
Short Seller Targets Verint Systems Stock As AI Threat Emerges: 'The Future Is Certainly Not Verint'

Short Seller Targets Verint Systems Stock As AI Threat Emerges: 'The Future Is Certainly Not Verint'

Benzinga ·  09/19 23:51

Verint Systems Inc (NASDAQ:VRNT) shares are in the spotlight Thursday after The Bear Cave released a bearish report on the contact center company.

納斯達克上的Verint Systems Inc(NASDAQ:VRNT)股票在週四成爲焦點,因爲The Bear Cave發表了一份對這家聯繫中心公司的看淡報告。

What To Know: Short-selling firm The Bear Cave has customer experience (CX) automation company Verint Systems in its crosshairs. The short seller published a report Thursday morning titled, "Problems at Verint Systems (VRNT)," arguing that the company is likely to be disrupted by AI advancement.

需要了解的內容:做空公司The Bear Cave將客戶體驗(CX)自動化公司Verint Systems放在了他們的眼鏡中。這家做空公司在週四上午發佈了一份名爲《Verint Systems (VRNT) 存在的問題》的報告,認爲該公司很可能會受到人工智能進步的影響。

"Verint's management insists Verint will be an AI beneficiary as customers use Verint's AI-powered bots to improve their call centers. The Bear Cave sees things differently," the short seller said.

這家做空公司表示:「Verint的管理層堅稱,Verint將受益於人工智能,因爲客戶使用Verint的人工智能機器人來改善他們的呼叫中心。但是The Bear Cave有不同的看法。」

Benzinga has reached out to Verint Systems for comment on the report.

Benzinga已聯繫Verint Systems就該報告發表評論。

The Bear Cave believes AI is going to negatively impact Verint as AI-powered competitors take share from its automated bot offerings and AI agents largely replace human agents over the coming years. The short seller believes Verint will "suffer significantly" as call centers transition away from humans.

The Bear Cave認爲,隨着人工智能技術不斷髮展,AI技術的競爭對手將從Verint的自動化機器人產品中奪取市場份額,並且人工智能代理將在未來幾年內大規模取代人類代理商,這將對Verint產生負面影響。這家做空公司認爲,在呼叫中心從人類轉向人工智能的轉變過程中,Verint將「遭受重大損失」。

The Bear Cave also highlighted a pair of interviews from last month in which a former sales director for Verint acknowledged that competitors have adopted AI faster than Verint, and that the company may get left behind as it continues to focus on bots. The former sales director noted that it's not clear if Verint will still be around in another 10 or 15 years, given the amount of AI-specific startups coming into the space, according to the short seller.

The Bear Cave還強調了上個月的一對採訪,其中一位曾在Verint擔任銷售總監的人承認,競爭對手比Verint更快地採用了人工智能技術,並且隨着越來越多的面向人工智能的初創企業湧入市場,該公司可能會被甩在後面;這位前銷售總監指出,不清楚Verint在未來10或15年是否還存在,根據做空公司的說法。

The Bear Cave highlighted some of the increasing competition including from Alphabet Inc's (NASDAQ:GOOG)(NASDAQ:GOOGL) Google Dialogflow, International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM) and several startups like Yellow AI and Observe AI, which are aggressively moving into AI automation for call centers.

The Bear Cave指出了越來越激烈的競爭,包括來自Alphabet Inc(納斯達克上的GOOG和GOOGL)、International Business Machines Corp(紐交所股票IBM)以及像Yellow AI和Observe AI這樣的幾家初創企業,它們正在積極進入呼叫中心的人工智能自動化領域。

The firm also pointed to a recent press release from T-Mobile US Inc (NASDAQ:TMUS), announcing a partnership with OpenAI that aims to revolutionize the customer experience. The company expects the partnership to help automate tasks that would normally require a store visit or call to a customer service agent.

該公司還指出,T-Mobile US Inc(納斯達克上的TMUS)最近發佈了一份新聞稿,宣佈與OpenAI合作,旨在革新客戶體驗。該公司預計這種合作將幫助自動化一些通常需要親自前往商店或致電客服代理的任務。

The short seller noted AI headwinds may be starting to show up in the company's numbers. Last quarter, Verint missed analyst estimates on the top and bottom lines and issued soft guidance for the full year.


"The future is not bots, the future is not human agents, and the future is certainly not Verint," the short seller said.


VRNT Price Action: Verint shares were up 0.67% at $26.38 at the time of publication Thursday, according to Benzinga Pro.

根據Benzinga Pro的數據,Verint股價在週四發表時上漲了0.67%,報26.38美元。

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