
PepsiCo and Intuitive AI Join Forces to Launch Oscar Sort - AI Recycling Sortation and Education Technology First Being Deployed at High-Traffic PepsiCo Customer Locations Across the U.S.

PepsiCo and Intuitive AI Join Forces to Launch Oscar Sort - AI Recycling Sortation and Education Technology First Being Deployed at High-Traffic PepsiCo Customer Locations Across the U.S.

百事可樂和智能人工智能攜手推出奧斯卡 - 人工智能回收分類和教育科技首次在美國百事可樂高客流量客戶地點部署。
百事可樂 ·  09/19 12:00

September 19, 2024 – PURCHASE, NEW YORK — PepsiCo is the first global beverage supplier to partner with Intuitive AI to offer the Oscar Sort AI recycling and sortation system in high-traffic areas across the U.S. Oscar Sort, an AI recycling assistant, will be deployed at several PepsiCo office locations and select customer partner locations in the coming months, which may include recreation, universities, airports, malls and stadiums.

2024年9月19日 - 紐約購買 - 百事可樂成爲首家與Intuitive AI合作的全球飲料供應商,將在美國的高流量區域推出Oscar Sort AI回收和分類系統。Oscar Sort是一款AI回收助手,將在未來幾個月內部署在百事可樂的多個辦公地點和選擇的客戶夥伴地點,這些地點可能包括娛樂場所、高校、機場、商場和體育場。

Oscar Sort identifies materials and guides users to the correct bin to aid in proper disposal, improving overall recycling accuracy. The technology behind Oscar is capable of detecting organic remnants in food containers, guiding people to pour out their liquids, and providing precise disposal instructions for virtually any common materials that are ready to be discarded. Oscar's interactive digital display gamifies the experience and provides real-time feedback to educate consumers.

Oscar Sort可以識別材料並引導用戶放入正確的垃圾箱,提高整體回收精確度。Oscar背後的技術可以檢測食物容器中的有機殘留物,引導人們將液體倒出,併爲幾乎任何常見材料提供精確的處置指南。Oscar的互動數碼顯示屏使體驗具有遊戲化特點,並提供實時反饋以教育消費者。

"PepsiCo is offering Oscar Sort as part of our award-winning pep+ Partners for Tomorrow platform that brings scaled sustainability capabilities to our customers," said Emma Stradling, Senior Director of Sustainability for PepsiCo Beverages North America. "By identifying strategic partners and customer locations where Oscar Sort installation can drive impact, we're aiming to help our customer partners improve their recycling accuracy and increase waste diversion rates at their locations to keep valuable materials in the supply chain."

「百事可樂作爲我們屢獲殊榮的pep+明日合作伙伴計劃的一部分,提供Oscar Sort服務,爲我們的客戶帶來了規模化的可持續性能力,」百事可樂飲料北美區可持續性高級總監Emma Stradling說到,「通過確定戰略合作伙伴和能推動Oscar Sort安裝產生影響的客戶地點,我們旨在幫助我們的客戶合作伙伴提高他們的回收精確性,增加他們所在地點的廢物回收率,以保持寶貴材料在供應鏈中。」

"Partnering with PepsiCo expands Oscar Sort's reach in high-traffic public spaces, accelerating recycling and sustainable media at scale," said Hassan Murad, CEO & Co-Founder of Intuitive AI. "Together, we're aiming to improve circularity and educate consumers in a fun and engaging way."

「與百事可樂合作,將加快Oscar Sort在高流量公共場所中的推廣,促進回收和可持續媒體的規模化,」Intuitive AI的首席執行官兼創始人Hassan Murad表示,「我們共同旨在以有趣和引人入勝的方式改善循環利用並教育消費者。」

PepsiCo is focused on driving additional collection and transparency across the recycling experience. The work with Oscar Sort aims to help consumers make the correct choice on how to dispose of their materials on the front end – at the bin. And, Oscar strengthens PepsiCo's work with material recovery partners like Replenysh – which has helped add more transparency and collection to drive circularity on the back end.

百事可樂專注於推動回收過程中的額外收集和透明度。與Oscar Sort的合作旨在幫助消費者在回收過程的前端 - 即垃圾箱處 - 做出正確的處理選擇。而且,Oscar加強了百事可樂與物料回收合作伙伴(如Replenysh)的合作,後者幫助增加了透明度和回收量以推動循環利用。

About PepsiCo
PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, driven by a complimentary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

關於百事可樂 百事可樂是零食和飲料領域的全球領導者,擁有衆多知名品牌,包括百事、懷特汽水、運動飲料Gatorade、樂事、奇多和多力多滋等。該公司佔據全球鹹味零食市場的主導地位,也是全球第二大飲料供應商(僅次於可口可樂),具有涉及碳痠軟飲料、水、運動飲料及能量飲料等多元化的產品系列。便利食品約佔其總收入的55%,飲料佔其餘部分。百事可樂在美國和境外擁有大部分製造和銷售能力。國際市場佔其總銷售額的40%,運營利潤的三分之一。

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with pep+ (PepsiCo Positive). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. For more information, visit , and follow on X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @PepsiCo.


About Intuitive AI
Intuitive AI's vision is to eliminate the burning, landfilling, and polluting of materials across land, sea, and space. Intuitive is accelerating the transition to zero waste via the Oscar Media & Materials Exchange (OMX), a groundbreaking circularity network designed to boost material recovery via Oscar Sort, the AI Recycling Assistant. You can find Oscars in North & South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Intuitive works with Fortune 500 companies, airports, universities, and leading sports and entertainment venues.


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