
Kestra Raises $8M to Lead the Future of Orchestration for Business-Critical Workflows

Kestra Raises $8M to Lead the Future of Orchestration for Business-Critical Workflows

PR Newswire ·  09/23 20:00
  • Funding Round: Kestra raised $8M in seed funding led by Alven, with existing investors ISAI & Axeleo doubling down, and notable technology leaders from dbt Labs, Airbyte, Datadog, Hugging Face, Talend, Algolia,
  • Growth and Adoption: Kestra is the fastest-growing open-source orchestration platform, having grown 10x from a year ago and rapidly expanding in North America and EMEA. Trusted by thousands of organizations, the platform orchestrates hundreds millions of workflows for mission-critical operations globally.
  • Use of Funds: The funding will be used to support Kestra's expansion, hiring efforts, and continued growth, with a focus on enterprise-grade functionality and supporting multiple cloud platforms through a vast plugin ecosystem.
  • 一輪融資:Kestra籌集了由Alven牽頭的800萬美元種子資金,現有投資者ISAI和Axeleo加倍投資,還有來自dbt Labs、Airbyte、Datadog、Hugging Face、Talend、Algolia、 的知名科技領導者。
  • 成長與採用:Kestra 是 增長最快的開源編排平台,與去年同期相比增長了10倍,並在北美和歐洲、中東和非洲迅速擴張。該平台受到成千上萬個組織的信任,爲全球關鍵任務運營協調了數億個工作流程。
  • 資金的使用:這筆資金將用於支持Kestra的擴張、招聘工作和持續增長,重點是企業級功能,並通過龐大的插件生態系統支持多個雲平台。

PARIS, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Less than a year after its $3M pre-seed round, Kestra, the unified orchestration platform, today announced it has raised $8M in seed investment. Kestra is currently the fastest-growing open-source orchestration product in the market, executing several hundred million workflows, a tenfold increase in one year. Thousands of organizations, including several global enterprises, have trusted Kestra as the most production-ready and user-friendly platform to automate their mission-critical workflows.

巴黎,2024年9月23日 /PRNewswire/ — 距離300萬美元的種子前融資還不到一年, Kestra統一編排平台今天宣佈已籌集了800萬美元的種子投資。Kestra是目前市場上增長最快的開源編排產品,執行了數億個工作流程,在一年內增長了十倍。成千上萬的組織,包括幾家跨國企業,都相信Kestra是生產就緒程度最高、用戶友好的平台,可以實現關鍵任務工作流程的自動化。

Kestra's funding round will drive its continued expansion across North America and EMEA, as organizations increasingly rely on its robust, enterprise-grade orchestration platform built on a strong open-source foundation. This funding round is led by Alven, alongside ISAI, Axeleo Capital, and numerous founders and CEOs from leading technology companies who have invested in Kestra during this round, including Tristan Handy (dbt Labs); Michel Tricot (Airbyte); Olivier Pomel (Datadog); Clement Delangue (Hugging Face); Bertrand Diard (Talend); Nicolas Dessaigne (Algolia); and Frédéric Plais ( The new capital will accelerate hiring and fuel the company's growth strategy across North America and EMEA.

隨着各組織越來越依賴其建立在強大開源基礎上的強大企業級編排平台,Kestra的這一輪融資將推動其在北美和歐洲、中東和非洲地區的持續擴張。本輪融資由Alven牽頭,還有ISAI、Axeleo Capital以及在本輪投資Kestra的領先科技公司的衆多創始人和首席執行官,包括特里斯坦·漢迪(dbt Labs);米歇爾·特里科特(Airbyte);奧利維爾·波梅爾(Datadog);克萊門特·德朗格(Hugging Face);伯特蘭·迪亞德(塔倫德);尼古拉斯·德賽涅(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(Algolend)(AlgIa);還有弗雷德裏克·普萊斯(。新資本將加快招聘速度,推動公司在北美和歐洲、中東和非洲的增長戰略。

"At Alven, we partner with visionary teams that are redefining industries, and Kestra embodies this by unifying and simplifying how companies orchestrate their most critical processes. In a world where reliability and scalability are essential, Kestra excels at managing mission-critical workflows at scale, streamlining everything from data pipelines to infrastructure operations. This makes them essential, especially for large corporations. We believe they are on the path to becoming the modern Enterprise Orchestrator, transforming operations, and we're proud to support them," said Victor Charpentier, Alven.

「在Alven,我們與重新定義行業的富有遠見的團隊合作,Kestra通過統一和簡化公司協調最關鍵流程的方式來體現這一點。在可靠性和可擴展性至關重要的世界中,Kestra擅長大規模管理關鍵任務工作流程,簡化從數據管道到基礎設施運營的所有工作。這使得它們必不可少,尤其是對於大型公司而言。我們相信他們正在成爲現代企業協調員,實現運營轉型,我們很自豪能夠支持他們。」 Alven的Victor Charpentier說。

Kestra's open-source community is thriving with developers contributing to the product in business automation, data pipelines, AI applications, microservice coordination, and more. Its versatility is driven by a vast plugin ecosystem connecting to over 500 tools (including Databricks, Snowflake, dbt, Airbyte, Terraform, etc.), orchestrating at scale across all major cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.). This broad approach and low barrier to entry make Kestra the only Unified Orchestration platform on the market, supporting all automation use cases and welcoming all user profiles. Kestra reduces tool proliferation, fosters internal knowledge sharing, and ensures future readiness.

Kestra 的開源社區正在蓬勃發展,開發人員在業務自動化、數據管道、人工智能應用程序、微服務協調等領域爲產品做出了貢獻。它的多功能性是由一個龐大的插件生態系統驅動的,它連接到500多種工具(包括Databricks、Snowflake、dbt、Airbyte、Terraform等),在所有主要雲平台(AWS、GCP、Azure等)上進行大規模協調。這種廣泛的方法和較低的進入門檻使Kestra成爲市場上唯一的統一編排平台,支持所有自動化用例並歡迎所有用戶資料。Kestra 減少了工具的擴散,促進了內部知識共享,並確保爲未來做好準備。

"The orchestration market is fragmented with siloed solutions addressing specific job scenarios. Business leaders face challenges in unifying best practices and tools across data, infrastructure, business process management, microservices, and more. They seek a unified platform to streamline operations, and this is where Kestra excels. Our growing enterprise customers show there's demand for an API-first, user-friendly product that unites teams, workflows, and pipelines of all types," said Emmanuel Darras, CEO and Co-Founder of Kestra.

“協調市場四分五裂,有針對特定工作場景的孤立解決方案。企業領導者在統一數據、基礎架構、業務流程管理、微服務等領域的最佳實踐和工具方面面臨挑戰。他們尋求一個統一的平台來簡化運營,而這正是Kestra的優勢所在。Kestra首席執行官兼聯合創始人Emmanuel Darras表示,我們不斷增長的企業客戶表明,他們需要一款API優先、用戶友好的產品,該產品將所有類型的團隊、工作流程和管道結合在一起。

By supporting orchestration both as code and through an intuitive UI, Kestra appeals to all developers as well as non-engineers. It has also proven successful with IT teams that expect high performance and observability at scale. Kestra Enterprise's purpose-built features, such as reliable remote execution, integration with third-party secrets manager, and high availability, currently power business-critical workflows and event-driven applications in production for some of the most innovative companies.

通過以代碼和直觀的用戶界面支持編排,Kestra 吸引了所有開發人員和非工程師。事實證明,對於期望大規模實現高性能和可觀測性的IT團隊來說,它也取得了成功。Kestra Enterprise的專用功能,例如可靠的遠程執行、與第三方密鑰管理器的集成以及高可用性,目前爲一些最具創新性的公司生產中的關鍵業務工作流程和事件驅動應用程序提供支持。

"Our focus on scalability, real-time processing, and security is delivering results. Large organizations—including banks, retail companies, software providers, and government entities—are executing millions of workflows with Kestra. The platform excels even in highly specialized cases like network monitoring and real-time fraud detection. Most importantly, configuring and scheduling these workflows remains effortless, thanks to a language-agnostic, declarative syntax combined with webhooks and event-driven triggers," said Ludovic Dehon, CTO and Co-Founder of Kestra.

「我們對可擴展性、實時處理和安全性的關注正在取得成果。大型組織——包括銀行、零售公司、軟件提供商和政府實體——正在使用Kestra執行數百萬個工作流程。即使在網絡監控和實時欺詐檢測等高度專業的案例中,該平台也表現出色。最重要的是,得益於與語言無關的聲明性語法,再加上網絡掛鉤和事件驅動的觸發器,配置和安排這些工作流程仍然毫不費力。」 Kestra首席技術官兼聯合創始人Ludovic Dehon說。

For more information on Kestra, watch the company's introductory video or discover Kestra's GitHub repository.

有關 Kestra 的更多信息,請觀看該公司的 入門視頻 或者發現 Kestra的GitHub存儲庫

About Kestra

關於 Kestra

Kestra Technologies, founded in 2021 by Emmanuel Darras (co-founder of Ankama) and Ludovic Dehon (, is behind Kestra, an event-driven orchestration platform designed to simplify orchestration for both engineers and business users. Focused on building reliable, business-critical workflows, Kestra stands out with its strong open-source foundation. While many tools are overly complex or limited, Kestra provides a unified, scalable platform that is enterprise-ready and easy to use. The company is actively expanding, with a focus on hiring and growing in North America and EMEA.

Kestra 科技由伊曼紐爾·達拉斯(Ankama的聯合創始人)和Ludovic Dehon(於2021年創立,是Kestra的幕後黑手,Kestra是一個事件驅動的編排平台,旨在簡化工程師和業務用戶的編排。Kestra 專注於構建可靠的關鍵業務工作流程,憑藉其強大的開源基礎脫穎而出。儘管許多工具過於複雜或有限,但Kestra提供了一個統一、可擴展的平台,該平台可供企業使用且易於使用。該公司正在積極擴張,重點是在北美和歐洲、中東和非洲地區招聘和發展。

About Alven

關於 Alven

Alven is an early-stage venture capital firm with a unique instinct to align itself with high-potential category-defining companies and guide entrepreneurs from seed to growth.

阿爾文 是一家處於早期階段的風險投資公司,具有與高潛力類別定義公司結盟的獨特本能,並指導企業家從種子到成長。

With over $2 billion under management, we operate from Paris and London and have backed over 170 teams across Europe & US in the last 2 decades, including many success stories such as Stripe, Algolia, Dataiku, Qonto, Datadog (Sqreen), Trainline (CaptainTrain), OpenClassrooms, Jobteaser, and Sézane.


About ISAI Venture
ISAI Venture invests €100,000 to €3 million in early-stage French Tech start-ups, from Pre-Seed to Post-Seed, as lead or co-lead. It also supports French entrepreneurs in the US, partnering with local investors. Notable successes include Blablacar, Cardiologs, Datadome, Evaneos, Malt, and 360Learning. ISAI Venture is part of ISAI Gestion, founded in 2009 by Tech entrepreneurs. It now has over 430 Entrepreneur-LPs and major institutional backers.

關於 ISAI Venture
ISAI Venture 作爲牽頭人或共同負責人,向處於早期階段的法國科技初創企業投資10萬至300萬歐元,從種子前到種子後。它還與當地投資者合作,爲在美國的法國企業家提供支持。顯著的成功包括Blablacar、Cardiologs、Datadome、Evaneos、Malt和360Learning。ISAI Venture是ISAI Gestion的一部分,該公司由科技企業家於2009年創立。它現在擁有430多家企業家LP和主要的機構支持者。


來源 Kestra


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