Highwoods to Release 2019 Fourth Quarter Results Tuesday, February 4th
Highwoods to Release 2019 Fourth Quarter Results Tuesday, February 4th
Conference Call Wednesday, February 5th, at 11:00 A.M.
RALEIGH, N.C., Jan. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Highwoods Properties, Inc. ( HIW)will release its 2019 fourth quarter results on Tuesday, February 4th, after the market closes.
北卡羅來納州羅利,2020年1月8日(環球通訊社) 高木屬性,Inc.(路透紐約2月4日電-惠普(HIW:行情)將於2月4日(週二)市場收盤後公佈2019年第四季財報.
A conference call will be held the next day, Wednesday, February 5th, at 11:00 A.M. Eastern time.
For US/Canada callers, dial (800) 756-3565. A live, listen-only webcast can be accessed through the Company’s website atwww.highwoods.comunder the “Investors” section. A replay of the call will also be available on the Company’s website.
對於美國/加拿大的來電者,請撥打(800)756-3565。只供收聽的現場網絡直播可通過公司網站www.Highwood s.com的“投資者”欄目收看。電話會議的重播也將在公司網站上播出。
About Highwoods
Highwoods Properties, Inc., headquartered in Raleigh, is a publicly-traded (HIW) real estate investment trust (“REIT”) and a member of the S&P MidCap 400 Index. Highwoods is a fully-integrated office REIT that owns, develops, acquires, leases and manages properties primarily in the best business districts (BBDs) of Atlanta, Charlotte, Greensboro, Memphis, Nashville, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, Richmond and Tampa. For more information about Highwoods, please visit our website atwww.highwoods.com.
總部設在羅利的Highwood Properties,Inc.是一家公開交易(HIW)的房地產投資信託基金(“REIT”),也是標準普爾MidCap 400指數成份股公司。Highwood是一家完全集成的寫字樓房地產投資信託基金,主要在亞特蘭大、夏洛特、格林斯伯勒、孟菲斯、納什維爾、奧蘭多、匹茲堡、羅利、里士滿和坦帕等最佳商業區擁有、開發、收購、租賃和管理物業。欲瞭解更多有關海伍德的信息,請訪問我們的網站:www.Highwood s.com。
Brendan Maiorana
布蘭登·邁奧拉納(Brendan Maiorana)
Executive Vice President, Finance