
Microsoft Taps Constellation For 20-Year Carbon-Free Power – 3,400 Jobs Coming To Pennsylvania

Microsoft Taps Constellation For 20-Year Carbon-Free Power – 3,400 Jobs Coming To Pennsylvania

Benzinga ·  09/20 21:07

Constellation Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:CEG) shares are trading higher after the company announced it signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT).

Constellation Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:CEG)股價上漲,因該公司宣佈與微軟公司(NASDAQ:MSFT)簽署了爲期20年的電力購買協議。

The deal entails the launch of the Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) and the restart of Three Mile Island Unit 1, which was closed five years ago.

此協議涉及開展Crane Clean Energy Center(CCEC)和重新啓動五年前關閉的Three Mile Island Unit 1。

As per this agreement, Microsoft will source energy from the renewed plant to align its PJM data centers' power use with carbon-free energy, supporting its sustainability goals.


Unit 1 is next to TMI Unit 2, which has been shut down since 1979 and is being decommissioned by Energy Solutions. Unit 1 operates independently and was unaffected by the accident.

單元1與TMI Unit 2相鄰,自1979年關閉並由Energy Solutions進行退役。單元1獨立運行,不受事故影響。

Constellation will also seek a license renewal to extend operations until at least 2054. The CCEC is expected to be operational by 2028.


Joe Dominguez, president and, CEO, Constellation said, "Powering industries critical to our nation's global economic and technological competitiveness, including data centers, requires an abundance of energy that is carbon-free and reliable every hour of every day, and nuclear plants are the only energy sources that can consistently deliver on that promise."

Constellation的總裁兼首席執行官Joe Dominguez表示:「爲我們國家的全球經濟和技術競爭力至關重要的產業供電,包括數據中心,需要無碳且可靠的能源,每時每刻都可靠,而核電站是唯一可以持續履行這一承諾的能源來源。」

Constellation purchased TMI Unit 1, in 1999 and was retired for economic reasons in 2019. The plant will be renamed the Crane Clean Energy Center in honor of Chris Crane, who was CEO of Constellation's former parent company.

Constellation於1999年購買了TMI Unit 1,2019年出於經濟原因退役。該工廠將以Chris Crane之名更名爲Crane Clean Energy Center,Chris Crane是Constellation的前母公司首席執行官。

Bobby Hollis, VP of Energy, Microsoft said, "This agreement is a major milestone in Microsoft's efforts to help decarbonize the grid in support of our commitment to become carbon negative. Microsoft continues to collaborate with energy providers to develop carbon-free energy sources to help meet the grids' capacity and reliability needs."

微軟的能源副總裁Bobby Hollis表示:「此協議是微軟努力幫助減少碳排放以支持我們成爲負碳的承諾的重要里程碑。微軟將繼續與能源供應商合作,開發無碳能源以幫助滿足電網的容量和可靠性需求。」

Also Read: BlackRock, Microsoft, Others Team Up For $30B Artificial Intelligence Fund: Help US Fuel 'AI Innovation And Economic Growth'


U.S. Congressman Scott Perry said, "This critical step forward will ensure Pennsylvania has sufficient baseload power to meet its needs for decades to come while producing 3,400 jobs in our community."


Investors can gain exposure to the stock via Strive Natural Resources and Security ETF (NYSE:FTWO) and Virtus Reaves Utilities ETF (NYSE:UTES).

投資者可以通過努力自然資源和安防-半導體etf (NYSE:FTWO)以及reaves utilities etf (NYSE:UTES)獲得股票曝光。

Price Action: CEG shares are up 12.1% at $233.80 premarket at the last check Friday.


Photo by metamorworks via Shutterstock


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