
U.S. Department of Energy Selects Standard Lithium and Equinor for Award Negotiation of Up to $225 Million for South West Arkansas Project

U.S. Department of Energy Selects Standard Lithium and Equinor for Award Negotiation of Up to $225 Million for South West Arkansas Project

美國能源部選擇Standard Lithium和equinor進行多達2250萬美元的西南阿肯色項目的獎項談判
GlobeNewswire ·  09/20 18:11

LEWISVILLE, Ark., Sept. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Standard Lithium Ltd. ("Standard Lithium") (TSXV:SLI) (NYSE:A:SLI), a leading near-commercial lithium development and technology company and Equinor, a global energy leader, today announced that its jointly-owned U.S. subsidiary, SWA Lithium LLC has been selected for up to US$225 million award negotiation from the U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE"). This selection, overseen by the DOE's Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC), is one of the largest ever awarded to a U.S. critical minerals project and is part of the second wave of funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act aimed at expanding domestic manufacturing of all segments of the battery supply chain and increasing production of critical minerals in the U.S. The provisional grant is dependent on completing successful final negotiations with the DOE.

2024年9月20日,阿肯色州劉易斯維爾(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--先進鋰公司("Standard Lithium") (TSXV:SLI) (NYSE:A:SLI)是一家領先的接近商業化的鋰礦開發和科技公司,與全球能源領導者Equinor今天宣佈,它們合資的美國子公司SWA鋰業公司已被美國能源部("DOE")選爲價值高達2250萬美元的獎項洽談對象。“這個選擇是由DOE的製造業和能源供應鏈辦公室(MESC)監管的,是迄今爲止美國關鍵礦產項目中獲得的最大獎項之一,也是基礎設施投資和就業法案的第二波資助中的一部分,旨在擴大電池供應鏈各個環節的國內製造,並增加美國關鍵礦物的生產。預備撥款取決於與DOE完成成功的最終談判。

Key Highlights:

亮點: 1.肺炎的全球發病率估計在每1000人年之間變化1.5至14例之間。 2.肺炎的患病率最高爲小兒人群(6.8%),其次爲老年人群(3.75%),在非大都市城市(人口在100萬以下)中最顯著。 3.美國的肺炎年發病率爲每10000名成年人24.8例。 4.在需要住院的重症肺炎患者中,報告的死亡率爲4%至37%,並隨着年齡的增長而上升。 5.肺炎是全球兒童死亡的最常見感染性死因。根據世衛組織的數據,該疾病造成5歲以下兒童死亡總數的14%。

  • Conditional Award: The $225 million funding by the DOE will support the construction of the Central Processing Facility ("CPF") for Phase 1 of the South West Arkansas project. The CPF for Phase 1 is being designed to annually produce 22,500 tonnes of battery-quality lithium carbonate, utilizing Direct Lithium Extraction ("DLE") technology. The U.S. Government's significant cost share demonstrates its commitment to the project, underscoring the strategic importance of developing a domestic supply chain for critical minerals.
  • Project Development and Expansion: The South West Arkansas project, located in Lafayette and Columbia Counties, Arkansas, is being developed in partnership with Equinor, with ownership shared at 55% by Standard Lithium and 45% by Equinor. The project's design is being updated from its original Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS), and now targets a larger total output of 45,000 tonnes per annum of lithium carbonate, to be developed in two phases of 22,500 tonnes each. A Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) and Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) are currently underway to support this expansion.
  • Location and Community Impact: The SWA project's DLE and lithium carbonate facilities are planned to be located on a 118-acre property in rural Lafayette County, approximately 7 miles south of Lewisville, Arkansas. The brine unit that will source lithium-bearing brine for the project facilities spans lands in Lafayette and Columbia Counties. In addition to creating up to 300 construction and 100 direct jobs, the project will significantly benefit the local community through infrastructure improvements, community health initiatives, educational partnerships, and workforce development programs.
  • 條件獎勵:DOE提供的2.25億美元資助將支持西南阿肯色州項目第一階段的中央處理設施(CPF)的建設。第一階段的CPF將使用直接鋰提取(DLE)技術,年產量達到22,500噸電池級碳酸鋰。美國政府較大的成本分擔表明其對該項目的承諾,突顯了爲關鍵礦產開發國內供應鏈的戰略重要性。
  • 項目開發和擴建:位於阿肯色州拉法葉特縣和哥倫比亞縣的西南阿肯色州項目正與Equinor合作開發,標的鋰礦(Standard Lithium)持有55%的股權,Equinor持有45%的股權。該項目的設計正在更新,原初的可行性研究(PFS)的規模被調至更大,目標總產量爲每年45,000噸的碳酸鋰,分兩個22,500噸的階段進行開發。現已進行明確可行性研究(DFS)和前端工程設計(FEED),以支持這一擴建項目。
  • SWA項目的DLE和碳酸鋰設施計劃設在阿肯色州Lewisville南約7英里的鄉村拉斐特縣佔地118英畝的地產上。爲項目設施提供含鋰滷水的滷水單元橫跨拉斐特縣和哥倫比亞縣的土地。除了創造高達300個施工和100個直接就業崗位外,該項目還將通過基礎設施改善、社區健康項目、教育夥伴關係和勞動力發展計劃顯著惠及當地社區。

Standard Lithium's CEO David Park stated: "The significant cost share from the U.S. Government demonstrates their continued support for investing in secure and sustainable supply chains of domestic lithium production. This decision by the Department of Energy validates the caliber of the project we are building through our de-risked approach to project development, strong partnerships, methodical testing, and purpose-built processes tailored to meet the specific demands of large-scale lithium production in the Smackover Formation. Moreover, it reflects the incredibly talented and dedicated team we have built to execute this vision, and most importantly the relationships we have built in our community and across the state to ensure this is a win for Arkansas."

Standard Lithium首席執行官David Park稱:「美國政府的重要成本分擔表明他們持續支持投資於安全和可持續的國內鋰生產供應鏈。能源部的決定驗證了我們通過降低風險的項目開發方法、強大的夥伴關係、系統化測試和專爲滿足Smackover Formation大規模鋰生產特定需求而量身定製的流程所打造的項目水準。此外,它體現了我們已建立的極具才華和敬業的團隊,最重要的是我們在社區和整個州建立的關係,以確保阿肯色州獲益。」

Allison Thurmond, Vice President of US Lithium at Equinor, said "The U.S. Department of Energy's support for the South West Arkansas project demonstrates how important lithium is to America's energy transition. This award underscores the commercial readiness of our projects and the strength of our partnership. We look forward to working with the U.S. Department of Energy and alongside local communities in southwest Arkansas to develop this critical mineral and build the next generation of lithium production."

Equinor美國鋰業務副總裁Allison Thurmond表示:「美國能源部對南西阿肯色項目的支持展示了鋰對美國能源過渡的重要性。此獎項強調了我們項目的商業準備性和我們夥伴關係的力量。我們期待與美國能源部以及阿肯色州西南部的當地社區合作,開發這一關鍵礦產並打造下一代鋰生產。」

Dr. Andy Robinson, President and COO of Standard Lithium, added, "We are honored to have been selected for this significant grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. This funding is a strong endorsement of the South West Arkansas project and our efforts to develop a secure and sustainable domestic lithium supply chain. The grant will enable us to accelerate the development of this world-class resource and position the project as a cornerstone of the U.S. battery materials industry."

Standard Lithium總裁兼首席運營官Andy Robinson補充道:「我們很榮幸被美國能源部選中獲得這筆重要資助。這筆資金是對南西阿肯色項目以及我們發展安全可持續國內鋰供應鏈努力的堅定支持。這一資助將使我們能夠加快開發這一世界級資源,並將項目定位爲美國電池材料行業的支柱。」

About Standard Lithium Ltd.

關於Standard Lithium Ltd.

Standard Lithium is a leading near-commercial lithium development company focused on the sustainable development of a portfolio of large, high-grade lithium-brine properties in the United States. The Company prioritizes projects characterized by the highest quality resources, robust infrastructure, skilled labor, and streamlined permitting. Standard Lithium aims to achieve sustainable, commercial-scale lithium production via the application of a scalable and fully integrated Direct Lithium Extraction ("DLE") and purification process. The Company's flagship projects are located in the Smackover Formation, a world-class lithium brine asset, focused in Arkansas and Texas. In partnership with global energy leader Equinor ASA, Standard Lithium is advancing the South West Arkansas project, a greenfield project located in southern Arkansas, and actively exploring promising lithium brine prospects in East Texas. Additionally, the Company is advancing the Phase 1A project in partnership with LANXESS Corporation, a brownfield development project located in southern Arkansas. Standard Lithium also holds an interest in certain mineral leases in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California.

Standard Lithium是一家領先的接近商業化的鋰礦開發公司,專注於在美國開發一系列大型高品位鋰鹽資源的可持續發展。該公司優先考慮資源質量最高、基礎設施完備、勞動力技術嫺熟、審批流程簡化的項目。Standard Lithium希望通過應用可擴展的、完全集成的直接鋰提取(DLE)和淨化工藝實現可持續的商業化規模的鋰生產。該公司的旗艦項目位於世界級鋰鹽資源區的Smackover地層,重點關注阿肯色州和得克薩斯州。與全球能源領導者Equinor ASA合作,Standard Lithium正在推進位於阿肯色州南部的South West Arkansas項目,這是一個綠地項目,並積極探索得克薩斯東部有前途的鋰鹽資源。此外,該公司正在與LANXESS公司合作推進位於阿肯色州南部的1A階段項目,這是一箇舊工廠發展項目。Standard Lithium還持有加利福尼亞州聖伯納迪諾縣的莫哈維沙漠某些礦權的利益。

Standard Lithium is jointly listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and the NYSE American under the trading symbol "SLI". Please visit the Company's website at .

Standard Lithium在TSX Venture Exchange和紐約證券交易所(NYSE American)上聯合上市,交易符號爲"SLI"。請訪問該公司的網站 .

About Equinor


Equinor is an international energy company committed to long-term value creation in a low-carbon future. Equinor's portfolio of projects encompasses oil and gas, renewables and low-carbon solutions, with an ambition of becoming a net-zero energy company by 2050. Headquartered in Norway, Equinor is the leading operator on the Norwegian continental shelf and is present in around 30 countries worldwide. Our partnership with Standard Lithium to mature DLE projects builds on our broad US energy portfolio of oil and gas, offshore wind, low carbon solutions and battery storage projects.

Equinor是一家國際能源公司,致力於在低碳未來中持續創造價值。Equinor的項目組合涵蓋石油和天然氣、可再生能源和低碳解決方案,旨在成爲一家在2050年之前實現淨零能源排放的公司。總部位於挪威的Equinor是挪威大陸架的主要運營商,業務遍佈全球約30個國家。我們與Standard Lithium的合作是在我們廣泛的美國能源項目組合——包括石油和天然氣、海上風電、低碳解決方案和電池存儲項目的基礎上推進DLE項目的成熟。

For more information on Equinor in the US, please visit: Equinor in the US - Equinor

有關Equinor在美國的更多信息,請訪問:Equinor in the US - Equinor

About DOE's Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC)


MESC plays a critical and unique role in catalyzing investments in America's energy future to support the re-shoring, skilling, and scaling of U.S. manufacturing across energy supply chains. MESC serves as the frontline of clean energy deployment and accelerates America's transition to a resilient, equitable energy future through data-driven investments in manufacturing capacity and workforce development. Learn more at or LinkedIn.

MESC在促進美國能源未來投資方面發揮着至關重要且獨特的作用,爲支持能源供應鏈上的美國製造業的再製造、培訓和規模化提供支持。 MESC作爲清潔能源部署的前線,通過數據驅動的製造能力和勞動力發展投資,加速美國向具有抗風險、公平的能源未來的過渡。 了解更多信息,請訪問網址或LinkedIn。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如該術語在TSX Venture Exchange規定中所定義的)不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

This news release may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "target, "plan", "forecast", "may", "schedule" and other similar words or expressions identify forward-looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements or information may relate to intended development timelines, future prices of commodities, accuracy of mineral or resource exploration activity, reserves or resources, regulatory or government requirements or approvals, the reliability of third party information, continued access to mineral properties or infrastructure, fluctuations in the market for lithium and its derivatives, changes in exploration costs and government regulation in Canada and the United States, and other factors or information. Such statements represent the Company's current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social risks, contingencies and uncertainties. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements or information to reflect changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affecting such statements and information other than as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations.

本新聞稿可能包含美國《1995年私人證券訴訟改革法》和適用的加拿大證券法中規定的某些"前瞻性陳述"。 在本新聞稿中使用的詞語"預期"、"相信"、"估計"、"期望"、"目標"、"計劃"、"預測"、"可能"、"計劃"以及其他類似的詞語或表達方式用於識別前瞻性陳述或信息。 這些前瞻性陳述或信息可能與擬定的發展時間表、商品未來價格、礦產或資源勘探活動的準確性、儲備或資源、監管或政府要求或批准、第三方信息的可靠性、繼續使用礦產性質或基礎設施、鋰及其衍生物市場波動、加拿大和美國的勘探成本和政府監管等因素或信息有關。 這些陳述代表公司對未來事件的當前觀點,且必然基於公司認爲合理的一系列假設和估計,但在業務、經濟、競爭、政治和社會風險、意外事態和不確定性等方面天然存在着重大的風險。 許多已知和未知的因素都可能導致結果、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表述或暗示的結果、業績或成就存在實質性差異。 除依照適用法律、法規和規章要求外,公司無意且不承擔任何義務對這些前瞻性陳述或信息進行更新,以反映假設的變化、環境的變化或任何影響此類陳述和信息的其他事件。

CONTACT: Media Contacts:

Allysa Iverson
Standard Lithium Ltd.

Ola Morten Aanestad

Allysa Iverson
Standard Lithium Ltd.

Ola Morten Aanestad

