
Caprock Announces Letter of Intent for Option to Acquire Destiny Gold Project in Quebec

Caprock Announces Letter of Intent for Option to Acquire Destiny Gold Project in Quebec

newsfile ·  09/23 22:49

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 23, 2024) - Caprock Mining Corp. (CSE: CAPR) ("Caprock" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding Letter of Intent dated September 19, 2024 (the "LOI") setting out the terms of an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Destiny gold property ("Destiny", or the "Property") located in Despinassay township, 75 km northeast of Val D'Or, Quebec from Big Ridge Gold Corp. (the "Optionor"), the owner of the Property (the "Transaction").

多倫多,安大略省-(新聞稿 - 2024年9月23日)- 岩石礦業有限公司(cse: CAPR)("Caprock"或"公司")很高興宣佈,已於2024年9月19日簽署了一份非約束力的意向書("LOI"),規定了收購位於魁北克省Val D'Or東北75公里Despinassay鎮Destiny黃金礦產("Destiny"或"物業")100%權益的選擇條款,從Big Ridge黃金公司("出讓方"),該物業的所有者("交易").

Destiny comprises 127 mineral claims that collectively span an area of 5,013 hectares located less than two hours' drive from Val D'Or. The project lies along a major deformation corridor in the Abitibi greenstone belt that includes the prolific Cadillac-Larder Lake and Destor-Porcupine fault zones which host numerous producing and development-stage gold deposits that are in close proximity to Destiny (see Figure 1). The project overlies a 6 km long segment of the poorly explored Despinassay shear zone which is a splay off the regional Chicobi Fault. One of the several gold deposits discovered on the Property is the DAC Deposit which has a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate ("MRE") comprising the following gold inventory:

Destiny包括127個礦權,總面積爲5013公頃,距離Val D'Or不到兩個小時的車程。該項目位於阿比提比綠巖帶的主要變形走廊沿線,包括富饒的凱迪拉克-拉德湖和Destor-Porcupine故障帶,這些故障帶承載着許多產出和發展階段的黃金礦牀,這些礦牀與Destiny相距甚近(見圖1)。該項目橫跨了一個長達6公里的Despinassay剪切帶段,這是區域性Chicobi故障的一個分支。物業上發現的幾個黃金礦牀之一是DAC礦牀,其具有符合NI 43-101的礦產資源估計("MRE"),包括以下黃金儲量:

  • 10.8 million tonnes averaging 1.05 g/t Au and containing 364,000 ounces Au in the Indicated category; and
  • 8.3 million tonnes averaging 0.92 g/t Au and containing 247,000 ounces Au in the Inferred category.
  • 1080萬噸,平均1.05克/噸Au,含有364,000盎司Au在指示類別; 和
  • 830萬噸,平均0.92克/噸Au,含有247,000盎司Au在推斷類別.

(The above is based on the March 2011 National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") technical report on the DAC Deposit authored by Todd McCracken, P.Geo., who is an independent qualified person pursuant to NI 43-101 regulations. The MRE was established using a gold price of US$973 per ounce Au and a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au. The MRE was constrained by a conceptual open-pit extending down to 400m below surface).

(以上基於2011年3月Todd McCracken,P.Geo.撰寫的DAC礦牀技術報告,該報告依據NI 43-101法規的獨立合格人士填寫。MRE使用每盎司金價973美元和0.5克/噸Au的削減品位建立。MRE被一座概念性露天礦所限制,深度爲40000萬以下).

Management believes that gold mineralization is open at the DAC Deposit along strike, at depth and on parallel structures on the Property. This resource expansion potential is in addition to the potential to explore for, and establish, independent mineral resource estimates on several of the other deposits that have previously been identified on the Property.


President & CEO of Caprock, Vishal Gupta states, "Located in a prolific gold jurisdiction, Destiny comes with a substantial gold resource that we hope to significantly enhance in the short- to intermediate-term. With the dramatic surge in gold price over the last 12 months, we expect a brand-new, pit-constrained NI 43-101 compliant MRE that reflects current gold economics will demonstrate a material increase in total gold inventory at the DAC deposit, especially since the 2011 MRE was generated using a gold price of US$973 per ounce. Our technical team plans to aggressively explore Destiny over the next 12 to 24 months with a view to making further additions to the Property's overall gold inventory. In an increasingly positive environment for gold, Destiny provides Caprock's shareholders a very exciting opportunity to play the precious metals sector."

Caprock的總裁兼首席執行官Vishal Gupta表示:「位於一個富饒的黃金管轄區,Destiny擁有豐厚的黃金資源,我們希望能在短至中期內實現顯著增長。在過去12個月黃金價格急劇上漲的背景下,我們期待一份全新的、受採礦規程(NI 43-101)約束的礦產資源估算(MRE),反映當前黃金經濟狀況,將展示DAC存款處總黃金存量的實質性增加,尤其是自2011年MRE採用每盎司973美元的黃金價格生成以來。我們的技術團隊計劃在接下來的12至24個月內積極探索Destiny,以期進一步增加該物業的總黃金存量。在黃金環境日益向好的情況下,Destiny爲Caprock的股東提供了一個非常令人興奮的機會,參與貴金屬領域。」

Figure 1: Location of the Destiny gold project relative to other gold projects in the region


Terms of the Transaction


Pursuant to the LOI, Caprock would have an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Property by incurring the following obligations over the course of three years (which may be accelerated at Caprock's option) from the date of the closing of the Transaction (the "Closing Date"):


  • Issuance of 8,000,000 common shares of the Company on the Closing Date at a deemed issue price of $0.05 per common share for a total deemed value of $400,000;
  • Payment of $100,000 in cash and $250,000 in common shares of the Company on or before the 1-year anniversary of the Closing Date with the number of shares being based on a per share deemed issue price equal to the 30-day volume weighted average price ("VWAP") for the 30 days preceding the date of issuance of the additional common shares;
  • Payment of $250,000 in cash and $350,000 in common shares of the Company on or before the 2-year anniversary of the Closing Date with the number of shares being based on a per share deemed issue price equal to the 30-day VWAP for the 30 days preceding the date of issuance of the additional common shares;
  • Payment of $400,000 in cash and $700,000 in common shares of the Company on or before the 3-year anniversary of the Closing Date with the number of shares being based on a per share deemed issue price equal to the 30-day VWAP for the 30 days preceding the date of issuance of the additional common shares;
  • Incurring qualified expenditures on the Property totaling $2,450,000 with the following breakdown:
    • $200,000 on or before the 1-year anniversary of the Closing Date;
    • an additional $750,000 on or before the 2-year anniversary of the Closing Date; and
    • an additional $1,500,000 on or before the 3-year anniversary of the Closing Date.
  • 在結束日期發行公司800萬普通股,每股定價爲0.05美元,共計價值40萬美元;
  • 在結束日期之前的第1個週年紀念日或之前,以現金支付10萬美元和以公司普通股形式支付25萬美元,股數基於每股定價等於發行額外普通股前30天的成交量加權平均價(「VWAP」);
  • 在結束日期之前的第2個週年紀念日或之前,以現金支付25萬美元和以公司普通股形式支付35萬美元,股數基於每股定價等於發行額外普通股前30天的VWAP;
  • 在收盤日期的三週年之前用現金支付40萬美元和公司普通股價值70萬美元,股份數量基於每股視爲發行價相等於30天VWAP,該30天爲額外普通股發行日之前的30天。
  • 在該資產上發生合格支出總額爲245萬美元,具體細分如下:
    • 在收盤日期的一週年之前支付20萬美元;
    • 在收盤日期的兩週年之前額外支付75萬美元;以及
    • 在收盤日期的三週年之前額外支付150萬美元。

Upon the completion of the above obligations by Caprock, the Optionor will retain a 1% NSR on the Property, all of which could be purchased by Caprock for $1,000,000 at any time. Caprock may, at its sole discretion, opt to exchange any of the above-described common share issuances to the Optionor with cash payments for the total deemed value of that particular common share issuance.


The Transaction will be subject to the following conditions:


  • Since the Optionor is a related party, the Transaction must be approved by a majority vote from Caprock's disinterested shareholders;
  • The terms outlined in the LOI must be incorporated into a binding definitive option agreement, which is expected to be executed within 30 days following the execution of the LOI;
  • The Transaction is conditional upon satisfactory due diligence by Caprock, including but not limited to legal, corporate, financial and technical due diligence, which is expected to be completed within 30 days following the execution of the LOI;
  • All common shares of the Company to be issued to the Optionor pursuant to the terms of the Transaction will be subject to a four-month statutory hold period from the date of issuance; and
  • The Transaction is subject to standard regulatory and stock exchange approvals.
  • 由於轉讓方是相關方,交易必須獲得Caprock不相關股東的多數投票批准。
  • LOI中概述的條款必須納入具有約束力的最終選擇協議,預計將在簽署LOI後的30天內執行;
  • 該交易取決於Caprock公司進行令人滿意的盡職調查,包括但不限於法律、公司、財務和技術盡職調查,預計將在簽署LOI後的30天內完成;
  • 按照交易條款發行給選擇方的公司普通股將受到自發行日期起爲期四個月的法定的凍結期限;
  • 該交易需經標準監管和股票交易所批准;

About Caprock Mining Corp.


Caprock Mining Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on exploring battery metals in Newfoundland and precious metals in Ontario.

Caprock Mining Corp. 是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於紐芬蘭的電池金屬和安大略的貴金屬勘探。

The Company has an option to earn a 100% interest in the Ackley Lithium-Tin-Molybdenum-REEs property located in the Fortune Bay area of south-eastern Newfoundland. Additionally, the Company's 100% interest in several gold exploration properties gives it a substantial landholding in the historical Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt ("BGB") of Ontario - a belt that has produced over four million ounces of gold historically (Reference: Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp - Tashota Resources), and contains the sizeable Greenstone gold project (formerly known as the Hardrock gold project) which is being brought to production by a joint venture partnership between Equinox Gold (TSE: EQX) and Orion Mine Finance (Reference: Greenstone Gold Mines - Mining & Processing).

該公司有權獲得位於紐芬蘭東南財富灣地區的Ackley鋰錫鉬稀土物業100%權益的選擇權。此外,公司對幾個黃金勘探物業擁有100%權益,使其在安大略省比爾德莫爾-傑拉爾頓黃金帶(「BGB」)擁有大片土地,該帶在歷史上產出了超過400萬盎司的黃金(參考:貝爾德莫爾-傑拉爾頓金礦區-塔肖塔資源),並且包括龐大的綠片岩黃金項目(以前稱爲哈德洛克黃金項目),該項目正在由Equinox Gold(TSE: EQX)和Orion Mine Finance進行合資打造(參考:綠石金礦-礦業與加工)。

The scientific and technical information disclosed in this release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Vishal Gupta, the Company's President & CEO. Mr. Gupta is a P.Geo. registered with the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGO) and considered a "Qualified Person" as defined under NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中披露的科學技術信息已由本公司的總裁兼首席執行官Vishal Gupta先生進行了審查和批准。Gupta先生在安大略省專業地球科學家(PGO)註冊,並被視爲根據43-101號NI定義的「合格人」。

For More Information


Please contact:
Vishal Gupta
President & CEO
Tel.: (647) 466-0506

Vishal Gupta

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


All statements in this press release about anticipated future events or results constitute forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements with respect to: the proposed option agreement, the Company's ability to negotiate a definitive agreement and satisfy the closing conditions, the impact that the Transaction may have on the Company and the development of the Company's business generally. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect" and "intend" and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, are forward-looking statements. Although Caprock believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since Caprock can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and other factors identified in Caprock's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Forward-looking statements are subject to business and economic risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Caprock's expectations include risks associated with the business of Caprock; risks related to reliance on technical information provided by Caprock; risks related to exploration and potential development of the Company's mineral properties; business and economic conditions in the mining industry generally; fluctuations in commodity prices and currency exchange rates; uncertainties relating to interpretation of exploration results and the geology, continuity and grade of mineral deposits; the need for cooperation of government agencies and First Nation groups in the exploration and development of properties and the issuance of required permits; the need to obtain additional financing to develop properties and uncertainty as to the availability and terms of future financing; the possibility of delay in exploration or development programs and uncertainty of meeting anticipated program milestones; uncertainty as to timely availability of permits and other governmental approvals; the ability of the Company to complete the proposed Transaction and other risk factors as detailed from time to time and additional risks identified in Caprock's filings with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR+ in Canada (available at ). Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the date the statements are made. Caprock does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Where this press release states, "The project lies along a major deformation corridor in the Abitibi greenstone belt that includes the prolific Cadillac-Larder Lake and Destor-Porcupine fault zones which host numerous producing and development-stage gold deposits that are in close proximity to Destiny (see Figure 1)," Caprock would like to note that the results from any of the adjacent property(s) are not an indication of what may be found on the Destiny property.

該新聞稿指出,“該項目位於阿比蒂比綠巖帶的一個主要變形走廊上,包括富饒的卡迪拉克-拉德湖和Destor-Porcupine斷裂帶,這些地方容納了衆多生產中和發展階段的金礦礦牀,這些礦牀與Destiny礦區靠得很近(見圖1)。" Caprock想指出,鄰近地塊的任何結果並不能說明Destiny地塊上會發現什麼。

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


