
Tonix Pharmaceuticals Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office Covering the Intranasal Delivery of FDA-Approved Tosymra to Treat Migraines

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office Covering the Intranasal Delivery of FDA-Approved Tosymra to Treat Migraines

tonix pharmaceuticals宣佈美國專利及商標局授予關於經鼻噴劑遞送經美國FDA批准的Tosymra治療偏頭痛的美國專利。
Tonix Pharmaceuticals ·  09/19 12:00

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office Covering the Intranasal Delivery of FDA-Approved Tosymra to Treat Migraines

tonix pharmaceuticals宣佈美國專利及商標局授予關於經鼻噴劑遞送經美國FDA批准的Tosymra治療偏頭痛的美國專利。

September 19, 2024 7:00am EDT Download as PDF

New patent expected to expire in 2030


Tosymra (sumatriptan nasal spray) 10mg is indicated and marketed for the acute treatment of migraine in adults

Tosymra (舒馬曲坦鼻噴霧劑) 10毫克適用於成人急性偏頭痛的治療和銷售

CHATHAM, N.J., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: TNXP) (Tonix or the Company), a fully-integrated biopharmaceutical company with marketed products and a pipeline of development candidates, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued U.S. Patent No. 12,090,139 to the Company on September, 17, 2024. The patent, entitled "Formulations Comprising Triptan Compounds", claims a pharmaceutical composition, a method of treating migraine via intranasal administration, and an intranasal delivery system for Tosymra. This patent, excluding possible patent term extensions, is expected to expire in 2030.

CHATHAm,新澤西州,2024年9月19日(全球新聞社)-- tonix pharmaceuticals控股公司(納斯達克:TNXP) (Tonix或公司),一家擁有在售產品和開發候選藥物管線的全面一體化生物製品公司,今天宣佈,美國專利和商標局於2024年9月17日向該公司頒發了美國專利第12,090,139號。該專利名爲"含曲坦類化合物的配方",主張通過鼻內給藥治療偏頭痛的藥物組合、一種途徑以鼻內給藥治療偏頭痛的方法以及Tosymra的nasal給藥系統。預期該專利(除了可能的專利期延長)將在2030年到期。

"We believe this patent further solidifies Tosymra in the market as a differentiated drug with a differentiated administration method," said Seth Lederman, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of Tonix Pharmaceuticals. "This new patent targets specific delivery and composition. We are thrilled to have these additional issued patent claims, which add to the intellectual property protection existing for Tosymra."

「我們相信這項專利進一步鞏固了Tosymra作爲一種具有差異化治療方法的差異化藥物在市場上的地位,」Tonix Pharmaceuticals公司首席執行官Seth Lederman博士說道。「這項新專利針對特定的藥物給藥和組成方法。我們對這些額外獲得的專利權利感到非常高興,這進一步加強了爲Tosymra現有的知識產權保護。」

About Migraine


Nearly 40 million people in the United States suffer from migraine1 and it has been recognized as the second leading cause of disability in the world2,3. Migraine is characterized by debilitating attacks lasting four to 72 hours with multiple symptoms, including pulsating headaches of moderate to severe pain intensity often associated with nausea or vomiting, and/or sensitivity to sound (phonophobia) and sensitivity to light (photophobia)4.


1Law, H. Z., Chung, M. H., Nissan, G., Janis, J. E., & Amirlak, B. (2020). Hospital Burden of Migraine in United States Adults: A 15-year National Inpatient Sample Analysis. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 8(4), e2790.

1Law, H. Z., Chung萬. H., Nissan, G., Janis, J. E., & Amirlak億. (2020). 美國成年人偏頭痛在醫院的負擔:15年全國住院樣本分析。整形外科和重建外科. 全球開放, 8(4), e2790。

2GBD 2016 Headache Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of migraine and tension-type headache, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol 2018;17(11):954-976.

2GBD 2016頭痛合作者。全球、區域和國家偏頭痛和緊張性頭痛的負擔,1990-2016:全球疾病負擔研究2016的系統分析。 《柳葉刀·神經學》 2018年;17(11):954-976。

3Steiner, T.J., Stovner, L.J., Jensen, R. et al. Lifting the Burden: the Global Campaign against Headache. Migraine remains second among the world's causes of disability, and first among young women: findings from GBD2019. J Headache Pain 21, 137 (2020).

3Steiner萬億.J.,斯托夫納,L.J.,詹森,R.等。減輕負擔:全球抗擊頭痛運動。偏頭痛仍然是世界上致殘的第二大原因,在年輕女性中排名第一:來自GBD2019的發現。 《頭痛》 21,137(2020)。

4Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society (IHS). The international classification of headache disorders, 3rd edition. Cephalalgia. 2018;38(1):1–211.

4國際頭痛學會(IHS)頭痛分類委員會。頭痛障礙的國際分類,第3版。《頭痛》。 2018年; 38(1):1–211。

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.*

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.*

Tonix is a fully integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on transforming therapies for pain management and modernizing solutions for public health challenges. Tonix's development portfolio is focused on central nervous system (CNS) disorders, and its priority is to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the FDA in October 2024 for TNX-102 SL, a product candidate for which two statistically significant Phase 3 studies have been completed for the management of fibromyalgia. The FDA has granted Fast Track designation to TNX-102 SL for the management of fibromyalgia. TNX-102 SL is also being developed to treat acute stress reaction. Tonix's CNS portfolio includes TNX-1300 (cocaine esterase), a biologic in Phase 2 development designed to treat cocaine intoxication that has Breakthrough Therapy designation. Tonix's immunology development portfolio consists of biologics to address organ transplant rejection, autoimmunity and cancer, including TNX-1500, which is a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting CD40-ligand (CD40L or CD154) being developed for the prevention of allograft rejection and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Tonix also has product candidates in development in the areas of rare disease, including TNX-2900 for Prader-Willi syndrome, and infectious disease, including a vaccine for mpox, TNX-801. Tonix recently announced the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) awarded it a contract for up to $34 million over five years in an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) to develop TNX-4200, small molecule broad-spectrum antiviral agents targeting CD45 for the prevention or treatment of infections to improve the medical readiness of military personnel in biological threat environments. Tonix owns and operates a state-of-the art infectious disease research facility in Frederick, MD, instrumental in progressing this development. Tonix Medicines, our commercial subsidiary, markets Zembrace SymTouch (sumatriptan injection) 3 mg and Tosymra (sumatriptan nasal spray) 10 mg for the treatment of acute migraine with or without aura in adults.

Tonix是一家完全整合的生物製藥公司,專注於改變疼痛管理療法並現代化應對公共衛生挑戰的解決方案。Tonix的研發組合主要集中在中樞神經系統(CNS)障礙上,其優先事項是在2024年10月向FDA提交TNX-102 SL的新藥申請(NDA),該產品候選藥物已完成兩項統計學顯著性的三期研究,用於纖維肌痛的管理。FDA已授予TNX-102 SL用於纖維肌痛的快速通道專利。TNX-102 SL也正在開發用於治療急性應激反應。Tonix的CNS產品組合包括TNX-1300(可卡因酯酶),這是一種生物製品,處於二期開發階段,旨在治療可卡因中毒,並已獲得突破性治療專利。Tonix的免疫學研發組合包括生物製品,用於治療器官移植排斥、自身免疫和癌症,包括TNX-1500,這是一種人源單克隆抗體,靶向CD40配體(CD40L或CD154),用於預防異體移植物排斥和治療自身免疫性疾病。Tonix還在罕見病領域和傳染病領域開發產品候選藥物,包括TNX-2900用於威利-普拉德綜合徵,以及mpox的疫苗,TNX-801。Tonix最近宣佈美國國防部(DoD),國防威脅削減局(DTRA)向其授予了一份合同,金額高達3400萬美元,爲期五年,以其他交易協議(OTA)開發針對CD45的小分子廣譜抗病毒藥物,旨在預防或治療生物威脅環境中的感染,以提高軍事人員的醫療應對能力。Tonix在馬里蘭州弗裏德里克擁有一家先進的傳染病研究設施,對此項研究的進展起着重要作用。Tonix Medicines是我們的商業子公司,市場上銷售Zembrace SymTouch(縮宮素注射液)3毫克和Tosymra(縮宮素鼻噴霧)10毫克,用於成年人急性偏頭痛的治療,無論是否伴有先兆。

*Tonix's product development candidates are investigational new drugs or biologics and have not been approved for any indication.


Zembrace SymTouch and Tosymra are registered trademarks of Tonix Medicines. All other marks are property of their respective owners.

Zembrace SymTouch和Tosymra是Tonix Medicines的註冊商標,其他所有商標均爲其各自所有者的財產。

This press release and further information about Tonix can be found at .


Forward Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "anticipate," "believe," "forecast," "estimate," "expect," and "intend," among others. These forward-looking statements are based on Tonix's current expectations and actual results could differ materially. There are a number of factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, risks related to the failure to obtain FDA clearances or approvals and noncompliance with FDA regulations; risks related to the failure to successfully market any of our products; risks related to the timing and progress of clinical development of our product candidates; our need for additional financing; uncertainties of patent protection and litigation; uncertainties of government or third party payor reimbursement; limited research and development efforts and dependence upon third parties; and substantial competition. As with any pharmaceutical under development, there are significant risks in the development, regulatory approval and commercialization of new products. Tonix does not undertake an obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement. Investors should read the risk factors set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on April 1, 2024, and periodic reports filed with the SEC on or after the date thereof. All of Tonix's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified by all such risk factors and other cautionary statements. The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date thereof.


Investor Contact


Jessica Morris
Tonix Pharmaceuticals
(862) 904-8182

Jessica Morris
tonix pharmaceuticals
(862) 904-8182

Peter Vozzo
ICR Westwicke
(443) 213-0505

Peter Vozzo
ICR Westwicke
(443) 213-0505

Media Contact


Ray Jordan
Putnam Insights
(949) 245-5432


Tosymra (sumatriptan nasal spray): IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION


Tosymra can cause serious side effects, including heart attack and other heart problems, which may lead to death. Stop Tosymra and get emergency medical help if you have any signs of heart attack:


  • discomfort in the center of your chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back
  • severe tightness, pain, pressure, or heaviness in your chest, throat, neck, or jaw
  • pain or discomfort in your arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach
  • shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort
  • breaking out in a cold sweat
  • nausea or vomiting
  • feeling lightheaded
  • 胸部中央不適感持續幾分鐘以上或消失又復發
  • 漸進性外周血管病,包括腿部、手臂、胃部或腎臟的血管狹窄 未得到控制的高血壓 嚴重肝臟問題 偏癱性或基底動脈型偏頭痛。如果您不確定是否有這些問題,請詢問您的醫療服務提供者。
  • 在胸部中央出現持續幾分鐘甚至反覆出現的不適或疼痛 胸部、喉嚨、頸部或下頜的嚴重緊束感、疼痛、壓力或沉重感 手臂、背部、頸部、下頜或胃部的疼痛或不適 伴或不伴胸部不適的氣促 出汗 噁心或嘔吐 頭暈
  • 在胸部中央出現持續幾分鐘甚至反覆出現的不適或疼痛 胸部、喉嚨、頸部或下頜的嚴重緊束感、疼痛、壓力或沉重感 手臂、背部、頸部、下頜或胃部的疼痛或不適 伴或不伴胸部不適的氣促 出汗 噁心或嘔吐 頭暈
  • 在胸部中央出現持續幾分鐘甚至反覆出現的不適或疼痛 胸部、喉嚨、頸部或下頜的嚴重緊束感、疼痛、壓力或沉重感 手臂、背部、頸部、下頜或胃部的疼痛或不適 伴或不伴胸部不適的氣促 出汗 噁心或嘔吐 頭暈
  • 在胸部中央出現持續幾分鐘甚至反覆出現的不適或疼痛 胸部、喉嚨、頸部或下頜的嚴重緊束感、疼痛、壓力或沉重感 手臂、背部、頸部、下頜或胃部的疼痛或不適 伴或不伴胸部不適的氣促 出汗 噁心或嘔吐 頭暈
  • 在胸部中央出現持續幾分鐘甚至反覆出現的不適或疼痛 胸部、喉嚨、頸部或下頜的嚴重緊束感、疼痛、壓力或沉重感 手臂、背部、頸部、下頜或胃部的疼痛或不適 伴或不伴胸部不適的氣促 出汗 噁心或嘔吐 頭暈

Tosymra is not for people with risk factors for heart disease (high blood pressure or cholesterol, smoking, overweight, diabetes, family history of heart disease) unless a heart exam is done and shows no problem.


Do not use Tosymra if you have:


  • history of heart problems
  • narrowing of blood vessels to your legs, arms, stomach, or kidney (peripheral vascular disease)
  • uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • severe liver problems
  • hemiplegic or basilar migraines. If you are not sure if you have these, ask your healthcare provider.
  • had a stroke, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), or problems with blood circulation
  • taken any of the following medicines in the last 24 hours: almotriptan, eletriptan, frovatriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan, ergotamines, or dihydroergotamine. Ask your provider if you are not sure if your medicine is listed above.
  • are taking certain antidepressants, known as monoamine oxidase (MAO)-A inhibitors or it has been 2 weeks or less since you stopped taking a MAO-A inhibitor. Ask your provider for a list of these medicines if you are not sure.
  • an allergy to sumatriptan or any ingredient in Tosymra
  • 心臟問題史
  • 漸進性外周血管病,包括腿部、手臂、胃部或腎臟的血管狹窄
  • 未得到控制的高血壓
  • 嚴重肝臟問題
  • 偏癱性或基底動脈型偏頭痛。如果您不確定是否有這些問題,請詢問您的醫療服務提供者。
  • 曾經患中風、短暫性腦缺血發作(TIA)或血液循環問題
  • 在過去24小時內是否服用了以下任何藥物:阿爾莫曲普坦、依那曲普坦、佛法曲普坦、那拉曲普坦、利扎曲普坦、麥角胺或二氫麥角胺。如果您不確定您的藥物是否在上述名單中,請諮詢您的醫生。
  • 是否服用某些抗抑鬱藥物,即單胺氧化酶(MAO)-A 抑制劑,或者自您停止服用 MAO-A 抑制劑不足2周。如果您不確定這些藥物的名單,請諮詢您的醫生。
  • 對舒馬曲坦或Tosymra中的任何成分過敏

Tell your provider about all of your medical conditions and medicines you take, including vitamins and supplements.


Tosymra can cause dizziness, weakness, or drowsiness. If so, do not drive a car, use machinery, or do anything where you need to be alert.


Tosymra may cause serious side effects including:


  • changes in color or sensation in your fingers and toes
  • sudden or severe stomach pain, stomach pain after meals, weight loss, nausea or vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, fever
  • cramping and pain in your legs or hips, feeling of heaviness or tightness in your leg muscles, burning or aching pain in your feet or toes while resting, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your legs, cold feeling or color changes in one or both legs or feet
  • increased blood pressure including a sudden severe increase even if you have no history of high blood pressure
  • medication overuse headaches from using migraine medicine for 10 or more days each month. If your headaches get worse, call your provider.
  • serotonin syndrome, a rare but serious problem that can happen in people using Tosymra, especially when used with anti-depressant medicines called SSRIs or SNRIs. Call your provider right away if you have: mental changes such as seeing things that are not there (hallucinations), agitation, or coma; fast heartbeat; changes in blood pressure; high body temperature; tight muscles; or trouble walking.
  • hives (itchy bumps); swelling of your tongue, mouth, or throat
  • seizures even in people who have never had seizures before
  • 手指和腳趾的顏色或感覺變化
  • 突然或劇烈的腹痛、餐後腹痛、體重減輕、噁心或嘔吐、便秘或腹瀉、便血、發燒
  • 腿部或髖部抽筋和疼痛、腿肌肉沉重或緊繃感、腳或腳趾休息時灼熱或疼痛、腿部麻木、刺痛或無力,一條或兩條腿或腳的寒冷感或顏色變化
  • 血壓上升,包括突然嚴重增高,即使您沒有高血壓病史
  • 如果你的頭痛變得更嚴重,請立即聯繫你的醫生。
  • 血清素綜合症是一種罕見但嚴重的問題,可能發生在使用Tosymra的人身上,尤其是與稱爲SSRI或SNRI的抗抑鬱藥物同時使用時。如果您出現以下情況,請立即聯繫您的提供者:精神改變,如看到不存在的東西(幻覺),激動或昏迷; 心跳加快; 血壓變化; 體溫升高; 肌肉緊張; 或行走困難。
  • 蕁麻疹(癢癢的小丘疹);舌頭、口腔或喉嚨腫脹
  • 甚至會導致從未有過癲癇發作的人也發生癲癇發作

The most common side effects of Tosymra include: tingling, dizziness, feeling warm or hot, burning feeling, feeling of heaviness, feeling of pressure, flushing, feeling of tightness, numbness, application site (nasal) reactions, abnormal taste, and throat irritation.


Tell your provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. These are not all the possible side effects of Tosymra. For more information, ask your provider.


This is the most important information to know about Tosymra but is not comprehensive. For more information, talk to your provider and read the Patient Information and Instructions for Use. You can also visit or call 1-888-650-3789.

這是有關Tosymra最重要的信息,但不是詳盡的。欲了解更多信息,請與您的醫生溝通,並閱讀患者信息和使用說明。您還可以訪問 或撥打 1-888-650-3789。

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit , or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

鼓勵您向FDA報告處方藥的負面副作用。請訪問 或撥打 1-800-FDA-1088。

Tosymra is a prescription medicine used to treat acute migraine headaches with or without aura in adults.


Tosymra is not used to treat other types of headaches such as hemiplegic or basilar migraines or cluster headaches.


Tosymra is not used to prevent migraines. It is not known if Tosymra is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.



Source: Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.

Released September 19, 2024


