
T7 Global To Sore High With Appointment of Dato' Mat Rosly

T7 Global To Sore High With Appointment of Dato' Mat Rosly

T7全球公開任命Dato' Mat Rosly取得巨大成功
Business Today ·  09/23 14:11

T7 Global Berhad (T7 Global), energy solutions provider, today announced the appointment of Dato' Ir. Mat Rosly Bin Mat Daud ("Dato' Mat Rosly") as an Independent Non-Executive Director, effective 23 September 2024.

能源解決方案提供商T7 Global Berhad(T7 Global)今天宣佈任命Dato'Ir。Mat Rosly Bin Mat Daud(「Dato'Mat Rosly」)擔任獨立非執行董事,自2024年9月23日起生效。

Dato' Mat Rosly holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering from University of Adelaide and a Master of Science in Airport Planning & Management from University of Loughborough.

Dato' Mat Rosly 擁有阿德萊德大學土木工程工程(榮譽)學士學位和拉夫堡大學機場規劃與管理理學碩士學位。

With over 40 years of experience, he specialises in airport and highway planning and management, as well as the design, construction supervision, project management, asset management, and project financing of these infrastructures. He currently serves as a Technical Advisor at Minconsult Sdn. Bhd., where he provides strategic guidance on emerging trends, benchmarks, and business opportunities in the transportation and aviation sectors. From 2020 to 2022, Dato' Mat Rosly held the position of special functions officer and technical advisor to the Senior Minister of Works, offering expertise on highway privatisation, innovation and other technical matters. Dato' Mat Rosly started his career at the Public Works Department in 1984 and retired in 2020 as the Secretary of the Highway Planning Division at the Ministry of Works.

他擁有40多年的經驗,專門從事機場和高速公路的規劃和管理,以及這些基礎設施的設計、施工監督、項目管理、資產管理和項目融資。他目前在Minconsult Sdn擔任技術顧問。Bhd.,他在那裏爲運輸和航空領域的新興趨勢、基準和商機提供戰略指導。從2020年到2022年,拿督馬特·羅斯利擔任高級工程部長的特別職能官員和技術顧問,提供公路私有化、創新和其他技術事務方面的專業知識。拿督馬特·羅斯利於1984年在公共工程部開始了他的職業生涯,並於2020年以工程部公路規劃司秘書的身份退休。

"We are delighted to welcome Dato' Mat Rosly to the Board. His extensive expertise in airport and highway planning, management, and infrastructure development will be invaluable as we continue to expand our industrial solutions business. We remain committed to achieve a balanced portfolio between our Energy business and Industrial Solutions business with clear objectives to drive sustainable growth for the Group and to deliver value to our stakeholders," said Group CEO Tan Kay Zhuin in a statement.

「我們很高興歡迎拿督馬特·羅斯利加入董事會。在我們繼續擴大工業解決方案業務的過程中,他在機場和高速公路規劃、管理和基礎設施發展方面的廣泛專業知識將是無價的。我們仍然致力於在能源業務和工業解決方案業務之間實現平衡的投資組合,並制定明確的目標,以推動集團的可持續增長併爲我們的利益相關者創造價值。」 集團首席執行官陳凱·朱因在一份聲明中說。

T7 Global was incorporated on 11 August 2004 and is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. The group is a leading solutions provider primarily in the Energy business and Industrial Solutions business with strong presence across Asia serving diverse range of customers in the oil & gas, aerospace and general industries.

T7 Global於2004年8月11日註冊成立,並在馬來西亞交易所的主要市場上市。該集團是主要從事能源業務和工業解決方案業務的領先解決方案提供商,在亞洲擁有強大的影響力,爲石油和天然氣、航空航天和通用行業的各種客戶提供服務。

