
Elon Musk Now Says Crewed Starship Missions Will Fly To Mars Latest By 2030

Elon Musk Now Says Crewed Starship Missions Will Fly To Mars Latest By 2030

Benzinga ·  09/23 16:10

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said on Sunday that the rocket manufacturing company intends to launch about five uncrewed Starships to Mars in two years, elaborating on his timeline from earlier this month.

spacex CEO埃隆·馬斯克週日表示,火箭製造業-半導體公司計劃在兩年內將約五艘無人駕駛的星艦發射到火星,對本月早些時候的時間表進行了詳細闡述。

What Happened: If the five uncrewed missions land safely, crewed missions will be possible in four years, Musk said. However, in case of challenges, the crewed missions will be postponed another two years, he added, pegging crewed Starship missions to Mars for as early as 2028 and latest by 2030.


Earlier this month, Musk said the first Starships will head to Mars in two years once the next Earth-Mars transfer window opens. However, he didn't specify how many uncrewed missions would be conducted to test the vehicle's caliber to carry crew.


Musk aims to take humans to Earth orbit, Moon, and subsequently Mars with the Starship. The vehicle is still in the development phase and underwent its fourth test flight in June earlier this year. The rocket has yet to carry a payload to orbit.


SpaceX plans to launch about five uncrewed Starships to Mars in two years.
If those all land safely, then crewed missions are possible in four years. If we encounter challenges, then the crewed missions will be postponed another two years.
It is only possible to travel from...

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 22, 2024


— 伊隆·馬斯克 (@elonmusk) 2024年9月22日

Varying Timelines, Big Promises: NASA is currently relying on the successful development of a lunar lander variant of Starship to land humans back on the moon as part of its Artemis 3 mission. The last crewed lunar mission occurred in 1972 with Apollo 17. Since then, no crew has traveled beyond low-Earth orbit.

NASA目前依賴於成功開發Starship的月球着陸器變體,作爲其Artemis 3任務的一部分,在月球上讓人類重新降落。最後一次載人登月任務發生在1972年的阿波羅17號。此後,沒有船員曾超出低地球軌道。

However, earlier this year, NASA postponed the Artemis 3 mission to no earlier than September 2026 from its previous timeline of late 2025 citing 'development challenges.'

然而,今年早些時候,NASA將Artemis 3任務從之前的2025年末推遲到2026年9月之後,原因是「開發方面的挑戰。」

In 2020, Musk also said that Starship will have hundreds of uncrewed missions before it can launch crew. The CEO, known for providing lofty claims on the Starship's readiness, did not detail how the company intends to launch 100 uncrewed missions ahead of the Artemis 3 mission when it has only completed four test flights as of date.

2020年,馬斯克還表示,在Starship能夠載人之前,將有數百次無人任務。這位因對Starship的準備狀態給出高調聲明而聞名的CEO,並沒有詳細說明公司打算如何在只完成了四次試驗飛行的情況下,在Artemis 3任務之前發射100次無人任務。

Starship is now ready for its next test flight and awaiting regulatory approvals, SpaceX said last week. The company also said that it recently received a launch license date estimate of late November for the fifth flight from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), marking a two-month delay from the previously communicated date of mid-September.


The delay, SpaceX said, was not based on a new safety concern but on "superfluous" environmental analysis including concerns about the Starbase facility having a negative impact on local flora and fauna. However, the company disputed these claims.


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