
Alibaba All-In on AI Infrastructure With Release of Over 100 Open-Source Models

Alibaba All-In on AI Infrastructure With Release of Over 100 Open-Source Models

鈦媒體 ·  09/20 09:39

TMTPost -- Alibaba Group showcases its determination of all-in on artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure at Apsara Conference 2024, an annual tech event organized by Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group (Alibaba Cloud) in Hangzhou Yunqi Town, China.



Credit:Alibaba Cloud


Alibaba Cloud announced Thursday it has released over 100 of its newly-launched large language models, Qwen 2.5, to the global open-source community.The newly released open-source Qwen 2.5 models, ranging from 0.5 to 72 billion parameters in size, feature enhanced knowledge and stronger capabilities in math and coding and support over 29 languages, catering to a wide array of AI applications both at the edge or in the cloud across various sectors from automobile, gaming to science research.

阿里雲週四宣佈,已向全球開源社區發佈了100多個新推出的大型語言模型Qwen 2.5。這些新發布的開源Qwen 2.5模型,大小從0.5到720億參數不等,具有增強的知識和更強的數學和編碼能力,並支持超過29種語言,適用於各個領域的AI應用,無論是在邊緣還是雲端,從汽車、遊戲到科學研究等各個領域。

As Alibaba Cloud's portfolio of proprietary large language models, the Qwen model series have achieved remarkable traction since its debut in April 2023, according to the cloud unit. To date, the Qwen models have surpassed 40 million downloads across platforms such as Hugging Face and ModelScope, an open-source community initiative by Alibaba. Furthermore, these models have inspired the creation of over 50,000 models on Hugging Face.

根據雲端單元的說法,作爲阿里雲的專有大型語言模型組合,Qwen模型系列自2023年4月首次亮相以來,取得了顯著的進展。截至目前,Qwen模型在Hugging Face和ModelScope等平台上的下載量已超過4000萬次,後者是阿里巴巴的開源社區倡議。此外,這些模型激發了Hugging Face上超過5萬個模型的創建。

The latest Qwen version, Qwen 2.5, was unveiled with over 100 models being made open-source. This extensive range includes base models, instruct models, and quantized models of various precision levels and methods, spanning different modalities such as language, audio, and vision, along with specialized code and mathematical models.

最新的Qwen版本Qwen 2.5 推出了100多個開源模型。 這一廣泛的範圍包括各種精度級別和方法的基礎模型、指導模型和量化模型,涵蓋不同模態,如語言、音頻和視覺,以及專門的代碼和數學模型。

"Today marks a significant milestone as we launch our most expansive open-source initiative to date," said Jingren Zhou, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Alibaba Cloud. "This initiative is set to empower developers and corporations of all sizes, enhancing their ability to leverage AI technologies and further stimulating the growth of the open-source community. We remain committed to investing in advanced AI infrastructure to foster the widespread adoption of generative AI technologies across different industries."


Alibaba Cloud announced an upgrade to its proprietary flagship model Qwen-Max at Apsara Conference 2024. The enhanced Qwen-Max model demonstrates performance on par with other state-of-the-art models in areas such as language comprehension and reasoning, math, and coding.


In addition to an extensive suite of large language models, Alibaba Cloud also presented a new text-to-video model as part of its image generator, Tongyi Wanxiang large model family. The new model is capable of generating high-quality videos in a wide variety of visual styles from realistic scenes to 3D animation. The model can generate videos based on Chinese and English text instruction and transform static images into dynamic videos. The model features advanced diffusion transformer (DiT) architecture to enhance video reconstruction quality.


At its annual flagship event, Alibaba Cloud announced a slew of updates to its full-stack AI infrastructure covering green datacenter architecture, data management, model training and inferencing. First, It revealed its next-generation data center architecture, CUBE DC 5.0. The new CUBE architecture increases energy and operational efficiency and and reduces deployment times by up to 50% compared to traditional data center builds through prefabricated modular designs.

在其年度旗艦活動中,阿里巴巴雲宣佈對其涵蓋綠色數據中心架構、數據管理、模型訓練和推理的全棧AI基礎設施進行了一系列更新。首先,它揭示了其下一代數據中心架構CUBE DC 5.0。新的CUBE架構通過預製模塊化設計,提高了能源和運營效率,將部署時間縮短了高達50%,與傳統數據中心建設相比。

Second, Alibaba Cloud introduces Alibaba Cloud Open Lake which can seamlessly integrate big data engines into a unified solution, maximizing data utility especially for generative AI applications. has launched PAI AI Scheduler with integrated model training and inference, a proprietary cloud-native scheduling engine designed to enhance computing resource management. The AI Scheduler can achieve over 90% of effective compute utilization rate.

其次,阿里巴巴雲推出了阿里巴巴雲 Opelake,可以將大數據引擎無縫集成到統一解決方案中,最大限度地提高數據效用,尤其適用於生成式AI應用。推出了PAI AI Scheduler,擁有集成的模型訓練和推理,這是一款專有的雲原生調度引擎,旨在增強計算資源管理。AI Scheduler可以實現90%以上的有效計算利用率。


Third, Alibaba Cloud introduced DMS: OneMeta+OneOps, a platform that enables a unified management of over 40 types of data sources in database, data warehouse, and data lake across multiple cloud environments. The platform will boost data utilization rate by 10 times, significantly enhancing the efficiency of transforming data into valuable intelligence.


Last but not least, Alibaba Cloud introduced the 9th Generation Enterprise Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance during the conference. The latest generation of ECS instances has notable performance enhancements, including a 30% increase in search recommendation speed and a 17% improvement in the effectiveness of reading and writing Queries Per Second (QPS) when applying to database products compared to the previous generation.


