
My Plan to Reach $5,000 a Year in RRSP Passive Income by 2025

My Plan to Reach $5,000 a Year in RRSP Passive Income by 2025

The Motley Fool ·  09/20 09:15

Recently, I hit a new income milestone in my portfolio:


$3,873.64 in projected dividend and interest income per year. Thanks in no small part to some well-timed guaranteed investment certificate (GIC) investments, my portfolio income ramped up dramatically in the last 12 months. Through 2023 and early 2024, it was easy to get GICs yielding 5%, sometimes even 5.5%. With the Bank of Canada now cutting interest rates, yields that high are no longer available risk free. However, I plan to keep buying GICs as long as the yields are over 3%, as the recent inflation rate was close to 2%, meaning that GICs still provide nearly risk-free, positive, real returns.


Given the amount of dividend and interest income I'm earning now, I decided to set $5,000 per year as my passive income goal for 2025. In this article, I'll explore how I plan to get there.

考慮到我目前賺取的股息和利息收入金額,我決定將2025年的 pass普通收入目標設定爲每年5,000美元。在本文中,我將探討我計劃如何實現這一目標。

Guaranteed investment certificates


As mentioned previously, GICs were the single biggest contributor to my big jump in passive income in 2023 and 2024. I plan to continue buying GICs, mainly by re-investing my existing ones as they mature. I might also cash out some stocks and put the money into GICs. GIC yields are likely to trend downward in the months ahead, but on the flip-side, I have a lot of profitable stock positions that I can trim or exit to increase my total amount invested in GICs.

如前所述,GIC是我2023年和2024年 pass花收入大幅增長的主要貢獻者。我打算繼續購買GIC,主要是通過再投資到期的現有證書。我還可能賣掉一些股票,將錢投入GIC。未來幾個月,GIC的收益率可能會下降,但另一方面,我有很多盈利的股票頭寸可以減持或退出,以增加我在GIC中的總投資額。



After GICs, the asset class that's funding most of my passive income is stocks.

在GIC之後,支持我大部分 pass花收入的資產類別是股票。

One stock that is currently adding a lot of passive income to my portfolio is The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX:TD). It is Canada's second largest bank, a company whose shares I have a long history with. I get $510 in dividends per year from this stock. I do not plan to buy anymore TD shares at prices near the current ones, as the stock has been rallying hard despite the company being embroiled in a very risky money laundering investigation.

目前爲我的投資組合提供大量 passive收入的一隻股票是多倫多Domin國銀行(TSX:TD)。它是加拿大第二大銀行,我與該公司的股份有着悠久的歷史。我每年從這隻股票獲得510美元的股息。我沒有計劃在接近現價的情況下再買入TD股份,因爲儘管該公司陷入非常危險的洗錢調查,該股卻一直在大幅上漲。

Why do I like TD stock?


First, the company's operations are doing well. TD would have had the most rapid earnings growth of all big six banks last quarter had it not set aside $3.5 billion for potential fines. I think its earnings growth will really ramp up next year if the money laundering investigation concludes by the end of this year.


Second, I bought most of my TD shares very cheap. I bought most of them at $74; I bought a smaller lot at $78. Today, TD is going for $86. The capital gain here is not massive but it has occurred very rapidly, and is in conjunction with a 5% dividend yield. So I'm going to sit tight with my TD shares.


As far as new stocks go, I'm considering taking a position in First National Financial (TSX:FN). That stock yields 6.3%, meaning that a $20,000 investment in it would provide me with the $1,260 I need to hit $5,000 per year in passive income. I'm still not 100% sure on this stock – I need to figure out how it will respond to the Bank of Canada's ongoing interest rate cuts – but I know that it has some things going for it, such as a cheap valuation and adequate growth.

至於新股票,我正在考慮在第一太平金融(tsx:fn)中開倉。該股票的收益率爲6.3%,這意味着投入2萬美元將爲我提供1260美元的 pass income,以滿足我每年5000美元的 pass income。我對這支股票還不是100%確定,我需要弄清楚它將如何應對加拿大銀行正在進行的利率期貨削減,但我知道它有一些優勢,比如便宜的估值和足夠的增長。



ETFs are the third biggest contributor to my dividend and interest income after stocks and GICs. I own a good bunch of these: broad market ETFs, financial ETFs, emerging market ETFs, and more. One longstanding ETF in my portfolio is the iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index Fund (TSX: XIU). It pays me about $128 per year in dividend income. I might be able to increase my dividend income modestly in 2025 by buying more XIU shares, although in general, my ETF positions have lower yields than my stock positions.

etf 是股票和 gics 後我股息和利率收入的第三大貢獻者。我擁有很多不錯的 etf:大盤 etf、金融 etf、新興市場 etf 等等。我的投資組合中有一隻長揸的 etf 是 ishares s&p/tsx 60 指數基金(tsx: xiu)。它每年爲我提供大約128美元的股息收入。2025年我可能通過購買更多的 xiu 股份,略微增加我的股息收入,儘管總體上說,我的 etf 倉位的收益率低於我的股票倉位。

