
Qorvo Introduces Next-Generation Matter Solution With Industry Leading Energy Efficiency

Qorvo Introduces Next-Generation Matter Solution With Industry Leading Energy Efficiency

Qorvo ·  09/19 12:00
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New SoC Leverages ConcurrentConnect Technology For Seamless Smart Home Connectivity


GREENSBORO, NC – September 19, 2024 – Qorvo (Nasdaq: QRVO), a leading global provider of connectivity and power solutions, introduces a new system on chip (SoC) solution for smart home devices, which is now sampling with key customers. This next-generation IoT solution features Qorvo's proprietary ConcurrentConnect technology and combines multi-network support for Matter, Zigbee and Bluetooth Low Energy with unrivaled energy efficiency in a scalable turnkey solution.


QPG6200L is the first product based on a new low-power wireless connectivity platform from Qorvo designed to address the challenges of today's rapidly evolving smart home environment, ensuring seamless communication and interoperability across multiple wireless standards. The QPG6200L supports multiple protocols on separate channels simultaneously, delivering the highest RF performance and reliability for a wide range of consumer IoT applications, including smart lighting, sensors and home hubs. It also leverages a built-in secure element and is PSA Certified Level 2 for enhanced IoT security.


"The QPG6200L adds to Qorvo's leadership in smart home connectivity," said Marc Pegulu, general manager of Qorvo's Connectivity Systems business. "Featuring our unique ConcurrentConnect technology not only enhances device performance across multiple networks but also eases the transition to Matter, offering users the best of both worlds without leaving any Zigbee devices behind."

「QPG6200L增強了Qorvo在智能家庭連接領域的領先地位,」Qorvo Connectivity Systems業務的總經理Marc Pegulu表示,「具有我們獨特的ConcurrentConnect技術不僅增強了設備在多個網絡上的性能,還簡化了向Matter的過渡,爲用戶提供了兩全其美的選擇,而不會拋棄任何Zigbee設備。」

Qorvo's QPG6200L sets a new paradigm in energy efficiency for multi-standard SoCs with an industry-leading sleep current of less than 1 μA, 30% lower than competing solutions, making it the ideal choice for low-power applications such as battery-operated sensors and energy-harvesting devices. The QPG6200L's ultra-low power consumption extends battery life and supports more sustainable smart home solutions.

Qorvo的QPG6200L爲多標準SoC的能源效率樹立了新的範例,其待機電流低於1μA,比競爭解決方案降低了30%,使其成爲電池供電傳感器和能量收集設備等低功耗應用的理想選擇。 QPG6200L的超低功耗延長了電池壽命,並支持更可持續的智能家居解決方案。

As the global market for smart home devices continues to expand, with IDC projecting global sales to reach 1.2 billion units by 2028, the QPG6200L is poised to play a critical role in supporting the next wave of connected devices. Qorvo offers smart home OEMs a turnkey solution for Matter over Thread, simplifying the design process while ensuring robust security and performance across the network. Its PSA Level 2 certification ensures the QPG6200L solution meets security standards to protect against common software attacks.

隨着全球智能家居設備市場的不斷擴大,IDC預計到2028年全球銷售量將達到12億台,QPG6200L將在支持下一波連接設備的浪潮中發揮關鍵作用。Qorvo爲智能家居OEM提供了基於Thread的Matter一體化解決方案,簡化了設計過程,同時確保網絡中的強大安全性和性能。其PSA Level 2認證確保QPG6200L解決方案符合安全標準,以抵禦常見的軟件攻擊。

QPG6200L SoC samples and development kits are available now, with full production planned for early next year. For more information about ConcurrentConnect technology and Qorvo's innovative ultra-low-power wireless data communication controllers, visit Qorvo's low-power IoT solutions page.

QPG6200L SoC樣品和開發套件目前已經可用,並計劃於明年初開始全面生產。有關ConcurrentConnect技術和Qorvo創新的超低功耗無線數據通信控制器的更多信息,請訪問Qorvo的低功耗物聯網解決方案頁面。

About Qorvo
Qorvo (Nasdaq:QRVO) supplies innovative semiconductor solutions that make a better world possible. We combine product and technology leadership, systems-level expertise and global manufacturing scale to quickly solve our customers' most complex technical challenges. Qorvo serves diverse high-growth segments of large global markets, including automotive, consumer, defense & aerospace, industrial & enterprise, infrastructure and mobile. Visit to learn how our diverse and innovative team is helping connect, protect and power our planet.

qorvo(納斯達克:QRVO)提供創新的半導體解決方案,爲創造一個更美好的世界做出貢獻。我們結合產品和技術領導力、系統級專業知識和全球製造規模,快速解決客戶面臨的最複雜的技術挑戰。qorvo服務於不斷增長的全球大型市場的多元化高增長部分,包括汽車、消費類、國防航空、工業企業、基礎設施和移動行業。請訪問 , 了解我們多元化創新團隊如何幫助連接、保護和驅動我們的星球。

Qorvo is a registered trademark of Qorvo, Inc. in the U.S. and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Alexis Mariani
Strategic Marketing Manager

Alexis Mariani

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本新聞稿包含根據1995年私人證券訴訟改革法案的安全港規定所作的"前瞻性陳述"。這些前瞻性陳述包括但不限於關於我們的計劃、目標、表達和論據的聲明,並且不是歷史事實,通常通過使用"可能"、"將"、"應該"、"可能"、"預計"、"計劃"、"預測"、"相信"、"估計"、"預測"、"潛在"、"持續"和類似的詞語來識別,儘管一些前瞻性陳述的表達方式可能不同。您應該知道,所包含的前瞻性陳述代表管理層的當前判斷和預期,但我們的實際結果、事件和業績可能與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果、事件和業績有實質性差異。我們不打算更新這些前瞻性陳述中的任何一項,也不打算公開宣佈對這些前瞻性陳述進行任何修訂的結果,除非根據美國聯邦證券法的要求。我們的業務受到衆多風險和不確定性的影響,其中包括我們運營結果的波動;我們對開發新產品和實現設計贏得的極度依賴;如果與美國政府或國防和航空承包商的合同被取消或延遲,或者國防開支減少,我們的收入可能減少;新冠疫情對全球經濟產生的負面影響,並可能繼續擾亂正常商業活動,這可能對我們的業務運營結果產生不利影響;我們對第三方的依賴;與通過分銷商銷售相關的風險;與運營我們製造設施相關的風險;業務中斷;低製造良率;由於客戶預測的時機,由於庫存風險和成本而增加;我們無法有效管理或維持與平台提供商之間不斷髮展的關係的風險;國際銷售和業務風險;中國的經濟監管;政府貿易政策的變化,包括關稅和出口限制的施加;我們能否實施創新技術;由於行業產能過剩導致製造設施未充分利用;我們可能無法從我們的信貸設施中借款或獲得未來融資;我們可能無法產生足夠的現金來償還我們的債務;與管理我們的債務的協議所限制的條款;我們普通股價格的波動;對我們聲譽或品牌的損害;我們回購股票的金額和頻率的波動;我們最近和未來的收購和其他戰略投資可能無法實現財務或戰略目標;我們吸引、留住和激勵關鍵員工的能力;我們對知識產權組合的依賴;侵犯第三方知識產權的索賠;危害我們信息的安全漏洞和其他類似的干擾;通過或關於我們的員工、客戶或第三方的個人數據的失竊、丟失或濫用;保修索賠、產品召回和產品責任;以及與環境、健康和安全法規以及氣候變化相關的風險。正如所述,前述風險和不確定性中的許多將繼續被新冠疫情以及由此導致的全球商業和經濟環境惡化所加劇。這些及其他風險和不確定性的詳細描述,請參閱Qorvo最新的年度報告(Form 10-k)以及提交給美國證券交易委員會的其他報告和聲明,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際結果和發展與任何上述前瞻性陳述所表達的結果和發展有實質性差異。

