


PR Newswire ·  09/20 03:00

The St. Regis New York Welcomes a New Era of Sophistication with Renovated Public Spaces including the Lobby, King Cole Bar and Two Lobby-Level Dining Outlets


NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The St. Regis New York celebrates its 120th year this fall with the debut of an extensive redesign and renovation, marking a new chapter of glamour and sophistication. With revamped public spaces including the lobby, King Cole Bar, and two new dining locations, The St. Regis New York unveils a striking new era at Manhattan's best address. The renovation reflects the hotel's enduring legacy reborn for today's global traveler with a modern aesthetic led by renowned design firm Champalimaud Design.

紐約,2024年9月19日 /美通社/ — 紐約瑞吉酒店將在今年秋季迎來120週年,推出全面改造和翻新,標誌着魅力與精緻的新篇章。經過重新設計的公共空間包括大堂、金·科爾酒吧和兩個全新的餐廳,紐約瑞吉酒店在曼哈頓最佳地址展示了一個引人注目的新時代。這次翻新體現了酒店久經洗練的傳奇,以當今全球旅行者爲中心,採用由知名設計公司Champalimaud Design牽頭的現代美學。

St. Regis New York King Cole Bar

"We are thrilled to debut the exquisite renovation of our very first St. Regis hotel and global flagship, The St. Regis New York, while also celebrating the 120th anniversary of St. Regis – a significant milestone for the brand," said Jenni Benzaquen, Senior Vice President of The Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis, and Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts. "This anniversary reflects our enduring legacy of luxury, personalized service, and contemporary elegance that has captivated guests around the world. As we honor our rich heritage, we remain deeply attuned to the desires of both our loyal guests and the next generation of luxury travelers, ensuring that every experience we offer is as extraordinary and bespoke as it is timeless."

「我們非常高興展示我們的第一家瑞吉酒店和全球旗艦店——紐約瑞吉酒店細緻的翻新,同時也慶祝瑞吉品牌的120週年紀念。」萬豪酒店集團的高級副總裁Jennifer Benzaquen表示,「這一週年紀念反映了我們的奢華傳統、個性化服務和當代優雅,這一傳統吸引了全球客人。在我們紀念豐富的傳統的同時,我們對於忠誠客人和下一代豪華旅行者的願望保持高度敏感,確保我們提供的每一次體驗都像它是永恒的那樣非凡和定製。」

John Jacob Astor IV's vision for The St. Regis New York was to create a hotel which rivaled the finest hotels in Europe, where his close friends and family could feel as though they were guests in a private home. The hotel quickly became the center of Manhattan social life, and the headquarters for the original "Caroline's 400" – the elite social group designated by Astor's mother and society doyenne, Caroline Astor. Throughout its rich 120-year history, The St. Regis New York has invariably attracted the most glamorous, creative and intriguing personalities of each era from Salvador Dali to Marilyn Monroe, and served as the birthplace for cultural moments from the invention of the Bloody Mary cocktail to iconic jazz performances on the hotel's rooftop as well as the backdrop for iconic scenes in film and television.


"Since 1904, The St. Regis New York has stood as a beacon for generations of global travelers looking to be in the center of Manhattan and surround themselves in the timeless allure which has defined the Fifth Avenue icon from its founding by John Jacob Astor IV," said General Manager Octavia Marginean- Tahiroglu. "The renovation signals a milestone moment for the cherished New York City icon as we present our masterfully redesigned public spaces this fall – in our 120th anniversary year."

自1904年以來,紐約瑞吉酒店一直是全球旅行者的燈塔,他們希望置身於曼哈頓的中心,並沉浸在這個自從約翰·雅各布·阿斯特四世創辦以來一直定義紐約第五大街標誌性地標的不朽魅力中,”總經理Octavia Marginean-Tahiroglu說道。「整修爲這個珍愛的紐約城標誌性建築帶來了一個里程碑時刻,今年秋天我們將呈現重新設計的公共空間,正值酒店成立120週年。」

Led by Champalimaud Design, The St. Regis New York's redesigned public spaces embrace the design legacy of the hotel as well as its original Beaux-Arts architecture, while transforming it into a lavish urban heaven that would feel like home for the Astor family in the 21st century. This fresh and exciting approach brings together heritage design elements, including Waterford crystal chandeliers and original crown moldings, reinvented by the introduction of modern furnishings, layered textures and a rich color palette.

由Champalimaud Design領導,紐約瑞吉酒店重新設計的公共空間融合了酒店的設計傳統和原始的法國藝術建築風格,同時將其轉變爲一個奢華的城市天堂,讓阿斯特家族在21世紀感受賓至如歸的感覺。這種全新而令人興奮的方法將傳統設計元素,包括Waterford水晶吊燈和原始的花冠線條,與現代傢俱、層次紋理和豐富的色彩相結合,重新塑造出一個新的面貌。

"We have created spaces with energy and splendor, layering the classic architecture with contemporary elements, reinvigorating the hotel with magic, as the Astors had done when the hotel first opened," said Alexandra Champalimaud. "The public spaces will have a sense of openness and a palette featuring emerald greens and red rose tones that evoke the grandeur of the Astors' legacy."

「我們創造了充滿活力和壯麗的空間,將經典建築與現代元素相融合,爲酒店注入了魔力,就像阿斯特家族在酒店首次開業時所做的那樣,」Alexandra Champalimaud說道。「公共空間將擁有開放感,以神祕的翡翠綠色和紅色玫瑰色調爲基調,喚起阿斯特家族的傳奇宏偉。」

Guests step off Fifth Avenue into the world of St. Regis through the original gilded rotating doors to discover the iconic lobby, now infused with fresh touches and updated furnishings. During the process of the renovation, the reception area's original exterior facing windows were discovered and restored, incorporating a stained-glass window based on the room's original 1905 Tiffany window design. The original cages that housed the front desk have also been restored and reimagined into the walls behind the reception desk area. The new color scheme adds lightness with a cloud-dappled ceiling, a simplified floor pattern in keeping with the original architecture, and neutral walls accented with pops of red area rugs inspired by Caroline Astor's favorite flower, the American Beauty Rose. Now expanded with an open floor plan, the lobby extends into a welcome area, housing the concierge team, which features deep aquamarine walls and custom hand painted wallcoverings featuring peacocks, a nod to one of the original 1920s murals featured at the hotel created in collaboration with de Gournay. The space's original Tiffany & Co. Chandelier hangs above modern furnishings, epitomizing the juxtaposition of old and new within the revitalized public spaces.

客人從第五大道邁入瑞吉的世界,穿過原始金色旋轉門,發現了標誌性的大堂,現在注入了新意和更新的傢俱。在整修過程中,還發現並修復了接待區外面的原始玻璃窗,包括一個基於該房間原始1905年的蒂芙尼窗設計的彩色玻璃窗。收銀臺後面的牆壁上也恢復並重新設計了原始的籠子。新的色彩方案通過雲朵般的天花板、與原始建築相一致的簡化地板圖案以及以根紅若花區域地毯爲亮點的中立牆壁,添加了輕盈感。現在通過一個開放式樓層平面圖擴展到一個歡迎區,容納了禮賓團隊,擁有深藍色的牆壁和定製手繪牆紙,上面繪有孔雀,向酒店原始的1920年壁畫致敬,與de Gournay合作創作。空間的原始蒂芙尼吊燈懸掛在現代傢俱上方,體現了煥發活力的公共空間中新與舊的對比。

Move through these welcoming areas and follow the din of conversation floating from the fully reimagined lobby restaurant and lounge, The Drawing Room. The restaurant is swathed in a palette of pink and rose, turquoise, emerald, gold, and accents of black, interpreting colors of the King Cole Bar mural, now a visual centerpiece past glass doors and a new entry staircase. The space is touched with embroidery and fringe details inspired by Caroline Astor's embellished dresses and jewelry, while mirrored walls mimic those of the original Iridium Room. Seating is relaxed and embraces a lounge aesthetic with sumptuous velvet couches and plush armchairs to encourage guests to linger. Off the main dining room, an extended lounge features additional seating tailored toward groups gathering for a more relaxed dining experience. Guests will also discover the original Astor Library's private collection of books, which John Jacob Astor IV had commissioned by Scribner and Sons for the hotel. The incredible collection is now on display in the public spaces for the first time ever, encased in new dark wood bookcases reminiscent of their former home on the hotel's 2nd Floor.

穿過這些熱情的區域,跟隨從全新設計的大堂餐廳和休息廳The Drawing Room飄來的談話聲。餐廳以粉紅、玫瑰、青綠、emerald、黃金和黑色的調色板裝點,詮釋了King Cole酒吧壁畫的色彩,現在成爲玻璃門和新進口樓梯的視覺焦點。空間以刺繡和流蘇裝飾細節爲基調,靈感來自Caroline Astor的裝飾禮服和珠寶,而鏡面牆則模仿了原來的Iridium Room。座位舒適且採用休息室的風格,配有豪華的天鵝絨沙發和舒適的扶手椅,鼓勵客人享受悠閒時光。主餐廳外有一個延伸的休息廳,提供更多的座位,適合團體聚餐和更輕鬆的用餐體驗。客人還可以在公共空間發現原來阿斯特圖書館的私人書籍收藏,這是約翰·雅各布·阿斯特四世委託Scribner and Sons爲酒店定製的。這一令人難以置信的收藏品首次在公共空間展出,嵌入了酒店二樓新的深色木書架中。

Beyond The Drawing Room, guests are invited to rediscover the renowned King Cole Bar, Manhattan's most storied meeting place. While the iconic Maxfield Parish King Cole mural continues to command the space, providing a watchful eye over spirited imbibers, the bar is refreshed with dark wood paneling and a deep green ceiling further softened with scalloped banquettes and lavender tasseled chairs. Accents of bronze and onyx finishings add an additional level of sophistication to the New York institution.

除了The Drawing Room之外,客人還受邀重新發現著名的King Cole酒吧,曼哈頓最有故事的聚會場所。標誌性的Maxfield Parish King Cole壁畫仍然佔據空間,注視着活力四溢的飲酒者,酒吧經過了黑色木鑲板和深綠色的天花板的更新,同時還加入了帶有扇形座椅和薰衣草色簇邊椅的柔和風格。青銅和紅緞石飾面的點綴爲這個紐約地標增添了額外的優雅。

The renovation will also introduce a new dining venue, La Maisonette, serving breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. The bright and airy space creates the feeling of an outdoor pavilion, inspired by the hotel's original breakfast room from the 1910s and French design. Creamy white walls and a recessed skylight brighten the space alongside a palette of soft pinks, burgundy, emerald and turquoise. The space will serve breakfast daily for hotel guests and visitors as well as transform into an afternoon tea salon, a time-honored ritual of The St. Regis New York started by Caroline Astor.

翻新還將引入一個新的餐飲場所La Maisonette,提供早餐、午餐和下午茶。明亮通透的空間營造出戶外露臺的感覺,靈感來自酒店20世紀10年代的早餐室和法式設計。奶白色牆壁和凹陷的天窗讓空間更加明亮,與柔和的粉色、酒紅色、翡翠綠和青綠色調的調色板相得益彰。這個空間將爲酒店客人和遊客提供每天的早餐,同時還會轉變爲下午茶沙龍,這是由Caroline Astor開創的The St. Regis New York的一個歷史悠久的儀式。

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如果需要預訂或更多信息,請訪問 .

About The St. Regis New York


Founded 120 years ago John Jacob Astor IV, The St. Regis New York proudly presents a new era of glamour at Manhattan's best address. With stunning guestrooms, public spaces and the King Cole Bar and Astor Court, the flagship hotel have evolved to reflect the rich history of St. Regis while infusing a timeless allure which has come to define the Fifth Avenue icon. Combining classic elegance with a modern sensibility, the hotel's ongoing legacy comes to life for all of its guests and visitors through continued traditions including jazz performances, signature Bloody Mary cocktails, afternoon teas and the St. Regis Butler Service's uncompromising level of bespoke and anticipatory service. For more information on The St. Regis New York, please visit . Connect with The St. Regis New York on , , and .

紐約瑞吉酒店成立於120年前,由約翰·雅各布·阿斯特四世創建,自豪地呈現了曼哈頓最好的地段上一段光輝歲月的新時代。通過令人驚歎的客房、公共空間、金·科爾酒吧和阿斯特庭院,旗艦酒店演變出了瑞吉酒店的豐富歷史,並融入了一個定義第五大道標誌的永恒魅力。將經典優雅與現代感相結合,酒店的持續傳奇通過繼續的傳統爲所有客人和遊客展現出來,包括爵士表演、招牌血腥瑪麗雞尾酒、下午茶以及瑞吉管家服務的無與倫比的個性化和預期服務水準。有關紐約瑞吉酒店的更多信息,請訪問 。與紐約瑞吉酒店聯繫 , ,和頁面。.

About St. Regis Hotels & Resorts

關於St. Regis Hotels & Resorts

Combining timeless glamour with a vanguard spirit, St. Regis Hotels & Resorts is committed to delivering exquisite experiences at more than nearly 60 luxury hotels and resorts in the best addresses around the world. Beginning with the debut of The St. Regis Hotel in New York by John Jacob Astor IV at the dawn of the twentieth century, the brand has remained committed to an uncompromising level of bespoke and anticipatory service for all of its guests, delivered flawlessly by the signature St. Regis Butler Service. For more information and new openings, visit or follow Instagram and Facebook. St. Regis is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments, and unparalleled benefits including complimentary nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit

St. Regis酒店及度假村將永恒的魅力與前衛的精神相結合,致力於在全球最佳地址的近60家奢華酒店和度假村提供精湛的體驗。從二十世紀初,約翰·雅各布·阿斯特在紐約首次推出St. Regis酒店起,該品牌始終致力於爲所有客人提供毫不妥協的定製和預期服務水平,這是由標誌性的St. Regis管家服務完美地傳遞的。欲了解更多信息和新開業酒店,請訪問 stregis.com或關注 Instagram和頁面。Facebook聖瑞吉酒店很榮幸參與萬豪國際旗下的全球旅行計劃Marriott Bonvoy。該計劃爲會員提供非凡的全球品牌組合,獨特的Moments體驗以及無與倫比的福利,包括免費住宿和精英身份認可。免費註冊或了解更多關於該計劃的信息,請訪問 萬豪禮賞計劃 Moments,以及無與倫比的福利,包括免費住宿和精英身份認可。免費註冊或了解更多關於該計劃的信息,請訪問

SOURCE Marriott International, Inc.





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