
Close to 50 Percent of the World's Top Eleven Bitcoin Miners Have Joined the Carbon Credit Program at Sparta's E-Waste Operation ERS International

Close to 50 Percent of the World's Top Eleven Bitcoin Miners Have Joined the Carbon Credit Program at Sparta's E-Waste Operation ERS International

Accesswire ·  09/19 21:00

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TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / September 19, 2024 / Sparta Group (TSXV:SAY) (the "Corporation" the "Company", "Sparta Group", "Sparta Capital", "SAY.V" or "Sparta") is proud to report that under its Environment division, its e-waste recycling operation, ERS International, has secured carbon credit generation business from close to 50 percent of the world's top eleven bitcoin miners.

多倫多,安大略省/ ACCESSWIRE /2024年9月19日/ 斯巴達集團(TSXV:SAY)(「公司」, 「斯巴達集團」, 「斯巴達資本」, 「SAY.V」或「斯巴達」)非常自豪地宣佈,其環境部門下屬的電子廢物回收運營企業ERS International,已從全球十一家頂級比特幣礦工中獲得了近50%的碳信用生成業務。

Bitcoin mining uses special computers to solve intricate puzzles around the clock to validate transactions and then earn bitcoin. All that computing power uses up a lot of energy. While many bitcoin miners have taken steps to lower their carbon footprint, including turning to technological innovations, many can't quite reach their emissions reduction goals. This is where ERS comes in. ERS recycles electronic waste on an industrial scale, and since the Company can generate verified carbon credits from recycling, this means they are a good choice for bitcoin miners determined to offset their carbon footprint.


"By utilizing internationally recognized methodologies, we can generate carbon credits through our comprehensive electronics recycling and reuse processes. This accomplishment not only highlights our commitment to sustainability but also demonstrates the tangible benefits that our partners can achieve by working with ERS," said ERS Director of Global Business Development, Joseph Cimorelli.

「通過利用國際公認的方法,我們可以通過我們全面的電子廢物回收和重複利用工藝來生成碳信用。這不僅突顯了我們對可持續發展的承諾,還展示了我們的合作伙伴通過與ERS合作可以實現的實際收益,」ERS全球業務發展總監Joseph Cimorelli說道。

A significant amount of work went into the planning and the launch of the carbon credit program at ERS, including the auditing and verification of the process used to generate carbon credits. ERS works under the guidelines of ISO 14064 standard. Management stress that the ERS carbon credit program can apply to businesses in almost any industry sector, not just bitcoin mining

在ERS的碳信用度計劃的策劃和推出方面,投入了大量的工作,包括對生成碳信用度的過程進行審計和驗證。ERS按照ISO 14064標準的指導方針進行工作。管理層強調,ERS的碳信用度計劃不僅適用於比特幣挖掘行業,幾乎可以適用於任何行業板塊。

One carbon credit represents the emission of one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent of other greenhouse gases. This is why it is referred to as carbon offsets. The price for one tonne of carbon is $80 per tonne today. That number will jump to $95 per tonne next year.


"It has taken some time to get the word out about the carbon credit program at ERS. We are very proud to see that it is gaining interest from so many companies determined to reduce their carbon footprint. Joseph and the team at ERS are doing a tremendous job," said Sparta President, Tony Peticca.

Sparta總裁Tony Peticca表示:「關於ERS的碳信用度計劃,已經花費了一些時間來傳播這個消息。我們非常自豪地看到它引起了許多公司的興趣,這些公司都決心減少碳足跡。Joseph和ERS團隊正在做着巨大的工作。」

ERS has served businesses in a vast array of industry sectors, including retail, technology, automotive, financial, healthcare, communications, law enforcement, electrical, engineering, manufacturing, as well as educational institutions and government agencies.


About Sparta


Sparta Group (a.k.a. Sparta Capital Ltd.) is a technology-based company focused on integrating emerging technologies. It operates with a decentralized business model, with each active business functioning as a separate subsidiary. Sparta's business entities fall into three different divisions: Environment: ERS International, is a waste management operation with its state-of-the-art, proprietary e-waste processing technologies. ERS is dedicated to continuous innovation, as well as increased sustainability and security for both the company and its customers. It offers a unique carbon credit program and has attracted significant attention from companies that deal with big data and the need to reduce carbon footprint. ERS has operations in Canada, the Middle East and South America. Health: Sparta Health Corporation is a vertical harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Augmented Reality (AR), to develop technologies that enhance personalized patient care and improve treatment outcomes. Transportation: TruckSuite, is a comprehensive suite of products and services designed to keep trucks operational and drivers competitive. TruckSuite management believes their offerings can play a pivotal role in enhancing the logistics and transportation industry.

Sparta Group(又稱Sparta Capital Ltd.)是一家以技術爲基礎的公司,專注於整合新興技術。它採用去中心化的業務模式,每個活躍的業務都作爲一個獨立的子公司運營。Sparta的業務實體分爲三個不同的部門:環境:ERS International是一個擁有最先進的專有電子廢物處理技術的廢物管理業務。ERS致力於不斷創新,提高可持續性和安全性,爲公司和客戶提供獨特的碳信用計劃,並且吸引了處理大數據和減少碳足跡需求的公司的重視。ERS在加拿大、中東和南美開展業務。健康:Sparta Health Corporation是一個利用人工智能(AI)、機器學習(ML)和增強現實(AR)的力量來開發增強個性化患者護理和改善治療結果的技術的垂直整合。運輸:TruckSuite是一個旨在保持卡車運營並使司機具有競爭力的一套綜合產品和服務。TruckSuite管理團隊認爲他們的產品能夠在改善物流和運輸行業中扮演關鍵作用。

Sparta is a publicly traded company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. under the symbol "SAY" (TSX.V: SAY). Additional information is available at or on SEDAR at .

Sparta是一家在TSX Venture Exchange Inc.上以"SAY"(TSX.V:SAY)符號上市的公開交易公司。更多信息請瀏覽網站或在SEDAR上瀏覽。

For more information contact:


Tony Peticca, President
Email :
Telephone : 416-648-6506

Tony Peticca,總裁
電子郵件 :
電話 : 416-648-6506

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SOURCE: Sparta Group

消息來源: Sparta Group

