
Xpeng Sees 500,000th Production Car Roll off Line

Xpeng Sees 500,000th Production Car Roll off Line

CnEVPost ·  09/20 14:05

Xpeng saw the 500,000th production vehicle roll off the line, which was the 10,000th production car of the Mona M03 launched on August 27.

小鵬汽車看到第50萬輛生產車輛下線,這是8月27日推出的Mona M03的第1萬輛生產車。

(Xpeng saw the 500,000th production car roll off the line, the 10,000th production car of the Mona M03. Image credit: Xpeng)
(小鵬汽車看到第50萬輛生產車下線,是Mona M03的第1萬輛生產車。圖片來源:小鵬汽車)

Xpeng (NYSE: XPEV) saw its 500,000th production vehicle roll off the assembly line, as the Mona array's first model, the M03, was well received after hitting the market.


The Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker announced the milestone on Weibo today, saying the car is the 10,000th Mona M03 production vehicle.

這家中國電動汽車製造商在微博上宣佈了這一里程碑,稱這輛車是Mona M03的第1萬輛生產車。

The Mona M03 saw its 10,000th unit roll off the production line 22 days after its launch, setting a new record among the new Chinese carmakers, Xpeng said.

Mona M03在推出後的22天內生產了第1萬輛,創下了中國新造車企業的新紀錄,小鵬汽車表示。

Xpeng delivered 14,036 vehicles in August, bringing cumulative deliveries since inception to 477,520, according to data compiled by CnEVPost.


The delivery of the 500,000th vehicle will take some more time, given factors including logistics.


Xpeng officially launched the Mona M03 electric sedan on August 27, offering three variants with starting prices of RMB 119,800 ($17,000), RMB 129,800 and RMB 155,800, respectively.

小鵬汽車於8月27日正式推出了Mona M03電動轎車,提供了三種不同配置,起價分別爲11.98萬元人民幣(約17,000美元)、12.98萬元和15.58萬元。

The model becomes the least expensive of Xpeng's on-sale models, at about half the price of the Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) Model 3.

該車型成爲小鵬汽車目前在售車型中最便宜的,價格約爲特斯拉(納斯達克:TSLA)Model 3的一半。

Deliveries of the Mona M03's two lowest-priced variants have already begun, while deliveries of the highest-priced Max variant will start after the Chinese New Year holiday in late January to early February 2025.


The Mona M03 is the fastest production-climbing new model in Xpeng's history, He Xiaopeng, the company's chairman and CEO, said on September 14 on Weibo.


In September, the Mona M03 is expected to break the first-month delivery record for a new model by a new Chinese carmaker, he said.


Xpeng Mona's production capacity had been expanded twice in the past 10 days, Mr. He said at the time.


Following 30,000 locked-in orders for the Mona M03 in the 48 hours since its launch, orders for the model had recently exceeded 2,000 units a day, Xpeng said in a letter to suppliers earlier this month.


($1 = RMB 7.0452)


Xpeng Mona M03 capacity expanded twice in last 10 days, CEO says

小鵬新能源董事長何小鵬表示,Xpeng Mona M03在過去10天已經擴容兩次。

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