
Reported September 21, 2024 "Jony Ive Confirms He's Working On A New Device With OpenAI/ The Confirmation Comes In A Major New York Times Profile About What Ive's Been Up To Since Leaving Apple" - The Verge

Reported September 21, 2024 "Jony Ive Confirms He's Working On A New Device With OpenAI/ The Confirmation Comes In A Major New York Times Profile About What Ive's Been Up To Since Leaving Apple" - The Verge

2024年9月21日報道"喬尼·艾維證實正在與OpenAI合作開發新設備/這一確認出現在一篇關於艾維自從離開蘋果以來的重要《紐約時報》專題報道中"- The Verge
Benzinga ·  09/23 22:34

Jony Ive has confirmed that he's working with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on an AI hardware project. The confirmation came today as part of a profile of Ive in The New York Times, nearly a year after the possibility of a collaboration between Altman and the longtime Apple designer was first reported on.

喬尼·艾維確認他正在與OpenAI CEO Sam Altman合作進行人工智能硬件項目。此次確認是在《紐約時報》對艾維的專訪中提及的,這幾乎是在有關Altman和這位長期蘋果設計師合作可能性首次報道一年後。

There aren't a lot of details on the project. Ive reportedly met Altman through Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb, and the venture is being funded by Ive and the Emerson Collective, Laurene Powell Jobs' company. The Times reports it could raise $1 billion in funding by the end of the year, but makes no mention of Masayoshi Son, the SoftBank CEO rumored last year to have invested $1 billion in the project.

關於這個項目的細節不是很多。據稱,艾維是通過Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky認識了Altman,這個創業公司目前是由艾維和Laurene Powell Jobs的Emerson Collective公司提供資金支持。報道稱,這個項目可能在年底前融資10億美元,但沒有提到SoftBank CEO孫正義,據傳去年曾向該項目投資10億美元。

The project only has 10 employees currently, but they include Tang Tan and Evans Hankey, two key people who worked with Ive on the iPhone. LoveFrom, Ive's company, is leading the device's design, according to the report. The team is reportedly now working out of a 32,000-square-foot office building in San Francisco, part of a $90 million strip of real estate that Ive has bought up on single city block.

這個項目目前只有10名員工,其中包括Tang Tan和Evans Hankey,這兩位是與艾維一起合作開發iPhone的重要人員。據報道,Ive的公司LoveFrom負責該設備的設計。團隊目前據悉在舊金山一個32,000平方英尺的辦公樓內工作,這是艾維在一個城市街區購買的總價值9000萬美元的房地產中的一部分。

As for the device itself? The Times says that Ive and Altman discussed "how generative AI made it possible to create a new computing device because the technology could do more for users than traditional software" due to its ability to handle complicated requests. Last year it was rumored to be inspired by touchscreen technology and the original iPhone.


But it sounds like few specifics are nailed down. LoveFrom cofounder Marc Newson told the Times that the AI product — and when it'll come to market — are still being figured out

但據說具體細節尚未確定。LoveFrom的聯合創始人Marc Newson告訴《紐約時報》,這款人工智能產品及其發佈時間還在商討中。

