
Apple's Former Design Maestro Jony Ive Confirms He's Joined Forces With OpenAI's Sam Altman For A New AI Hardware Project

Apple's Former Design Maestro Jony Ive Confirms He's Joined Forces With OpenAI's Sam Altman For A New AI Hardware Project

蘋果前設計大師喬納森·艾維證實,他已經與OpenAI的Sam Altman合作開展一個新的人工智能硬件項目
Benzinga ·  09/23 12:25

Apple design legend Sir Jony Ive has confirmed his collaboration with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, on a new AI hardware project.

蘋果設計傳奇人物喬尼 · 伊夫爵士已經確認與OpenAI首席執行官山姆 · 阿爾特曼合作,參與一項新的人工智能硬件項目。

What Happened: Ive confirmed his involvement in the project during a profile interview with The New York Times that was published on Saturday, reported The Verge.

發生了什麼:伊夫在接受《紐約時報》的詳細採訪時確認了自己參與該項目的消息,該報道在星期六發布,據《The Verge》報道。

The project, which was first rumored nearly a year ago, is still shrouded in mystery with few details available. As per the report, Ive met Altman through Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky.

該項目最早是在近一年前傳聞中出現,目前仍然籠罩在神祕之中,很少有詳細信息。據報道稱,伊夫是通過愛彼迎首席執行官布萊恩 · 切斯基認識阿爾特曼的。

Funding for the venture is being provided by Ive and the Emerson Collective, a company owned by Laurene Powell Jobs. The project is expected to raise $1 billion in funding by year-end.

伊夫和勞倫 · 鮑威爾 · 喬布斯擁有的Emerson Collective公司爲該創業公司提供資金支持。該項目預計到年底將籌集10億美元的資金。

The team, currently consisting of 10 employees, includes key figures like Tang Tan and Evans Hankey who previously worked with Ive on the iPhone.

目前,該團隊由10名員工組成,其中包括唐坦和埃文斯 · 漢基等關鍵人物,他們以前曾與伊夫一起在iPhone上工作。

The project is being led by LoveFrom, Ive's company, and is based in a 32,000-square-foot office building in San Francisco.


According to The Times, the device will leverage generative AI to handle complex requests, offering more to users than traditional software. However, specifics about the AI product and its market launch are still being determined.


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Why It Matters: Previously, it was reported that Altman and Ive intend to develop a more intuitive and seamless way for users to engage with AI. Their goal is to create a transformative experience akin to the impact the original iPhone had on the smartphone industry.


When Apple introduced the first iPhone in 2007, it revolutionized the market, which had been dominated by bulky phones with physical keyboards, by offering a touchscreen-only interface.


In a similar vein, current AI interactions still require manual input, whether through text prompts or voice commands.


Photo courtesy: Wikimedia


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