
We Remain in Early Stage of AGI Transformation as AI Potential Is Underestimated: Alibaba CEO

We Remain in Early Stage of AGI Transformation as AI Potential Is Underestimated: Alibaba CEO

鈦媒體 ·  09/20 10:33

TMTPost -- Alibaba Group CEO Eddie Wu beleives artificial intelligence (AI) has much more potential than people expected and a profound transformation of artificial general intelligence (AGI) , AI with capabilities that rival those of a human, is just in its bud burst.

TMTPost -- 阿里巴巴(臨時代碼)集團首席執行官Eddie Wu相信人工智能(人工智能)的潛力遠超人們的預期,人工通用智能(AGI)的深刻轉變,即能與人類媲美的AI,正處於萌芽期。


Credit:Alibaba Cloud


"The pace of AI development over the past 22 months has surpassed any historical period, yet we remain in the early stages of the AGI transformation," Wu said in a keynote at Apsara Conference 2024, an annual tech event organized by Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group (Alibaba Cloud). "Historical experience tells us that we always overestimate the short term and underestimate the long term. Our current imaginations about AI may be underestimations," Wu pointed out

「過去22個月人工智能發展的速度超過了任何歷史時期,但我們仍處於人工通用智能轉變的早期階段,」吳在阿里雲智能集團(阿里巴巴雲計算)組織的年度科技活動Apsara Conference 2024上發表主題演講時說。「歷史經驗告訴我們,我們總是高估短期而低估長期。我們目前對人工智能的想象可能是低估的,」吳指出。

In Wu's view, the most significant opportunity for generative AI lies far more than one or two new killer applications for a smartphone, instead, the technology will take over the digital world and transform the physical world. "Last year, large models could only assist programmers in writing simple code; today, they can directly comprehend requirements and complete complex programming tasks. While their mathematical prowess was at a high school level last year, it has now reached a level comparable to Fields medalists. They are nearing proficiency at levels equivalent to Ph.D. degrees in disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and biology," Wu said.

吳認爲,生成式人工智能最重要的機會遠不止爲智能手機開發一兩個新的殺手級應用程序,相反,這項技術將接管數字世界並改變物理世界。「去年,大型模型只能幫助程序員編寫簡單的代碼; 如今,它們能直接理解需求並完成複雜的編程任務。而它們的數學才能去年只能達到高中水平,現在已經達到了與菲爾茲獎得主相媲美的水平。它們正接近於在物理、化學和生物等學科上達到相當於博士學位水平的專業水準,」吳說。

Aspara Conference, an event kicked off in Hangzhou Yunqi Town, China, Thursday, saw Alibaba Cloud's release of over 100 of its newly-launched large language models, Qwen 2.5, to the global open-source community.The newly released open-source Qwen 2.5 models, ranging from 0.5 to 72 billion parameters in size, feature enhanced knowledge and stronger capabilities in math and coding and support over 29 languages, catering to a wide array of AI applications both at the edge or in the cloud across various sectors from automobile, gaming to science research.

阿斯帕拉大會於週四在中國杭州雲棲小鎮啓動,阿里巴巴雲宣佈向全球開源社區發佈了超過100款新發布的大型語言模型Qwen 2.5。這些新發布的開源Qwen 2.5模型大小從0.5到720億參數不等,具有增強的知識和更強的數學編碼能力,並支持29種以上的語言,旨在滿足廣泛的AI應用需求,無論是在邊緣還是雲中,涉及從汽車、遊戲到科學研究等各個領域。

Wu noted Qwen's open-source Qwen2 swiftly topped Hugging Face's global open-source model rankings in June this year. On Hugging Face, there are nearly 50,000 native and derivative models of Qwen, ranking second globally in terms of model number. The ModelScope community of Alibaba Cloud hosts over 10,000 models and serves more than 6.9 million developers.

吳指出,Qwen的開源Qwen2在今年6月迅速登頂赫根臉書全球開源模型排行榜。在赫根臉書上, Qwen有近5萬個原生和派生模型,按模型數量全球排名第二。阿里巴巴雲的ModelScope社區擁有超過1萬款模型,爲690萬開發人員提供服務。


Wu said Alibaba Cloud will continue to further reduce user costs to promote AI adption as the cost of inference is a critical factor for application proliferation. In the past year, the price of Qwen API on Alibaba Cloud's Model Studio has dropped by 97%. The lowest cost for deploying a million Tokens is now just RMB 0.50 (US$00.007). "The cost of model inference has decreased exponentially, outpacing the cadence of Moore's Law," Wu said.

吳說,阿里巴巴雲將繼續進一步降低用戶成本,以推動人工智能的採納,因爲推論成本是應用普及的關鍵因素。在過去的一年中,阿里巴巴雲模型工作室的Qwen API價格下降了97%。部署100萬個令牌的最低成本現在僅爲0.50元人民幣(約0.007美元)。「模型推論成本呈指數級下降,超過了摩爾定律的節奏」,吳說。

Moreover, the AI development is only the beginning. To achieve true AGI, the next generation of models must possess a larger, more universal, more generalized knowledge system, and more complex and multi-layered logical reasoning capabilities, Wu said. He predicted the threshold for building the world's advanced models and staying competitive will reach billions or even tens of billions of U.S. dollars. "The path for AI to possess creative abilities and help humans solve complex problems is clear, unlocking the potential for AI's broad application across various industries and scenarios," said Wu.

此外,人工智能的發展只是一個開始。吳說,爲了實現真正的AGI,下一代模型必須擁有更大、更普遍、更通用的知識體系,以及更復雜和多層次的邏輯推理能力。他預測,構建世界先進模型和保持競爭力的門檻將達到數十億甚至數千億美元。「人工智能具備創造性能力,並幫助人類解決複雜問題的道路是清晰的,釋放人工智能在各行各業和各種場景中廣泛應用的潛力,」 吳說。

The evolution of AI computing is accelerating and becoming the dominant force in computing architecture as Alibaba has seen that over 50% of new computing power demand stems from AI, and AI computing needs are at the forefront of demand. Despite Alibaba Cloud's substantial investments in AI computing capacity over the past year, it still falls short of meeting our customers' voracious demand, according to Au.


Wu stressed Alibaba Cloud is investing, with unprecedented intensity, in the research and development of AI technology and the building of its global infrastructure. "Historically, people often overestimate the short-term impact of technological revolutions while underestimating its long-term implications," said Wu. "During the early stages of new technology adoption, with low penetration rates and no personal experiences to draw upon, skepticism is natural. This technology will grow despite your skepticism, and you risk missing out on significant trends if you hesitate."

吳強調,阿里巴巴雲正在以前所未有的強度投資於人工智能技術的研發和全球基礎設施建設。「歷史上,人們常常高估技術革命的短期影響,同時低估其長期影響,」 吳說。「在新技術採納的早期階段,由於滲透率低,沒有個人經驗可依據,懷疑是自然的。儘管你對此技術持懷疑態度,但該技術將會增長,如果你猶豫不決,你將錯失重大趨勢。」

