
Capital Power Engages at New York Climate Week

Capital Power Engages at New York Climate Week

Capital Power參與紐約氣候周活動
GlobeNewswire ·  09/23 21:00

Amid unprecedented power demand fueled by AI, the time is now to power change


NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Capital Power, a leading North American power producer, is pleased to attend New York Climate Week at such a critical moment in the continued evolution of power production and consumption, fueled by economic development, population growth and technology advancements like artificial intelligence (AI).

紐約,2024年9月23日 (全球新聞社) -- 領先的北美能源生產商Capital Power很高興在紐約氣候周參加如此關鍵的時刻,繼續發展受經濟發展、人口增長和人工智能等技術進步推動的能源生產和消費。

There is an urgent need to address the skyrocketing global demand for plentiful, reliable, and affordable energy, particularly as economies grow, and populations increase, and advancements in AI compound this need – far more than experts had anticipated. From voice assistants to AI-powered recommendations on streaming platforms or the rise in "smart homes," a massive energy consumption network lies beneath the surface of these everyday conveniences.


"The need for balanced energy solutions will become even more critical as unprecedented power demand growth reshapes our world," shares Avik Dey, President and CEO. "Enabling this future requires profound changes to address the energy expansion and a more thoughtful lens to be applied to our decisions and choices as users and consumers. At Capital Power, we're committed to Powering Change by Changing PowerTM, and we see the energy future as a 'both/and' scenario, not an 'either/or.' It's about harnessing renewables, exploring nuclear energy, and using reliable, dispatchable power sources like natural gas to create a balanced, resilient energy mix to support global growth and the AI revolution."

「在全球空前的能源需求增長重塑我們的世界之際,對平衡能源解決方案的需求變得更爲關鍵,」公司總裁兼首席執行官Avik Dey表示。「實現這一未來需要進行深刻的改變來解決能源擴張問題,並在用戶和消費者的決策和選擇上運用更加慎重的眼光。在Capital Power,我們致力於通過改變能源來推動變革,我們將能源未來視爲一個『既有又有』的情景,而不是『要麼這個要麼那個』。這意味着利用可再生能源,探索核能,並利用可靠的、可調度的能源來源,如天然氣,打造平衡、有韌性的能源混合以支持全球增長和人工智能革命。」

In June 2024, Capital Power celebrated a milestone in clean energy innovation. The company successfully transitioned its Genesee Generating Station in Alberta, Canada, from coal to 100% natural gas, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3.4 million tonnes annually. This climate milestone is part of Capital Power's broader strategy to expand its capacity while shifting away from coal-fired generation towards a diversified energy mix that includes natural gas, renewables, and other critical technologies (e.g. nuclear, storage, and the next game changer!).

2024年6月,Capital Power在清潔能源創新上慶祝了一個里程碑。公司成功將位於加拿大阿爾伯塔省的Genesee發電站從煤炭轉型爲100%的天然氣,這將每年減少340萬噸溫室氣體排放。這一氣候里程碑是Capital Power在向包括天然氣、可再生能源和其他關鍵技術(如核能、儲能和下一個改變遊戲規則者!)在內的多樣化能源混合轉變的整體策略的一部分。

Capital Power views its investment in repowering the Genesee Generating Station as more than just an increase in capacity. It's about building a resilient and adaptable grid to support the integration of growing renewable energy sources and leveraging existing infrastructure to provide reliable, affordable power for the AI era while sustaining local jobs and economies.

Capital Power將其在重建Genesee發電站方面的投資視爲不僅是擴容,而更多地是在建立一個具有彈性和適應性的電網,以支持不斷增長的可再生能源的整合,並利用現有基礎設施提供可靠、負擔得起的能源,以滿足人工智能時代的需求,同時保持當地就業和經濟。

"Repowering Genesee is a real-world example of how we can transform existing infrastructure to support the long-term transition," stated Mr. Dey. "It's about creating a grid to accommodate renewables, new baseload generation technologies, and the increasing demands of data centres, ensuring a balanced and sustainable energy future. How we do this more efficiently, effectively, and significantly faster needs to be core to this year's Climate Week focus."

「重建Genesee是一個現實世界的例子,展示了我們如何將現有基礎設施轉型以支持長期轉型,」 Dey先生說。「我們要創建一個能容納可再生能源、新的基礎負荷發電技術和數據中心日益增長需求的電網,確保一個均衡可持續的能源未來。如何更加高效、有效和快速地做到這一點必須成爲今年氣候周議題的核心。」

"Capital Power's balanced approach to energy solutions is rooted in its commitment to reliability, affordability, and environmental responsibility," reflects Mr. Dey. "We're not just keeping pace with this historic energy expansion; we're helping shape it. By collaborating with governments, businesses, and communities, we're developing balanced energy solutions that meet the unique needs of each region in this new era of AI-driven growth."

「Capital Power對能源解決方案的均衡態度根植於其對可靠性、負擔得起性和環保責任的承諾,」 Dey先生反映。「我們不僅跟上這一歷史性能源擴張的腳步;更是在幫助塑造它。通過與政府、企業和社區合作,我們正在開發能夠滿足這個AI驅動增長新時代每個地區獨特需求的均衡能源解決方案。」

Territorial Acknowledgement


In the spirit of reconciliation, Capital Power respectfully acknowledges that we operate within the ancestral homelands, traditional and treaty territories of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island, or North America. Capital Power's head office is located within the traditional and contemporary home of many Indigenous Peoples of the Treaty 6 Territory and Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4. We acknowledge the diverse Indigenous communities that are located in these areas and whose presence continues to enrich the community.

爲了和解,Capital Power尊重我們運營於北美洲或美洲龜島的土著民族的祖先家園、傳統領土和條約領土。Capital Power總部位於Treaty 6領土和艾伯塔省區域4的許多土著民族的傳統家園和現代家園之內。我們承認這些地區的多樣化土著社區,他們的存在繼續豐富社區。

About Capital Power

關於Capital Power

Capital Power (TSX: CPX) is a growth-oriented power producer with approximately 9,300 MW of power generation at 32 facilities across North America. We prioritize safely delivering reliable and affordable power communities can depend on today, building clean power systems needed for tomorrow, and creating balanced solutions for our energy future, including meeting the demands of AI and emerging technologies. We are Powering Change by Changing Power.

Capital Power (tsx: CPX)是一家以增長爲導向的發電廠商,在北美32個設施中擁有約9300兆瓦的發電能力。我們優先考慮安全地提供可靠且實惠的電力,社區可以依賴今天,建設明天所需的清潔電力系統,併爲我們的能源未來創造平衡解決方案,包括滿足人工智能和新興技術的需求。我們正在通過改變能源來推動變革。

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Katherine Perron
(780) 392-5335

凱瑟琳·佩隆(Katherine Perron)
(780) 392-5335

