
22nd Century Announces New Branded Products Order With Customer for Southeast Asia

22nd Century Announces New Branded Products Order With Customer for Southeast Asia

newsfile ·  09/23 20:00

New Customer for 22nd Century's Internally Owned Moonlight Brand Could Increase Factory Volumes by More Than 30% When Fully Scaled, Improve Gross Profit Profile

22nd Century內部擁有的Moonlight品牌的新客戶可能在完全擴展時將工廠產量提高超過30%,改善毛利率

Mocksville, North Carolina--(Newsfile Corp. - September 23, 2024) - 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: XXII), a tobacco products company that is leading the fight against nicotine and believes smokers should have a choice about their nicotine consumption, today announced a new customer agreement to supply its Moonlight branded cigarettes to the Southeast Asia marketplace. The first shipment is expected in the fourth quarter of 2024, with the opportunity to significantly expand volumes as the customer launches in key markets throughout 2025.

北卡羅來納州莫克斯維爾--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年9月23日)-22nd Century Group, Inc.(納斯達克:XXII),一家菸草製品公司,領導反尼古丁鬥爭並認爲吸菸者應該對其尼古丁消費有選擇權,今天宣佈與東南亞市場供應其Moonlight品牌香菸的新客戶協議。 預計首批貨物將於2024年第四季度送達,隨着客戶在2025年全面推出關鍵市場的機會,供貨量有望顯著擴大。

"This new customer represents an exciting opportunity to deploy one of our underutilized in-house brand assets to drive new growth opportunities, expanding our presence in a market with a widespread smoking culture in Southeast Asia," said Larry Firestone, Chairman and CEO. "At scale, we believe this contract represents an opportunity to grow our manufacturing volumes by more than 30% over the next 15 months."

「這位新客戶代表了一個激動人心的機遇,可以利用我們之前未充分利用的內部品牌資產來推動新的增長機會,在東南亞一個普遍吸菸文化的市場擴大我們的存在。」 22nd Century集團董事長兼首席執行官Larry Firestone說。「規模擴大後,我們相信這份合同代表着在未來15個月內將製造量增長超過30%的機會。」

"We have additional brands and assets that we can deploy into these or other markets in the U.S. and around the world," added Firestone. "We are currently discussing similar opportunities with customers interested in deploying those brands and predicates, as well as customers interested in offering a reduced nicotine content product under their own branding, helping us to build a new category around our innovative VLN products."

「我們還有其他品牌和資產可以推向美國和世界其他市場,」 Firestone補充道。「我們目前正在與有興趣將這些品牌和先決條件推向市場的客戶討論類似機會,以及有興趣在其品牌下提供減少尼古丁含量產品的客戶,幫助我們圍繞我們創新的VLN產品建立新的類別。」

22nd Century owns a number of brands which among others include Pinnacle, Moonlight, Magic and Ranger, in addition to its VLN 95% reduced nicotine content branded cigarettes, the only combustible cigarette authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration specifically designed to reduce smoking rates. The Company recently announced the launch of its VLN branded products into the South Korean market, and expansion strategy in the U.S., which is expected to include flanker brands for additional reduced nicotine content products intended to help adult smokers to smoke less.

22nd Century擁有多個品牌,包括Pinnacle、Moonlight、Magic和Ranger,除了其VLN 95%減少尼古丁含量的品牌香菸,這是唯一獲得美國食品和藥物管理局授權專門設計用於降低吸菸率的可燃煙。公司最近宣佈將其VLN品牌產品推向韓國市場,並在美國展開擴張策略,其中預計包括用於幫助成年菸民減少吸菸量的其他降低尼古丁含量產品的附加品牌。

About 22nd Century Group, Inc.


22nd Century Group is the pioneering nicotine harm reduction company in the tobacco industry enabling smokers to take control of their nicotine consumption.

22nd Century Group是菸草行業中的尼古丁危害減少公司,使吸菸者能夠控制尼古丁的消耗。

We created our flagship product, the VLN cigarette, to give traditional cigarette smokers an authentic and familiar alternative that helps them smoke less. VLN is the world's first and only combustible cigarette to receive a Modified Risk Tobacco Product designation from the FDA, which the FDA has mandated be described as a product that Helps You Smoke Less. VLN cigarettes have 95% less nicotine than the traditional cigarette and have been proven to greatly reduce nicotine consumption. Instead of offering new ways of delivering nicotine to addicted smokers, we offer smokers the option to take control of their nicotine consumption and make informed and more productive choices, including the choice to avoid addictive levels of nicotine altogether.


Our wholly owned subsidiaries include a leading cigarette manufacturer that produces all VLN products and provides turnkey contract manufacturing for other tobacco brands both domestically and internationally. The 60,000 square foot facility in Mocksville, North Carolina has the capacity to produce more than 45 million cartons of combusted tobacco products annually with additional space for expansion.

我們的全資子公司包括一家領先的菸草製造商,生產所有VLN產品,併爲其他菸草品牌提供國內外的一站式合同製造服務。 位於北卡羅來納州莫克斯維爾的6萬平方英尺工廠具有每年生產超過4500萬條零售捲菸產品的能力,並有擴展空間。

Our proprietary reduced nicotine tobacco blends are made possible by comprehensive and patented technologies that regulate nicotine biosynthesis activities in the tobacco plant, resulting in full flavor and high yield with 95% less nicotine. Our extensive patent portfolio has been developed to ensure we have the only low nicotine combustible cigarette in the United States and critical international markets. Our mission is to sell the last cigarette before the 22nd Century.


VLN and Helps You Smoke Less are registered trademarks of 22nd Century Limited LLC.

VLN和降低吸菸量的Helps You Smoke Less是22nd century Limited LLC的註冊商標。

Learn more at, on X (formerly Twitter), on LinkedIn, and on YouTube.
Learn more about VLN at

了解更多請訪問 xxiicentury.com上推 X (曾用名Twitter),上推LinkedIn,以及 YouTube.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Except for historical information, all of the statements, expectations, and assumptions contained in this press release are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to our full year business outlook. Forward-looking statements typically contain terms such as "anticipate," "believe," "consider," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "explore," "foresee," "goal," "guidance," "intend," "likely," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "preliminary," "probable," "project," "promising," "seek," "should," "will," "would," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding (i) our cost reduction initiatives, (ii) our expectations regarding regulatory enforcement, including our ability to receive an exemption from new regulations, (iii) our financial and operating performance and (iv) our expectations for our business interruption insurance claim. Actual results might differ materially from those explicit or implicit in forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are set forth in "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 28, 2024, and in the Company's Quarterly Reports filed on May 15, 2024 and August 13, 2024. All information provided in this release is as of the date hereof, and the Company assumes no obligation to and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

除了歷史信息,此新聞稿中包含的所有陳述、預期和假設均爲前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於我們全年業務展望。前瞻性陳述通常包含諸如"預計"、"相信"、"考慮"、"繼續"、"可能"、"估計"、"期待"、"探索"、"預見"、"目標"、"指導"、"打算"、"可能"、"計劃"、"潛在"、"預測"、"初步"、"有可能"、"項目"、"有希望"、"尋求"、"應當"、"將會"、"將要"等表達。前瞻性陳述包括但不限於,關於我們的成本降低措施、關於監管執行的預期(包括我們能否獲得新規定的豁免)、關於我們的財務和運營業績以及關於我們的業務中斷保險索賠的預期的陳述。實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中明確或暗示的結果有實質性差異。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述有實質性差異的重要因素已在公司於 2024 年 3 月 28 日提交的年度報告第 10-k 表中的"風險因素"中闡明,並在公司於 2024 年 5 月 15 日和 2024 年 8 月 13 日提交的季度報告中闡明。本發佈中提供的所有信息都是截至本文日期的,並且公司不承擔任何義務並且無意更新這些前瞻性陳述,除非法律另有要求。

Investor Relations & Media Contact
Matt Kreps
Investor Relations
22nd Century Group

Matt Kreps

