
港股异动 | 荣昌生物(09995)跌超5% 被传裁员上千人 公司指人员调整旨在优化经营团队结构

Hong Kong stocks anomaly | Remegen (09995) fell more than 5%, with rumors of layoffs of thousands of people. The company stated that personnel adjustments are aimed at optimizing the operational team structure.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 20 13:36

Remegen (09995) fell more than 5%, as of press time, down 5.4%, at HK$10.86, with a turnover of 22.1606 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Wisdom Financial APP, Remegen (09995) fell more than 5%, down 5.4% as of press time, at HK$10.86, with a turnover of 22.1606 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, recently there have been rumors online that Remegen is implementing a plan to reduce staff by over a thousand, and will further increase the intensity of adjustments. In response to this, reports quoted Remegen's response, stating that the recent personnel adjustments are not significant layoffs, but are based on the company's global strategy needs, aimed at optimizing the operation team structure, enhancing team's professional capabilities and overall efficiency, achieving dynamic balance within the team to better adapt to market changes and business requirements.

In the first half of this year, Remegen achieved revenue of 0.74 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 76.5%; shareholders' attributable losses were 0.78 billion yuan, a 10.96% increase year-on-year. As of the first half of 2024, Remegen had a balance of 0.673 billion yuan, a decrease of nearly 40% year-on-year. Citi International previously pointed out that Remegen's 2Q24 revenue slightly exceeded expectations, mainly due to the better-than-expected sales of Taitsipu; however, the net loss was significantly higher than expected, mainly due to research and development expenses significantly higher than expected and non-operating expenses exceeding expectations.

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