
Schneider Electric & Kimberly-Clark Announce Tax Credit Transfer ("TCT") Agreements to Advance Grid Resiliency

Schneider Electric & Kimberly-Clark Announce Tax Credit Transfer ("TCT") Agreements to Advance Grid Resiliency

PR Newswire ·  09/23 19:48
  • New TCT agreements contribute to supporting America's clean energy transition through tax credit transferability under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
  • Projects are helping to pave the way for additional investments from the voluntary market to support developers fostering renewable energy projects.
  • Through strategic guidance from Schneider Electric, Kimberly-Clark will fund four new battery energy storage projects, demonstrating its support of critical grid resiliency.
  • 新的稅收抵免協議通過《通脹降低法案》下的稅收抵免轉讓,有助於支持美國清潔能源過渡。
  • 項目正在爲自願市場提供額外投資支持,支持開發商培育可再生能源項目鋪平道路。
  • 在Schneider Electric的戰略指導下,金佰利將資助四個新的電池能源存儲項目,展示其對關鍵電網彈性的支持。

BOSTON, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Schneider Electric, the global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announced having facilitated several new TCT deals by Kimberly-Clark Corporation, one of the world's leading manufacturers of personal care and hygiene products and owner of household brands such as Huggies, Kleenex, Scott, Kotex, Cottonelle, Poise, Depend, and WypAll.

2024年9月23日,波士頓 /PRNewswire/ -- 全球數字能源管理和自動化轉型領導者Schneider Electric今天宣佈,已經促成了金佰利公司的多筆新TCt協議,金佰利是全球領先的個人護理和衛生產品製造商,擁有豪吉、清揚、史考特、科特士、科登利、波伊絲、得賓、威嘉等家庭品牌。

Since 2016, Schneider Electric has served as a strategic advisor to Kimberly-Clark in the manufacturer's ambitious decarbonization goals. These include a commitment to reduce absolute GHG emissions by 50% (1) by 2030 and progressing towards 100% renewable electricity in North America by 2030.

自2016年以來,Schneider Electric一直擔任金佰利製造商雄心勃勃的脫碳目標的戰略顧問。這些目標包括承諾到2030年將絕對溫室氣體排放減少50%,並逐步向2030年在北美地區實現100%可再生電力。

Most recently, Schneider Electric acted as a strategic advisor to Kimberly-Clark to help fund multiple battery energy storage projects as part of the rapid energy transition to green America's grid. These TCT deals represent one of the many approaches Kimberly-Clark is taking to advance sustainable solutions. The projects also serve as leading examples of how the voluntary market can support developers fostering key projects using the IRA's new tax credit transferability mechanism.

最近,Schneider Electric擔任金佰利的戰略顧問,幫助資助多個電池能源存儲項目,作爲快速能源過渡到美國綠色電網的一部分。這些TCt協議代表金佰利採取的多種方法之一,以推進可持續解決方案。這些項目還是自願市場如何支持使用IRA新稅收抵免轉讓機制培育重要項目的領先示範。

The work on these collective projects supports the advancement of battery energy storage in the Texas, USA, region, aligned with Kimberly-Clark's support of the green transition in renewable energy storage and generation. Kimberly-Clark's current vPPAs produce clean power from wind in Texas, which makes up 40% of its total electricity use by U.S. operations in renewable energy that Schneider Electric has advised on.

這些集體項目的工作支持德克薩斯州,美國,地區電池能源存儲的推進,與金佰利在支持可再生能源儲存和發電中的綠色過渡的支持相一致。金佰利目前通過vPPA從得克薩斯風力發電中產生清潔電力,該電力佔其美國運營總用電量的40%,由Schneider Electric提供建議。

Details of the new Investment Tax Credit Transfer agreements include:


  • A $82.5M TCT agreement, a 180 MW battery energy storage facility
  • A $68M TCT agreement, a 100 MW battery energy storage facility
  • A $55M TCT agreement, a 100 MW battery energy storage project
  • A $32M TCT agreement, a 100MW battery energy storage facility
  • 一份8250萬美元的TCt協議,一個180兆瓦的電池能源儲存設施
  • 一份6800萬美元的TCt協議,一個100兆瓦的電池能源儲存設施
  • 一份5500萬美元的TCt協議,一個100兆瓦的電池能源儲存項目
  • 一份3200萬美元的TCt協議,一個100兆瓦的電池能源儲存設施

"Today's announcement is one of many examples of Kimberly-Clark's dedication to decarbonization and advancement of renewable energy solutions, and we hope that these types of innovative collaborations will continue to advance the green transition," said Lisa Morden, Kimberly-Clark's Chief Sustainability Officer.

「今天的公告是金佰利致力於脫碳和推進可再生能源解決方案的衆多例證之一,我們希望這類創新合作將繼續推動綠色轉型,」金佰利首席可持續發展官Lisa Morden表示。

"Kimberly-Clark's dedication to supporting the renewable energy landscape is evident in its contribution to the advancement of battery storage technology through tax credit transferability. Working together with Schneider, the company is paving the way for future investments from the voluntary market to support developers fostering innovative projects," said Steve Wilhite, President, Schneider Electric's Sustainability Business.

「金佰利致力於支持可再生能源領域在稅收抵免轉讓方面的貢獻體現在其推動電池儲存技術發展的過程中。與施耐德合作,該公司正在爲未來來自自願市場的投資鋪平道路,以支持促進創新項目的開發者,」施耐德電氣可持續業務總裁Steve Wilhite表示。

"Furthermore, Kimberly-Clark's commitment to funding the clean energy transition in response to the IRA underscores the company's dedication to sustainability. Tax credit transfers enable corporations to provide substantial financial support to developers; fostering projects crucial for accelerating America's energy transition, which Schneider Electric is proud to support," continued Wilhite.


Related resources:


  • Tax Credit Transferability & Corporate Buyers : Schneider Electric on-demand webinar
  • (1) Footnote reference:
  • 稅收抵免可轉讓與企業買家:Schneider Electric 點播網絡研討會
  • (1) 腳註參考:

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