
Info-Tech LIVE 2024 Day 3 Highlights: Key Insights on IT Leadership, Ethical AI, and the Future of IT

Info-Tech LIVE 2024 Day 3 Highlights: Key Insights on IT Leadership, Ethical AI, and the Future of IT

Info-Tech LIVE 2024第3天要點:關於IT領導力、道德人工智能和IT未來的關鍵見解
PR Newswire ·  09/20 21:06

Day 3 of Info-Tech LIVE 2024 delivered actionable insights on IT leadership, AI, and future IT trends, featuring thought leaders and experts from across the technology landscape.

Info-Tech LIVE 2024的第3天提供了有關IT領導、人工智能和未來IT趨勢的可操作見解,特邀了來自整個技術領域的思想領袖和專家。

TORONTO, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - The third and final day of Info-Tech LIVE 2024 concluded with impactful sessions designed to equip IT leaders with strategies to navigate the exponentially changing technology landscape. Day 3 delivered valuable insights on critical topics such as ethical AI, leadership, and the evolving role of the CIO.

多倫多,2024年9月20日/PRNewswire/ - Info-Tech LIVE 2024的第三天活動以影響力十足的會議結束,旨在爲IT領導者提供應對技術領域急劇變化的策略。第3天提供了關於道德人工智能、領導力以及首席信息官演變角色等關鍵話題的有價值見解。

Key Highlights From Day 3 Featured Keynotes:


Day 3 of Info-Tech LIVE 2024 delivered actionable insights on IT leadership, AI, and future IT trends, featuring thought leaders and experts from across the technology landscape.
Info-Tech LIVE 2024的第3天提供了有關IT領導、人工智能和未來IT趨勢的可操作見解,特邀了來自整個技術領域的思想領袖和專家。

1. Adaptive IT Leadership: Leading at the Pace of Exponential Change
Speaker: Carlene McCubbin, AVP of Research Development at Info-Tech Research Group

1. 適應性IT領導力:以指數級變化的速度引領
演講者:Info-Tech Research Group的研究開發副總裁Carlene McCubbin

Carlene McCubbin explored the critical importance of building strong IT leadership teams capable of navigating the rapidly evolving technology landscape. She emphasized the shift from a purely technical focus to a more balanced approach that includes people leadership and business acumen. McCubbin highlighted the findings from the 2024 Info-Tech and McLean & Company surveys, which revealed a growing gap in leadership skills within IT and underscored the urgent need for leadership development and prioritization.

Carlene McCubbin探討了構建強大的IT領導團隊在迅速變化的技術領域中的關鍵重要性。她強調了從純技術關注轉向更加平衡的方法,包括人員領導力和商業敏銳度。McCubbin強調了2024年Info-Tech和McLean & Company調查結果,揭示了IT領域領導能力的差距日益增長,並強調了對領導力發展和優先權的緊迫需求。

Key Takeaways:


  • There is a significant disconnect between CxO expectations and IT department capabilities. While 50% of CxOs view IT as a driver of transformation, only 5% of IT departments are currently meeting this expectation.
  • The top challenges for IT leaders include staffing shortages, skills gaps, and difficulties in meeting business demands, which can hinder IT's ability to deliver value and adapt to changing business needs.
  • Despite advancements in technology, 35% of IT employees' time is still spent on administrative tasks, a figure that has remained unchanged over the past five years. The finding indicates a persistent inefficiency that could be addressed through better use of AI and automation.
  • Many IT employees believe that efficiency can be improved, with 37% identifying opportunities to eliminate low-value activities and 47% seeing potential for greater operational efficiency through innovative approaches.
  • CxO的期望與IT部門的能力存在很大的脫節。雖然50%的CxO將IT視爲轉型的驅動力,但只有5%的IT部門目前滿足了這一期望。
  • IT領導面臨的主要挑戰包括員工短缺、技能缺口和難以滿足業務需求,這可能會影響IT提供價值和適應不斷變化的業務需求的能力。
  • 儘管科技有所進步,但仍有35%的IT員工時間仍然花在行政任務上,這一比例在過去五年中沒有變化。這一發現表明一種持久的低效率,可以通過更好地利用人工智能和自動化來解決。
  • 許多IT員工認爲可以提高效率,其中37%的人發現可以消除低價值活動的機會,47%的人認爲可以通過創新方法實現更大的運營效率。

2. AI Hype vs. Reality
Speaker: Dr. Timnit Gebru, Founder and Executive Director at the Distributed AI Research Institute

2. AI 炒作與現實
演講嘉賓:Dr. Timnit Gebru,Distributed AI 研究所創始人兼執行總監

Dr. Timnit Gebru's keynote dissected the current AI landscape and how to navigate the fine line between hype and the tangible benefits of AI technologies. She explained how AI can be misused, highlighting issues such as unauthorized data usage, copyright infringement, and machine bias. Dr. Gebru emphasized the need for critical thinking and skepticism when evaluating AI systems and stressed the importance of establishing ethical guidelines and accountability to ensure responsible AI development and deployment.

Dr. Timnit Gebru的主題演講剖析了當前的AI技術現狀以及如何在炒作與AI技術的實際效益之間把握平衡。她解釋了AI可能被濫用的問題,包括未經授權的數據使用、版權侵權和機器偏見。Timnit博士強調在評估AI系統時需要保持批判性思維和懷疑精神,並強調建立道德準則和問責制的重要性,以確保負責任的AI開發和部署。

Key Takeaways:


  • There is a significant disconnect between the hype surrounding AI and its real-world applications, with many organizations overestimating the capabilities of current AI technologies.
  • A critical, evidence-based approach is essential for evaluating the true capabilities and risks of AI systems, particularly in avoiding the misuse of data and ensuring compliance with copyright and ethical standards.
  • AI systems must be developed and integrated with strict ethical guidelines and accountability frameworks to prevent biases, protect user data, and ensure responsible AI usage.
  • 人工智能所帶來的炒作與其實際應用之間存在着巨大的脫節,許多組織高估了當前人工智能技術的能力。
  • 評估人工智能系統的真正能力和風險至關重要,必須基於證據的方法,特別是要避免數據濫用,並確保遵守版權和倫理標準。
  • 必須制定嚴格的倫理準則和責任框架來開發和整合人工智能系統,以防止偏見,保護用戶數據,並確保負責任的人工智能使用。

3. The New CIO: Leading IT Into the Future
Speaker: Heather Leier-Murray, Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group

3. 新CIO:引領IT走向未來
演講人:Info-Tech研究集團研究總監Heather Leier-Murray

Heather Leier-Murray discussed the evolving role of the CIO and the skills necessary to lead IT into the future. The session focused on the strategic shift required for CIOs to move from traditional IT management to becoming key business partners. Leier-Murray emphasized the need for modern CIOs to balance technological innovation with leadership and influence, positioning IT as a central driver of organizational success in an increasingly technology-driven world.

Heather Leier-Murray討論了CIO的角色變化以及引領其走向未來所需的技能。本次會議重點討論了CIO需要進行戰略轉變,從傳統的IT管理轉變爲成爲關鍵的業務合作伙伴。Leier-Murray強調現代CIO需要在技術創新和領導力之間取得平衡,將IT作爲組織成功的核心驅動力,尤其在一個越來越依賴科技的世界中。

Key Takeaways:


  • The role of the CIO has transformed significantly over the past 40 years, evolving from optimizing back-office operations to becoming a leader in driving organizational value through advanced technologies. Despite these shifts, 81% of respondents to Info-Tech's CxO-CIO Alignment Diagnostic feel their IT maturity level is only at a supporting or struggling stage, indicating a need for further evolution.
  • While 35% of CxOs believe their IT department must achieve the highest level of maturity to transform the organization, only 2% feel confident that their IT department is capable of driving this transformation.
  • Over 50% of a CIO's weekly time is consumed by day-to-day management and operational tasks, leaving less than 20% for strategic initiatives and technology advancements. This misalignment must be addressed so that IT leaders can effectively guide organizations through rapid technological changes.
  • 在過去的40年中,CIO的角色發生了巨大的變化,從優化後勤運營發展爲通過先進技術推動組織價值的領導者。儘管發生了這些變化,但根據Info-Tech的CIO-CxO對齊診斷調查的81%的受訪者認爲他們的IT成熟度僅處於支持或掙扎階段,這表明需要進一步的發展。
  • 35%的高層管理人員認爲他們的IT部門必須達到最高的成熟度來推動組織轉型,但只有2%的人確信他們的IT部門有能力實現這一轉型。
  • 超過50%的首席信息官每週的時間都花在日常管理和運營任務上,僅剩不到20%的時間用於戰略計劃和技術進步。必須解決這種不協調,以便IT領導者能夠有效地引導組織應對快速的技術變革。

Looking Beyond Info-Tech LIVE 2024

展望Info-Tech LIVE 2024

Over the three days of Info-Tech LIVE 2024, attendees explored the critical intersections of technology, leadership, and innovation, gaining insights into how to navigate the future of IT. From the transformative discussions on Exponential IT and AI to in-depth sessions on modernizing IT frameworks and developing effective leadership strategies, the conference provided a comprehensive roadmap for IT leaders aiming to drive their organizations forward in an era of exponential change.

在Info-Tech LIVE 2024的三天裏,與會者探討了技術、領導力和創新的關鍵交匯點,深入洞察如何應對未來的IT。從關於指數級IT和人工智能的變革性討論,到關於現代化IT框架和有效領導策略的深度會議,本次大會爲IT領導者提供了一份全面的指南,旨在推動他們的組織在指數級變革時代取得前進。

Info-Tech Research Group looks forward to announcing details for the next LIVE event, including plans to expand the conference to Australia in March 2025.

Info-Tech Research Group期待宣佈下一次LIVE活動的詳細信息,包括計劃在2025年3月將會議擴展到澳洲。

For media inquiries, including requests for interviews with featured speakers and experts from LIVE 2024, or for access to session recordings and additional content, please contact [email protected]. For conference-related press releases and images, please visit the online Info-Tech LIVE 2024 Media Kit.

媒體諮詢,請聯繫[email protected],包括要求與LIVE 2024的特邀演講嘉賓和專家進行採訪,以及獲取會議錄音和其他內容的訪問權限。有關會議的新聞稿和圖片,請訪問在線Info-Tech LIVE 2024 Media Kit。

About Info-Tech Research Group

關於Info-Tech Research Group

Info-Tech Research Group is one of the world's leading research and advisory firms, proudly serving over 30,000 IT and HR professionals. The company produces unbiased, highly relevant research and provides advisory services to help leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. For nearly 30 years, Info-Tech has partnered closely with teams to provide them with everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.


To learn more about Info-Tech's divisions, visit McLean & Company for HR research and advisory services and SoftwareReviews for software-buying insights.

要了解有關Info-Tech的部門的更多信息,請訪問McLean & Company 用於人力資源研究和諮詢服務,以及用於軟件購買見解的SoftwareReviews。

Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過該公司的媒體內幕計劃獲得跨IT,HR和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲取訪問權限,請聯繫[email protected]。

For information about Info-Tech Research Group or to access the latest research, visit and connect via LinkedIn and X.

有關Info-Tech Research Group的信息或訪問最新研究,請訪問,並通過LinkedIn和X進行連接。

SOURCE Info-Tech Research Group

信息來源:Info-Tech Research Group




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