
MIDF Upbeat Over Eco World's Prospects

MIDF Upbeat Over Eco World's Prospects

MIDF對Eco World前景持樂觀態度
Business Today ·  09/20 17:30

Eco World Development Group Berhad (Eco World) has demonstrated solid financial performance in its latest earnings report, with its 9MFY24 core net income reaching RM232.2 million, surpassing expectations and accounting for 83% of both the company's and consensus full-year forecasts. The robust performance was largely attributed to significant cost savings realised in the third quarter of FY24. The company has declared a second interim dividend of 2 sen per share, bringing the total dividend payout for the nine-month period to 4 sen per share.

生態世界發展集團有限公司(Eco World)在其最新業績中表現出穩健的財務表現,其 9MFY24 核心淨收入達到23220萬令吉,超出預期,佔公司全年預測和共識預測的83%。強勁的業績主要歸因於24財年第三季度實現的顯著成本節約。該公司已宣佈第二次派發每股2仙的中期股息,使九個月期間的總股息支付額達到每股4先令。

MIDF Stock Broking House have maintained a NEUTRAL rating on Eco World, revising the target price to RM1.81 from RM1.79. This adjustment follows an upward revision of earnings forecasts for FY24F, FY25F, and FY26F by 7.7%, 7.8%, and 9.3%, respectively, due to lower operational costs. The expected share price return is projected at 4.0%, with an anticipated dividend yield of 3.5%, resulting in a total expected return of 7.5%.

MIDF股票經紀公司維持對生態世界的中性評級,將目標價格從1.79令吉上調至1.81令吉。此次調整是在運營成本降低將 FY24F、FY25F 和 FY26F 的收益預測分別上調7.7%、7.8%和9.3%之後進行的。預計股價回報率爲4.0%,預期股息收益率爲3.5%,總預期回報率爲7.5%。

Eco World's sequential performance in 3QFY24 showcased a core net income increase to RM89.2 million, representing a 23.6% quarter-on-quarter rise, despite a marginal decline in topline revenue of 5.3% quarter-on-quarter. This growth was driven by lower costs associated with projects that have reached completion or are nearing completion, which in turn expanded the gross profit margin to 31% from 27% in the preceding quarter. On a year-on-year basis, the company reported a notable 35.2% increase in core net income for 3QFY24, contributing to a cumulative earnings rise of 25.9% in the nine-month period.

儘管收入同比略有下降5.3%,但生態世界在 3QFY24 中的連續表現顯示,核心淨收入增長至892萬令吉,同比增長23.6%。這種增長是由與已完成或接近完成的項目相關的成本降低所推動的,這反過來又將毛利率從上一季度的27%擴大到31%。該公司報告稱,3QFY24 的核心淨收入同比顯著增長了35.2%,使九個月期間的累計收益增長了25.9%。

In terms of sales performance, Eco World achieved new sales totalling RM3.5 billion in the first ten months of FY24, successfully meeting its full-year sales target. The impressive sales figures were primarily driven by contributions from the industrial sector, including RM626 million in land sales to data centre operators. The residential segment also performed well, with eco townships accounting for 55% of sales and eco rise contributing 45%. Additionally, the company's future revenue has increased to RM4.5 billion as of August 2024, up from RM4 billion in May 2024.

在銷售業績方面,Eco World在24財年的前十個月實現了總額爲35令吉的新銷售額,成功實現了其全年銷售目標。令人印象深刻的銷售數字主要是由工業部門的貢獻推動的,包括向數據中心運營商出售的62600萬令吉的土地。住宅板塊也表現良好,生態城鎮佔銷售額的55%,生態增長佔45%。此外,截至2024年8月,該公司的未來收入已從2024年5月的40令吉增加到45令吉。

Despite the strong earnings and sales performance, analysts remain cautious, maintaining a NEUTRAL rating as the potential for significant upside appears limited. Eco World is currently trading above its latest net tangible asset of RM1.66 per share, which supports the rationale for a cautious outlook amidst positive earnings visibility.

儘管收益和銷售表現強勁,但分析師仍保持謹慎態度,維持中性評級,因爲大幅上漲的可能性似乎有限。Eco World目前的交易價格高於其最新的每股1.66令吉的淨有形資產,這支持了在盈利可見度樂觀的情況下保持謹慎前景的理由。

