
Apple iPhone 16 Lead Time Falls Short Of iPhone 15, But One Analyst Says Investors Shouldn't Panic

Apple iPhone 16 Lead Time Falls Short Of iPhone 15, But One Analyst Says Investors Shouldn't Panic

蘋果iPhone 16的交貨時間短於iPhone 15,但一位分析師表示投資者不應恐慌
Benzinga ·  09/23 23:13

Lead times for the Apple iPhone 16 are shorter than the iPhone 15. An analyst says there may be more to the picture as investors and analysts question weaker demand concerns.

蘋果iPhone 16的交貨時間比iPhone 15短。一位分析師表示,投資者和分析師對需求疲軟的疑慮可能還有更多跡象。

The Apple Analyst: Goldman Sachs analyst Michael Ng reiterated a Buy rating on Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) with a $276 price target.

高盛分析師Michael Ng重申對蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL)的買入評級,並設定276美元的價格目標。

Read Also: Apple iPhone 16 Selling At A 'Greater Rate Than Last Year,' Says T-Mobile CEO Amid Reports Of Lower Demand: 'People Are Buying Pros, They're Buying Maxs...They're Buying Up The Food Chain'

閱讀更多:蘋果iPhone 16以"比去年更快的速度"銷售,t-Mobile CEO表示,儘管有較低需求的報道:'人們購買Pro,他們購買Max...他們沿着產業鏈購買'。

The Analyst Takeaways: Delivery lead times for the iPhone 16 are shorter than the iPhone 15 based on channel inventory, the analyst said in a recent note.

分析師總結:根據渠道庫存,iPhone 16的交貨時間比iPhone 15短,分析師在最近的一份報告中提到。

"Although shorter lead times could imply weaker demand trends, lead times provide an incomplete picture of demand when viewed without an accurate view of channel inventory," Ng said.


The analyst said inventory ahead of Friday's iPhone 16 launch was "particularly lean," which could be one of the biggest factors in the shorter lead times.

分析師表示,在週五iPhone 16發佈前,存貨"特別緊缺",這可能是導致交貨時間縮短的最重要因素之一。

Positive commentary on iPhone 16 demand from T-Mobile should also be a factor for investors to consider, the analyst added.

分析師補充說,t-Mobile對iPhone 16需求的積極評論也應該是投資者考慮的因素之一。

"We continue to believe AAPL should benefit from a step-up in earnings power, catalyzed by a multi-year iPhone upgrade cycle.


Lead times for the iPhone 16 were tracked by the analyst from Sept. 13 to Sept. 19 across regions like the U.S., China, Japan, UK, India and Hong Kong.

分析師從9月13日開始,跟蹤了iPhone 16的交貨時間,直到9月19日,覆蓋了美國、中國、日本、英國、印度和香港等地區。

While lead times for the iPhone 16 are lower for all models and tracked regions compared to the iPhone 15, the more expensive Pro and Pro Max models have extended lead times compared to the base and Plus models. The larger lead times could suggest customers are focusing on "premiumization" with an iPhone upgrade.

雖然與iPhone 15相比,iPhone 16所有型號和跟蹤區域的交貨時間都較短,但更昂貴的Pro和Pro Max型號的交貨時間比基礎和Plus型號的交貨時間更長。更長的交貨時間可能表明客戶正在通過iPhone升級關注「高端化」。

The iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max have a more powerful chip and larger display screen size, Ng said.

Ng稱,iPhone 16 Pro和Pro Max配備更強大的芯片和更大的顯示屏尺寸。

The bad news could be that while the lead time for the more expensive models is longer, the lead time is shorter compared to the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max by 11 days and 19 days respectively.

不好的消息可能是,雖然更昂貴型號的交貨時間更長,但與iPhone 15 Pro和Pro Max相比,分別提前了11天和19天。

"Lower lead times across models and regions for the 16 series versus the 15 series during pre-order periods could suggest lower unit purchases, though we recognize lead times could also be a reflection of company supply."


AAPL Price Action: Apple stock trades at $228.82 on Monday, versus a 52-week trading range of $164.08 to $237.23. Apple stock is up 23% year-to-date in 2024.


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