
European Wellness Unveils Premier Medical Wellness Center in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: A Landmark in Global Healthcare

European Wellness Unveils Premier Medical Wellness Center in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: A Landmark in Global Healthcare

PR Newswire ·  09/21 09:00

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- European Wellness, a global leader in regenerative medicine and integrated healthcare, has inaugurated its latest and most advanced facility, the European Wellness New Premier Center, in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. This landmark 60,000 square-foot center represents a significant leap forward for healthcare in Sabah and is set to play a crucial role in the global medical wellness tourism sector.


Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Mike Chan (second from right) at the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new European Wellness Premier Center along with YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Bin Haji Noor (Middle), YB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Masidi Manjun (third from left), H.E. Dr. Major General Khalid Abdulla Mubarak Albuainain AlMazrouie (second from left), and Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Michelle Wong (far right).
麥克·陳教授(右二)與亞庇歐洲健康尊貴中心的剪彩儀式上,與薩巴州首席部長哈吉吉(中)、薩巴州財政部長馬斯迪 曼均(左三)、阿聯酋總統顧問哈利德·艾爾布安尼內博士(左二)以及黃教授(最右)一同出席。

The grand opening ceremony was a notable event, attracting international attention and high-profile attendees. Sabah's Chief Minister YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Bin Haji Noor, Sabah State Minister of Finance, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Masidi Manjun, Advisor to the President of the UAE, H.E. Dr. Khalid Abdulla Mubarak Albuainain Almazrouie, and other dignitaries were present to witness the unveiling of this cutting-edge facility. The center, a major investment by EW's founders, Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Mike Chan and Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Michelle Wong, is designed to integrate advanced medical science with the healing power of Sabah's natural environment, setting a new benchmark in global healthcare.

隆重開幕儀式吸引了國際關注和衆多高層官員參加。沙巴州首席部長哈吉吉、沙巴州財政部長馬斯迪 曼均、阿聯酋總統顧問哈利德·艾爾布安尼內博士以及其他重要人士出席,見證了這一尖端設施的揭幕。該中心是歐洲健康創始人陳麥克教授和黃教授的一項重大投資,旨在將先進醫學科學與沙巴獨特自然環境的癒合力量融合在一起,爲全球醫療保健設立新的標杆。

Chief Minister Hajiji praised the vision and commitment of the founders, emphasizing how the center will enhance Sabah's healthcare capabilities and position the region as a prominent destination for medical wellness tourism. "This facility is a game-changer for Sabah, combining state-of-the-art medical science with our unique natural environment," said Hajiji. "It not only strengthens our local healthcare sector but also boosts Sabah's standing on the global medical tourism map."

首席部長哈吉吉讚揚了創始人的遠見和承諾,強調了該中心將如何增強沙巴的醫療保健能力,並將該地區定位爲醫療保健旅遊的重要目的地。"這個設施將改變沙巴的遊戲規則,將先進的醫學科學與我們獨特的自然環境相結合," 哈吉吉說。"它不僅增強了我們當地的醫療保健部門,也提升了沙巴在全球醫療旅遊地圖上的地位。"

The center's opening is a strategic move that aligns with Sabah's broader goals of becoming a leading hub for advanced healthcare and medical wellness tourism. Sabah's strategic location in Southeast Asia, as part of the BIMP-EAGA and ASEAN regions, provides a significant advantage in attracting international investment and talent. "We are positioning Sabah at the forefront of the global health and wellness revolution," Hajiji added. "This investment reflects our commitment to enhancing life quality and fostering international collaboration in medical innovation."

中心的開設是與沙巴更廣泛目標的戰略舉措相一致,即成爲先進醫療保健和醫療養生旅遊的領先中心。沙巴作爲東南亞、BIMP-EAGA和東盟地域板塊的一部分,在吸引國際投資和人才方面具有重要優勢。"我們正在把沙巴定位爲全球醫療保健和養生革命的前沿," Hajiji補充說。"這一投資反映了我們增進生活質量和促進國際醫學創新合作的承諾。"

Dr. Khalid Abdulla Mubarak highlighted the international significance of the European Wellness New Premier Center. "The advancements showcased here are truly groundbreaking," Dr. Khalid remarked. "Prof. Chan's work in targeted organ-specific stem cell therapy represents the future of healthcare set to revolutionize regenerative medicine and significantly improve healthcare outcomes globally."

Dr. Khalid Abdulla Mubarak強調了歐洲健康新尖端中心的國際意義。"這裏展示的進步真正開創性," Khalid博士說。"Chan教授在靶向器官特定幹細胞療法方面的工作代表了醫療保健的未來,將徹底改變再生醫學並在全球顯著改善醫療結果。"

Dr. Khalid emphasized the importance of making such advanced treatments more accessible. "Currently, stem cell therapy is costly and limited in availability. Expanding access and reducing costs are crucial steps in making these life-changing treatments available to a broader population," he noted. He also recognized Sabah's potential as a global medical wellness tourism destination, praising the combination of high-quality medical facilities and the region's natural beauty.

Dr. Khalid強調了使這些先進治療更易獲得的重要性。"目前,幹細胞療法昂貴且供應有限。擴大接觸渠道並降低成本對於使這些改變生活的治療對更廣泛人群可獲得至關重要," 他指出。他還認識到沙巴作爲全球醫療養生旅遊目的地的潛力,讚揚了該地區高質量醫療設施與自然美的結合。

The center will offer an extensive range of services, including over 60 advanced regenerative medicine and holistic wellness therapies. It features cutting-edge technology and a team of over 300 professionals dedicated to delivering personalized healthcare solutions. This new facility is part of a larger expansion plan that includes the establishment of a biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park, with an investment of USD 80 million, doubling the workforce and further enhancing Sabah's status in the global healthcare landscape.


The European Wellness New Premier Center stands as a testament to international collaboration and innovation in healthcare. It not only aims to transform healthcare in Sabah but also to set new standards for medical wellness worldwide. EW's dedication to healthcare advancements positions it to transform global medical wellness tourism, ushering in a new health era for Sabah and beyond.


SOURCE European Wellness Biomedical Group





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