
Sonim Technologies Partners With TCCM To Expand Rugged Mobile Solutions In The Central And Eastern Europe Region

Sonim Technologies Partners With TCCM To Expand Rugged Mobile Solutions In The Central And Eastern Europe Region

sonim technologies與TCCm合作,在中東歐地域板塊拓展堅固移動解決方案
Benzinga ·  09/24 00:39

Sonim Technologies, a leading provider of ultra-rugged mobile solutions, is thrilled to announce a strategic distribution partnership with TCCM, the leading mobile phone distributor in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. This collaboration is designed to significantly enhance the availability and reach of Sonim's comprehensive range of rugged and durable mobile communication solutions, including the recently launched XP100 and XP400 rugged professional phones.

Sonim Technologies,作爲領先的超耐用移動解決方案提供商,非常高興宣佈與TCCm達成戰略分銷合作伙伴關係,TCCm是中東歐地域板塊領先的手機分銷商。此合作意在顯著增強Sonim全面耐用移動通信解決方案的可用性和覆蓋範圍,包括最新推出的XP100和XP400耐用職業手機。

TCCM will serve as a strategic partner for Sonim Technologies, representing the full lineup of Sonim's ultra-rugged, rugged, and durable mobile phones, wireless internet solutions, and software suite, alongside access to Sonim's extensive ecosystem of accessories. With their extensive distribution network and a profound understanding of regional market trends, TCCM is ideally positioned to drive Sonim's expansion throughout the CEE region. Their customer base spans mobile network operators to major electronics outlets and small mobile phone retailers, ensuring broad market penetration.

TCCm將成爲Sonim Technologies的戰略合作伙伴,代表Sonim的全系列超耐用、耐用和持久手機、無線網絡解決方案和軟件套件,以及獲取Sonim龐大配件生態系統。憑藉其龐大分銷網絡和對地域市場趨勢的深刻理解,TCCm處於驅動Sonim在中東歐地域板塊拓展的理想位置。他們的客戶群涵蓋移動網絡運營商、主要電子產品銷售點和小型手機零售商,確保廣泛市場滲透。

The XP100 and XP400 phones, showcased at the IFA show in Berlin, are crafted to meet the rigorous demands of professionals who need robust and dependable communication tools. These devices, along with Sonim's expansive product lineup, will now reach a wider audience via TCCM's comprehensive retail channels.


"We are eager to bring Sonim's rugged phones to the market, responding to the rising demand for professional-grade, durable communication solutions," says Kamil Vacek Founder and CEO, TCCM at TCCM. "Sonim's reputation for high-quality, reliable technology makes it a strong addition to our portfolio, effectively filling a current void in the market."

TCCm創始人兼首席執行官Kamil Vacek在TCCm表示:「我們迫不及待地將Sonim的耐用手機帶到市場上,以滿足對專業級耐用通信解決方案日益增長的需求。Sonim以高質量、可靠的技術而聞名,使其成爲我們組合的有力補充,在市場上有效填補了當前的空白。」

Frank Weierhorst, who has recently been appointed as the Country Manager for the DACH and CEE region, commented, remarked: "Partnering with TCCM is a significant step for Sonim as it enables us to extend our reach into the CEE region. TCCM's expertise and distribution capabilities are invaluable, and together, we are poised to meet the growing demand for rugged mobile solutions. This partnership will help us deliver our innovative products to a broader customer base, setting new standards in the professional communications market."

最近被任命爲德國、奧地利、瑞士和中東歐地域板塊國家經理的Frank Weierhorst評論說:「與TCCm合作對Sonim而言是一大步,它使我們能夠擴大在中東歐地域板塊的覆蓋範圍。TCCM的專業知識和分銷能力是無價的,通過合作,我們準備滿足對耐用移動解決方案日益增長的需求。這一合作將幫助我們將創新產品推廣到更廣泛的客戶群,爲專業通信市場設定新標準。」

