
Arcade Announces First-Ever AI Product Creation Platform

Arcade Announces First-Ever AI Product Creation Platform

PR Newswire ·  09/20 21:58

Platform "turns your thoughts into things", allows anyone, with a few words or an image, to instantly create priced physical products for fun, sharing, purchase or sale


Founded by Mariam Naficy - founder of Minted - Arcade is backed by investors that include Reid Hoffman, Offline Ventures, Sound Ventures, and Heretic Ventures

由Mariam Naficy創立 - Minted的創始人 - Arcade得到包括Reid Hoffman、Offline Ventures、Sound Ventures和Heretic Ventures在內的投資者的支持。

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Arcade, a generative AI marketplace where what can be dreamed can be made, was announced publicly and opened its doors in beta. The platform, a place for self-expression, social discovery, and shopping, will launch initially with jewelry and will expand to other categories later this year.

2024年9月20日,舊金山 / PRNewswire - 今天,由人工智能生成的AI市場Arcade公開宣佈並在beta版中開放。這個平台是一個自我表達、社交發現和購物的場所,最初將以首飾開始,今年晚些時候將擴展到其他類別。

On Arcade, users can create products with just a few words. The platform's AI technology generates the design, which can then be instantly purchased and made by makers from Arcade's global marketplace. (PRNewsfoto/Arcade)
Arcade allows anyone, with a few words or an image, to instantly create priced physical products for fun, sharing, purchase or sale. (PRNewsfoto/Arcade)

Arcade allows consumers to define and share their design identity by creating their own AI-generated products across a variety of categories. Through Arcade's technology and network of makers, users' designs can be immediately purchased and handmade in a quantity of one.


On Arcade, anyone can create a product by typing just a few words or uploading an image. Each product has an image, price, materials and dimensions – all generated via the company's AI technologies. These designs can be immediately purchased and translated into physical form by a maker – an artisan, brand, or manufacturer in Arcade's global marketplace – or simply collected and shared as a new form of design-forward social content. Arcade aims to make it as easy for consumers to express themselves with a product creation as it is to share a photo or a written post. Users can also promote their creations, earning a percentage of every sale.

在Arcade上,任何人只需輸入幾個詞或上傳一張圖片即可創建產品。每個產品都有一個圖片、價格、材料和尺寸 - 所有這些都是通過該公司的人工智能技術生成的。這些設計可以立即購買,並由Arcade全球市場上的製作者 - 一個工匠、品牌或製造商 - 翻譯成實物形式,或者只需收藏和分享作爲一種新形式的設計前沿社交內容。Arcade旨在讓消費者像分享照片或發帖一樣輕鬆地表達自我,帶有產品創建功能。用戶還可以宣傳他們的作品,獲得每筆交易的一部分。

Arcade is co-founded by Mariam Naficy with the team from her incubator, Heretic Ventures, focused on launching new businesses in the consumer AI space. Naficy, pioneer of the creator economy and founder of Minted, has transformed how products are created, sold and purchased online. In 1998, she co-founded, the first online cosmetics retailer. With Minted, she launched one of the earliest and most widely adopted crowdsourcing and creator economy platforms.

Arcade由Mariam Naficy與她的孵化器Heretic Ventures團隊共同創立,專注於推出消費者人工智能領域的新業務。Naficy是創建者經濟的先驅,也是Minted的創始人,她改變了產品在線創建、銷售和購買的方式。1998年,她共同創立了,第一個在線化妝品零售商。通過Minted,她啓動了最早和最廣泛採用的衆包和創建者經濟平台之一。

"If you've ever had a vision for a product, now is the moment to bring it to life," said Naficy. "Arcade's AI blurs the line between dream and reality, between content and commerce – paving the way for new forms of personal expression to take shape. As the power of definition shifts to the individual, the era of limitless assortment and the 'anything store' has begun."


A New Space for Imagination, Sharing, and Discovery
Arcade's experience blends content, community, and commerce. It starts as a creation experience, where users can design products, and extends into a space for self-expression, social validation, and visual discovery. Users can share their creations to express their design 'identity', and browse and purchase products created by friends as well as their favorite creators and tastemakers. Anyone who has created a product design has the ability to instantly share their creations and open a simple storefront with a single click. Users can also create Arcade 'Dreamboards' to curate and share collections of their favorite items, including those created by others.


This provides an entirely new platform for creators and tastemakers to engage with their fans in a unique way, combining shopping and community - showcasing their own creations, or the product designs of friends, fans, and family.


Arcade Investors
Arcade has raised $17M in total funding, including a first round investment of $5 million, co-led by Reid Hoffman and Brit Morin of Offline Ventures and with Heretic Ventures participating, and an additional round of investment of $5 million, led by Ashton Kutcher of Sound Ventures.

Arcade共籌集了1700萬美元的資金,包括首輪500萬美元的投資,由Reid Hoffman和Brit Morin的Offline Ventures共同主導,Heretic Ventures參與,並另一輪500萬美元的投資,由Ashton Kutcher的Sound Ventures主導。

"Arcade is the most broadly relevant consumer AI experience I've seen," said Hoffman. "Mariam has a track record of building creator marketplaces that consumers love - and by using its distinctive AI technologies, Arcade will reinvent human expression as we know it."


"Arcade's multi-sided marketplace enables a new generation of creators to build businesses simply by turning their ideas into sellable products," said Morin. "The platform combines the power of generative AI with a global community of artisans and makers — fueling a new generation of digital storefronts and entrepreneurial growth on a global scale. The possibilities of where this could go are endless."


"Arcade gives people the power to manifest what they dream," said Kutcher. "It brings democratization to creation, allowing self-expression and visual discovery that is both social and entertaining. Sound Ventures is excited to partner with Mariam and the Arcade team to enable consumers to go from prompt to product."

"Arcade讓人們有能力實現他們的夢想," Kutcher說。"它爲創意帶來民主化,允許自我表達和視覺探索,既社交又娛樂。Sound Ventures很高興與Mariam和Arcade團隊合作,讓消費者能夠從提示到產品。"

Additional investors include:


  • Alexa von Tobel, Founder and Managing Partner, Inspired Capital
  • Colin Kaepernick, founder of Lumi, investor and former NFL quarterback
  • Christy Turlington Burns, founder and CEO of Every Mother Counts
  • David Luan, CEO of Adept AI Labs, former tech lead of large models effort at Google, and former VP of engineering at OpenAI
  • Elad Gil, entrepreneur and investor
  • Ev Williams, CEO and co-founder at A Medium Corp., and co-founder of Twitter
  • Jeff Wilke, former CEO, Worldwide Consumer at Amazon
  • Karlie Kloss, entrepreneur and philanthropist
  • Sharon Zhou, co-founder and CEO, Lamini, CS faculty at Stanford
  • Alexa von Tobel,Inspired Capital的創始人兼董事總經理
  • Colin Kaepernick,Lumi的創始人,投資者及前美國橄欖球聯賽四分衛
  • Christy Turlington Burns,Every Mother Counts的創始人兼首席執行官
  • David Luan,Adept AI Labs的CEO,曾任谷歌大型模型工作的前技術負責人,以及OpenAI的前工程副總裁
  • Elad Gil,企業家和投資者
  • Ev Williams,A Medium Corp.的首席執行官和聯合創始人,還是Twitter的聯合創始人
  • Jeff Wilke,前亞馬遜全球消費者CEO
  • Karlie Kloss,企業家和慈善家
  • Sharon Zhou,Lamini聯合創始人兼CEO,斯坦福大學CS學院教授

How Arcade's Platform Works
Arcade has built and vetted a global community of high quality manufacturers to produce consumers' creations on demand, in a quantity of one. Arcade's process and systems allow makers around the world to apply to be part of the marketplace, and for the company to quickly vet and onboard makers, building each maker their own unique model that is trained with an understanding of their individual capabilities and specialties. Arcade is committed to supporting the creativity of independent makers, and will ensure that each maker's data and model remains independent from others in the network.

Arcade 平台是如何運作的

With the Arcade website, anyone can create new products by typing just a few words about their desired item. A constellation of AI models generates a unique product from a maker's model, including a photorealistic image, pricing, dimensions, and a description of product materials. When a customer purchases a product, the product image and details are sent to the maker to produce.


Consumers can preview the beta experience and create their own jewelry designs on Arcade by visiting . Makers interested in joining the platform can apply at: . Brands and individuals interested in using Arcade to create and monetize product lines featuring their personal design identities can learn more at: .

消費者可以在Arcade上預覽beta體驗,並通過訪問自己設計珠寶。 有興趣加入該平台的製作者可以在此申請: 對於對Arcade感興趣的品牌和個人,可以通過閱讀以下鏈接獲取有關使用Arcade創建和推廣個人設計身份產品線的更多信息: .

About Arcade
Arcade is the world's first AI product creation platform, enabling anyone to design, purchase, and sell custom, manufacturable products with a simple text or image prompt. Co-founded by Mariam Naficy, Arcade brings together the power of generative AI with a global network of top artisans to turn user ideas into personalized, physical products in a quantity of one. Arcade aims to redefine commerce by offering unprecedented personal choice, expression, and meaning in product creation.

Arcade是世界上第一個人工智能產品創作平台,使任何人都能夠通過簡單的文本或圖像提示設計、購買和銷售定製的可製造產品。由Mariam Naficy共同創立,Arcade將生成AI的能力與全球頂級工匠的網絡結合起來,將用戶的想法轉化爲數量爲一的個性化實體產品。Arcade旨在通過提供空前的個人選擇、表達和意義來重新定義商業。






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