
Dear Cashmere Group Holding Co. AKA Swifty Global Signs Binding Letter of Intent to Be Acquired by Signing Day Sports

Dear Cashmere Group Holding Co. AKA Swifty Global Signs Binding Letter of Intent to Be Acquired by Signing Day Sports

GlobeNewswire ·  09/19 21:38

NEW YORK, NY, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Swifty Global (OTC: DRCR), a company with ambitious growth plans, has signed a binding Letter of Intent to be acquired by Signing Day Sports (NYSE: SGN). Signing Day Sports has initiated a strategic, aggressive buy-and-build acquisition strategy aimed at scaling its business while driving profitable, cashflow-positive growth. Swifty, which generates strong net income, operates with significant cash flow, and is debt-free, is well-positioned to transition onto a major exchange like NYSE American. This move will provide access to growth capital, enabling the company to accelerate its expansion.

Swifty Global (OTC: DRCR)是一家野心勃勃的增長計劃公司,已與Signing Day Sports (NYSE: SGN)簽署了具有約束力的意向書,以進行收購。Signing Day Sports發起了一項戰略性、積極的收購策略,旨在擴大業務,並實現盈利和現金流陽性增長。Swifty具有強大的淨利潤,運營現金流充裕且無債務,具備很好的條件能夠過渡到紐交所美國交易所。這一舉措將提供增長資本,使公司能夠加速擴張。

Swifty is a rapidly expanding technology company gaining momentum in the online sports betting and casino sector. Swifty has experienced exponential growth over the past two years, achieving a turnover of over $128 million in 2023. Swifty is now expecting to triple its profits over the next 2 years by focusing on the licensing of its gaming software to Tier 2 and Tier 3 online gaming and casino operators. This will be on a revenue share basis, allowing profitable exponential growth, minimal cash demand and minimized risk. This licensing model is strategically aligned with the Signing Day product offering and strategy, where Signing Day operates as technology platform in the sports sector offering aspiring sports people seeking to be identified and contracted to major sports leagues and colleges.

Swifty是一家快速擴張的科技公司,在在線體育博彩和賭場行業獲得了動力。在過去兩年裏,Swifty實現了指數級增長,在2023年實現了超過1.28億美元的營業額。Swifty現在預計通過將其遊戲軟件授權給二、三線在線遊戲和賭場運營商,將在未來2年內使利潤翻三倍。這將以收入分享的方式進行,實現可持續盈利的指數級增長,同時需求現金較小且風險最小化。這種授權模式在戰略上與Signing Day的產品和策略相匹配,Signing Day作爲體育領域的技術平台,幫助有抱負的運動員尋求被主流體育聯賽和大學簽約的機會。

Swifty has a dedicated software and operations team of nearly 30 personnel. This development team will play a key role in enhancing the Signing Day Sports platform, expanding its offerings to cover more sports and a broader range of services. Signing Day currently operates in the USA, focusing primarily on football and soccer, with over 10,000 registered users. As part of the combined SGN-Swifty ecosystem, there is significant potential for global growth and monetization. Signing Day benefits from a highly influential investor base, including shareholders and clients who own professional sports teams, as well as key board members, all of whom can help facilitate Swifty's smooth entry into the U.S. market.

Swifty擁有近30名專門的軟件和運營團隊。該開發團隊將在增強Signing Day Sports平台、拓展更多的體育項目和更廣泛的服務方面發揮關鍵作用。Signing Day目前在美國運營,主要專注於足球和足球,擁有超過10,000名註冊用戶。作爲SGN-Swifty聯合生態系統的一部分,有很大的全球增長和貨幣化潛力。Signing Day的投資者基礎非常強大,包括擁有職業體育隊的股東和客戶,以及關鍵董事會成員,他們都可以幫助推動Swifty順利進入美國市場。

Swifty CEO, James Gibbons, says: "We are extremely excited about this opportunity to be acquired by and to operate as a subsidiary of Signing Day Sports; this comes as a result of our last 4 years of hard work and exceptional result and strong company balance sheet. It was always the company's goal and the major milestone for the company to operate on a major exchange allowing access to greater exposure, capital, credibility and ultimately delivering true value for our shareholders."

Swifty首席執行官詹姆斯·吉本斯表示:「我們非常興奮能有機會被Signing Day Sports收購,併成爲其子公司運營;這是我們過去4年辛勤工作和出色業績以及強勁公司資產負債表的結果。公司一直以來的目標和重要里程碑就是在主要交易所運營,以獲得更大的曝光、資金、信譽,並最終爲股東創造真正的價值。」

Signing Day CEO, Daniel Nelson, said: "The Signing Day team and board are excited to have signed the Binding Letter of Intent and are working closely with the Swifty team to finalize the transaction as quickly as possible. We believe this partnership will significantly enhance SGN's shareholder value and allow both companies to capitalize on technological advantages, financial scale, profitability, and cash flow, positioning us for strong growth as we pursue our aggressive expansion plans. The transition from a private company to a public microcap on the NYSE American has been a transformative journey. With the IPO phase largely behind us, we are in an optimal position to fully harness the benefits of our public listing and accelerate our growth; we are in a much stronger position to build momentum and fully leverage our NYSE listing. We're eager to enter this new chapter, working alongside the Swifty team to build a successful, profitable global business from a solid foundation. James and the Swifty team are aiming to achieve a billion-dollar turnover in the coming years, and we're excited to be part of this incredible journey."

Signing Day首席執行官丹尼爾·納爾遜表示:「Signing Day團隊和董事會對簽署具有約束力意向書感到非常興奮,並正與Swifty團隊密切合作,儘快完成交易。我們相信這一合作將顯著提升SGN的股東價值,並使兩家公司都能充分利用技術優勢、財務規模、盈利能力和現金流,使我們能夠在追求激進擴張計劃時實現強勁增長。從私營公司轉變爲紐交所美國交易所上市的微型市值公司的過程是一次變革性的旅程。隨着IPO階段大部分工作已經完成,我們正處於最佳位置,充分利用我們上市後的好處,加速增長;我們將更加有利地建立勢頭並充分利用我們在紐交所的上市。我們渴望步入這個新篇章,與Swifty團隊攜手構建一個成功的、盈利的全球業務,並立足於堅實的基礎之上。詹姆斯和Swifty團隊的目標是在未來幾年實現100億美元的營業額,我們對參與這一不可思議的旅程感到非常激動。」

The closing transactional agreements are anticipated to be signed early October, following the usual legal, contractual & regulatory procedures to be carried out prior to closing. The companies have successfully completed mutual due diligence and successfully negotiated the terms culminating in the signing of the Legally Binding LOI. Although the Binding Letter of Intent is already in place, and while no deal is ever guaranteed until finalized, all parties are fully committed and are working towards signing a share purchase agreement by early October. Both teams are committed to the deal and the transaction is expected to close as planned.


For further information on the company's latest news please see their communication channels:


Twitter : @Swiftyglobal


Related links:


Ecommerce Site:
IR Site:
Twitter: @sdsports


Source: DRCR


Forward-Looking Statement
Certain information set forth in this press release contains "forward-looking information", including "future-oriented financial information" and "financial outlook", under applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as forward-looking statements). Except for statements of historical fact, the information contained herein constitutes forward-looking statements and includes, but is not limited to, the (i) projected financial performance of the Company; (ii) completion of, and the use of proceeds from, the sale of the shares being offered hereunder; (iii) the expected development of the Company's business, projects, and joint ventures; (iv) execution of the Company's vision and growth strategy, including with respect to future M&A activity and global growth; (v) sources and availability of third-party financing for the Company's projects; (vi) completion of the Company's projects that are currently underway, in development or otherwise under consideration; (vi) renewal of the Company's current customer, supplier and other material agreements; and (vii) future liquidity, working capital, and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are provided to allow potential investors the opportunity to understand management's beliefs and opinions in respect of the future so that they may use such beliefs and opinions as one factor in evaluating an investment. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or result expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are based upon what management of the Company believes are reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable securities laws. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has provided guidance to issuers regarding the use of social media to disclose material non-public information. In this regard, investors and others should note that we announce material financial information via official Press Releases, in addition to SEC filings, press releases, Questions & Answers sessions, public conference calls and webcasts also may take time from time to time. We use these channels as well as social media to communicate with the public about our company, our services and other issues. It is possible that the information we post on social media could be deemed to be material information. Therefore, in light of the SEC's guidance, we encourage investors, the media, and others interested in our company to review the information we post on the following social & media channels:

本新聞稿中提供的某些信息包含「前瞻性信息」,包括「未來導向的財務信息」和「財務展望」,根據適用的證券法規(以下統稱爲前瞻性聲明)。除了歷史事實陳述外,本文所包含的信息構成前瞻性聲明,包括但不限於以下內容: (i) 公司的預計財務業績;(ii) 根據本次股票銷售完成的股票銷售和所得款項的使用情況;(iii) 公司業務、項目和聯營關係的預計發展;(iv) 公司願景和增長策略的執行情況,包括未來的併購活動和全球增長;(v) 第三方融資的來源和可用性,用於公司的項目;(vi) 目前正在進行中、開發中或已在考慮之下的公司項目的完成情況;(vii) 公司現有客戶、供應商和其他重要協議的續簽情況;以及(viii) 未來的流動性、營運資金和資本需求。前瞻性聲明的提供是爲了讓潛在投資者有機會了解管理層對未來的信念與意見,以便他們可以將這些信念和意見作爲評估投資的一個因素。這些陳述不能保證未來業績,不應過度依賴這些陳述。這類前瞻性陳述必然涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性,可能導致未來期間的實際業績和財務結果與這些前瞻性陳述中的任何業績或結果展望有實質性差異。儘管本演示文稿所包含的前瞻性陳述是根據管理層認爲合理的假設所制定的,但不能保證前瞻性陳述將證明準確,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與這些陳述中所預期的有實質差異。除適用的證券法規定外,公司不承擔更新前瞻性陳述的義務,除非情況或管理估計或意見發生變化。讀者應謹慎對待前瞻性陳述,不應過度依賴前瞻性陳述。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已對發行人關於使用社交媒體披露非公開信息的指導提供了指導。在這方面,投資者和其他人應注意,我們除了通過官方新聞稿公佈重要財務信息外,還使用的渠道包括SEC文件、新聞稿、問答環節、公開電話會議和網絡直播。我們還使用這些渠道和社交媒體與公衆交流,介紹我們公司、我們的服務和其他問題。我們在社交媒體上發佈的信息可能被認爲是重要信息。因此,根據SEC的指導,我們鼓勵投資者、媒體和其他對我們公司感興趣的人查看我們在以下社交媒體渠道發佈的信息:

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