的增長潛力,同時補充了我們現有的分銷渠道。"

Sonos will be featured at Snap One's upcoming APAC Partner Conference being held at the Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort from Wednesday 25th to 27th of September.

Sonos將在Snap One即將舉行的2020 APAC合作伙伴大會上亮相,該大會將於9月25日週三至27日在世紀陽光諾富特度假酒店舉行。

For more information, see here. For hi-resolution images, see here.


