
Gold Bull Defines Two New Drill Targets at Sandman High Grade Rock Chip Samples up to 210g/t Ag & 1.11g/t Au

Gold Bull Defines Two New Drill Targets at Sandman High Grade Rock Chip Samples up to 210g/t Ag & 1.11g/t Au

GlobeNewswire ·  09/19 20:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --


Gold Bull Resources Corp. (TSX-V: GBRC) ("Gold Bull" or the "Company") is pleased to report results of ongoing exploration targeting field work completed at its Sandman project, located in Nevada, USA.

Gold Bull Resources Corp.(TSX-V: GBRC)(簡稱「Gold Bull」或者「公司」)高興地報告了在其位於美國內華達州的Sandman項目上完成的持續性勘查工作結果。

  • New silver target emerges at K8 Prospect
  • New prospect and drill target defined at "Abel Knoll South"
  • K8 Prospect發現新的白銀目標
  • 在「Abel Knoll South」地區定義了一個新的勘探目標

A new drill target has been identified via a surface lag sampling geochemical anomaly, located south of the Abel Knoll diatreme breccia where the Sandman North-West and North Trends intersect, at a new prospect referred to as "Abel Knoll - South". The drill target is located 120m south of the Abel Knoll diatreme breccia deposit and coincides with a geophysical anomaly. The target has never been drilled.

通過地表滯後採樣地球化學異常確定了一個新的鑽探目標,位於Abel Knoll煙筒角破碎巖南部,與Sandman西北和北趨勢相交,被稱爲「Abel Knoll - South」的新勘探目標。該鑽探目標位於Abel Knoll煙筒角破碎巖沉積物以南12000萬,與一處地球物理異常重合。該目標從未被鑽探過。

At the K8 prospect, surface rock chip sampling returned encouraging results of high-grade gold (Au) and silver (Ag) with grades up to 1.11g/t Au and 210g/t Ag (sample 6R) and a cluster of anomalous surface rock chip samples spaced 150m apart. In this area there are sparce historical soil samples and drill holes which require further assessment at K8 to determine if the sampling is adequate given the high amount of unconsolidated sand at surface and compelling new data.

在K8前景地,表面岩石採樣得到了令人鼓舞的高品位黃金(Au)和銀(Ag)的結果, Au最高達1.11g/t,Ag達到210g/t(樣本6R),在距離15000萬的空間排列一簇異常的表面岩石採樣。在該區域存在稀疏的歷史土壤樣本和鑽孔,需要進一步評估K8是否是足夠的樣本,鑑於表面存在大量鬆散的沙和令人信服的新數據。

Gold Bull's CEO, Cherie Leeden said:

Gold Bull的CEO Cherie Leeden說:

"While the capital markets remain difficult, our geology team is working on defining new drill targets at Sandman, to be tested when the capital markets improve. This is being achieved via a combination of boots on ground field work combined with reviewing the extensive historical data base that we acquired with Sandman (valued at circa US$30 million if we were to re-do the work at the current costs).


At the newly identified Abel Knoll South prospect the coincident lag geochemical anomaly with the geophysical anomaly gives us confidence in needing to drill test this new target. Given Sandman's Mineral Resources were not closed off when Gold Bull conducted its Preliminary Economic Study (PEA), the possibility of a further mineralized diatreme breccias located around the Abel Knoll resource is an exciting possibility, especially with nearby historical holes logged as containing portions of breccia.

在新確定的Abel Knoll South前景地,與地球物理異常互爲補充的滯後地球化學異常使我們對需要對這一新目標進行鑽探測試充滿信心。鑑於Sandman的礦產資源在Gold Bull進行初步經濟研究(PEA)時尚未關閉,位於Abel Knoll礦產資源周圍的含有斷裂角礫岩部分的歷史孔位是一個令人興奮的可能性。

At the K8 prospect, rock chip samples have returned high very high silver results of up to 210g/t Ag with high gold grades of up to 1.11g/t gold from surface rock chip sampling of a granodiorite! Further evaluation work of historical soil and auger work is required to define drill targets at this compelling North-West Trend location.


In parallel to our exploration targeting work, we are extensively evaluating inbound M&A interest."


Figure 1. Sandman location map showing the location of the four Sandman deposits with geochemical dispersed gold contouring relative to the recent results of lag sampling at Abel Knoll and rock chip sampling from K8 prospect.

圖1. Sandman位置地圖,顯示了四個Sandman礦牀的位置,顯示了相對於Abel Knoll滯後採樣和K8前景的岩石採樣的地球化學擴散金輪廓的最新結果。

Figure 2. Location of the Abel Knoll deposit and lag sampling lines and location of the rock chip samples taken at K8 prospect. The lag samples were taken west and south of the Abel Knoll deposit as an orientation survey to determine if anomalous coarse rock existed surrounding the deposit which has not had step-out nor sterilization drilling conducted.

圖2. Abel Knoll礦牀的位置和滯後採樣線以及在K8前景採集的岩石樣本的位置。滯後樣本取自Abel Knoll礦牀西側和南側,作爲一個定向調查,目的是確定圍繞礦牀存在異常顆粒巖的情況,該礦牀尚未進行外圍擴展或滅菌鑽探。

Abel Knoll South - New Drill Target
Orientation lag sample testing was conducted west and south of the Abel Knoll deposit in search of path finder elements as a cheaper method of near surface testing to yield drill targets which are expensive to conduct. Lag sampling is designed to confirm if further gold anomalism can be found within the coarse fraction of alluvium which is roughly approximate to the sample location point and is used to test larger areas for submerged deposits represented by dispersed anomalism. The key to lag sampling is understanding the substratum and classifying as near situ or transported alluvium. Using the location of lag anomalies is a good additional geochemical exploration tool when targeting drill testing holes from processed geophysics, it basically gives more confidence to warrant drill testing which is expensive to conduct.

Abel Knoll South - 新的鑽探目標

Lag samples were taken as coarse sieved fractions over the three lines whereby the fine sand fraction was discarded, and the coarse fraction was analyzed. Analysis was conducted initially using a field portable XRF machine which yielded elevated arsenic levels, and these samples were then sent to the laboratory for testing and confirmed the high arsenic anomalous area immediately south of the Abel Knoll diatreme breccia. The gold and arsenic values reported in this announcement are certified laboratory results. A single lag sample returned elevated gold with 0.50ppm (sample 53) however is interpreted as a single outlier and not an anomaly due low arsenic 11ppm, no repeat of results in surrounding samples, the presence of quartz float in the sample, and located in the deeper basin area where coarse fraction return was poor so likely transported quartz mineralized piece.

滯後樣品是在三條線上以粗篩分方法採取的,細沙部分被丟棄,只對粗粒部分進行分析。最初使用場地便攜式 XRF 儀器進行分析,結果顯示提高的砷含量,隨後將這些樣品送往實驗室進行測試,並確認在阿貝爾山脈礦巖碎屑體的南部有高砷異常區域。本公告中報告的黃金和砷數據是經過認證的實驗室結果。單個滯後樣品顯示提高的黃金含量爲0.50ppm(樣品53),然而由於砷含量較低(11ppm),周圍樣品未能重複結果,樣品中存在石英浮石,並且位於深層盆地區域,由於粗粒部分的損失較大,所以很可能是被搬運的含石英礦化片。

The results of the lag arsenic analysis is anomalous as the arsenic levels were consistent over multiple samples, and altered coarse rock pieces logged in the sample, and arsenic is associated with gold at the Sandman project i.e. there is a consistent association with gold and arsenic at Sandman. The arsenic target area coincides with the intersection of the 11.5km North-West and 10km North Trends and shows a separate geophysical anomaly in the processed gradient array apparent resistivity geophysical imagery (figure 5).

滯後砷分析的結果是異常的,因爲多個樣品的砷含量一致,並且樣品中有改變的粗粒岩石碎片,而且在 Sandman 項目中,砷與黃金有關聯,即砷和黃金在 Sandman 項目中有一種持續的關聯性。砷的目標區域與11.5km西北及10km北趨勢的交點相吻合,並在經過處理的梯度陣列視電阻測深地球物理圖像(圖5)中顯示出分開的地球物理異常。

Drill holes are sparse surrounding the Abel Knoll deposit which has no step-out drilling, nor has had sterilization drilling conducted surrounding the deposit so there is prospectivity to discover more mineralized diatreme breccias near to the existing Abel Knoll breccia and this is why the lag orientation sampling was planned and conducted as the diatreme breccia hosts high grade gold up to 2ppm in drill results. Figures 4 and 5 show the lack of drill testing surrounding the Abel Knoll deposit due to the lack of outcrop surrounding the deposit.


Figure 3. Sandman TEM (transient/time-domain electromagnetics) processed image (-50m) showing the 11.5km North-West Trend connecting K8 prospect along strike with the Abel Knoll deposit and a structure connecting the K8 prospect to the Southeast Pediment deposits along a north-east trending structure, a similar parallel northeast structure also exists at Abel Knoll but not shown on the draft. And finally, the 10km North Trend which is a range front fault connecting Abel Knoll to Southeast Pediment deposit. Historical drill holes and recent lag and rock chip sample's locations are shown.

圖3. Sandman TEm(瞬變/時間域電磁)處理圖像(-50m),顯示11.5公里西北趨勢,將K8礦點與阿貝爾小山丘礦牀沿走向相連,並連接K8礦點與東南坡礦牀的結構,這是一條東北趨勢結構,阿貝爾小山丘也存在類似的平行東北趨勢結構,但在草稿上未顯示。最後,10公里北趨勢是一條連接阿貝爾小山丘與東南坡礦牀的斷裂斷層。歷史鑽孔和最近的滯後和岩石碎片樣品的位置都顯示在圖中。

Figure 4. Plan showing Abel Knoll deposit Mineral Resource outline relative to the three lines of orientation lag samples to the west and south of the Abel Knoll deposit. Background TEM (transient/time-domain electromagnetics) image and interpreted 11.5km North-West Trend and 10km North Trend are shown and both intersect in the location of the Abel Knoll deposit. Curiously the 11.5km North-West Trend dissects the western Abel Knoll breccia from the eastern Tertiary basalt and sedimentary succession gold mineralization (the eastern larger portion of the deposit). The lag sampling is anomalous in arsenic which is characteristically associated with gold mineralization at Sandman. The location of sample 53 (0.50ppm Au) is the 4th sample from the west on the second lag sample line.

圖4. 展示阿貝爾小山丘礦牀礦產資源輪廊相對於礦牀西部和南部的三行取向滯後樣品。背景TEm(瞬變/時間域電磁)圖像和解釋的11.5公里西北趨勢和10公里北趨勢都顯示在並且在阿貝爾小山丘礦牀的位置相交。耐人尋味的是,11.5公里西北趨勢將阿貝爾小山丘角礫岩與東部第三紀玄武岩和沉積相間的金礦化分割開(礦牀的較大部分在東部)。滯後取樣具有異常的砷,砷通常與Sandman的金礦化有特徵關聯。樣品53的位置(0.50ppm Au)是第二行滯後樣品線上距西部第4個樣品的位置。

Figure 5. Map showing a TEM (-50m) processed image with lag sampling coinciding with geophysical anomalies along the 10km North-Trend (range front fault) and intersection with the 11.5km North-West Trend at the Abel Knoll deposit. Another target exists to the north of Abel Knoll which also requires future lag sample testing. The depth of basin to the west gets deeper in the green-blue area and this area was not successful for lag sample testing as it was difficult to obtain sufficient coarse sample for analysis as sample becomes mostly transported fines, this is when the geologist knows the area has not been successful for lag sample testing.

圖5. 地圖顯示一幅TEm(-50m)處理過的圖像,滯後取樣與10公里北趨勢(斷層)沿着地球物理異常相吻合,並在11.5公里西北趨勢與阿貝爾小山丘礦牀相交的位置。阿貝爾小山丘北部還存在另一個目標,需要進行未來的滯後取樣測試。西部盆地的深度在綠藍色區域變得更深,這個區域並不適合進行滯後取樣測試,因爲很難獲得足夠的粗樣進行分析,樣品主要是細顆粒運輸物,這就是地質學家知道該區域並不適合進行滯後取樣測試的原因。

K8 Prospect - new silver target within the North-West Trend

K8 Prospect - 北西趨勢內的新銀目標

Surface rock chip samples were taken at the K8 prospect, and the best grade returned from a certified laboratory was 1.11ppm Au and 210ppm Ag from a surface rock chip sample (ID 6R) containing iron altered granodiorite (hornblende) rock and massive quartz veining. Numerous elevated gold and silver rock chip samples returned from the laboratory include: 0.81ppm Au and 45.1ppm Ag (ID 5R), 0.84ppm Au and 5.9ppm Ag (ID 1R) and 0.19ppm Au and 30.2 ppm Ag (ID 7R) and 0.14ppm Au and 20.4ppm Ag(ID 9R). The rock chip samples were taken from an outcrop which exhibited jarosite iron staining with liesegang banding after sulfide (most likely pyrite) with some iron-stained quartz veining within a granodiorite rock. The iron alteration was evident with alteration along the conjugate joint sets and banding reminiscent of liesegang after sulfide. The silver is considered very high grade for Sandman returning up to 210ppm silver (ID 6R with GRAVAg30 analysis) and there is also widespread elevated silver values noted in the historical soil samples which need further evaluation as to the grade potential. Silver is known to exist at the Sandman project in association with the gold mineralization, however, silver has not been included in the previously reported Mineral Resource Estimates (MRE) due to inconsistent and incomplete collection of laboratory silver analysis by previous explorers during their drill analytical work. No high-grade silver has previously been reported, possibly due to a lack of historical analysis of silver at Sandman. The host rock at K8 Prospect is altered granodiorite and contains sparse historical drill holes.

在K8遠景進行了地表岩石樣品取樣,由認證的實驗室返回的最佳等級是從包含鐵改性花崗閃長巖(角閃石)岩石和大量石英脈化的地表岩石樣品(ID 6R)中返回的1.11ppm黃金和210ppm銀。實驗室返回的很多升高的黃金和銀岩石樣品包括:0.81ppm黃金和45.1ppm銀(ID 5R),0.84ppm黃金和5.9ppm銀(ID 1R),0.19ppm黃金和30.2ppm銀(ID 7R),以及0.14ppm黃金和20.4ppm銀(ID 9R)。岩石樣品取自一個露頭,其展現了鐵鏽鐵染和黃鐵礦(很可能是黃鐵礦)後的麗薩岑色帶,以及一些石英岩脈化。在共軛節理集合線和麗薩岑鐵染後的帶狀構造上,可以看到鐵改性的跡象。銀被認爲對Sandman來說是非常高品位的,可以達到210ppm(ID 6R進行GRAVAg30分析),在歷史土壤樣品中也注意到普遍存在的升高銀值,需要進一步評估其品位潛力。已經知道在Sandman項目中,銀與黃金成礦有關,但是由於之前勘探者在他們的鑽探分析工作中對實驗室銀分析進行了不一致和不完整的收集,銀還沒有被包括在以前報告的礦產資源估算(MRE)中。以往沒有報告過高品位的銀,可能是由於對Sandman的銀的歷史分析不足。K8 Prospect的岩石是經過改性的花崗閃長巖,幷包含稀少的歷史鑽孔。

Elements Au Ag Ag As K
Method IO-FAAu30 GRAVAg30 IO-4ABEx IO-4ABEx IO-4ABEx
Detection limit 0.003 10 0.3 2 300
Measurement ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
Sample ID
1R 0.843 5.9 308 16302
2R 0.005 -0.3 8 5783
3R 0.003 -0.3 17 31536
4R 0.039 1.8 155 4391
5R 0.756 42.6 888 9512
5R-X 0.811 45.1 1044 10189
6R 1.11 210 >100 1337 17837
7R 0.193 30.2 688 19147
8R 0.138 14.1 163 13637
9R 0.137 20.4 382 19042
《黃金元素》 黃金 依照 K
攤銷方法 IO-FAAu30 GRAVAg30 IO-4ABEx IO-4ABEx IO-4ABEx
檢測限度 0.003 10 0.3 2 300
計量 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
1R 0.843 5.9 308 16302
2R 0.005 -0.3 8 5783
3R 0.003 -0.3 17 31536
4R 0.039 1.8 155 4391
5R 0.756 42.6 888 9512
5R-X 0.811 所有經營租賃所需的現金按照應付費用和其他負債中的經營租賃費用扣除後,報告在我們的合併現金流量表的經營部分。 1044 10189
6R 1.11 210 >100 1337 17837
7R 0.193 30.2 688 19147
8R 0.138 14.1 163 13637
9R 0.137 20.4 382 19042

Table 1. Rock chip sample results taken from K8 Prospect outcropping rocks. Analysis includes gold, silver, arsenic and potassium. The highest-grade silver result returned 210ppm silver and 1.11ppm gold from sample 6R.

表1. 從K8 Prospect露頭岩石中取得的岩石芯樣品結果。分析包括黃金、白銀、砷和鉀。最高品位的白銀結果顯示樣品6R返回了210ppm的白銀和1.11ppm的黃金。

Figure 6. Plan showing K8 Prospect rock chip sample locations and results relative to historical drill holes with background TEM electromagnetic processed image. Sample R6 returned the highest-grade gold 1.11ppm and silver 210ppm result from outcropping jarosite altered granodiorite (hornblende).

圖6. 展示K8 Prospect岩石芯樣品的位置和結果,與歷史鑽孔的相關圖,背景爲TEm電磁加工圖像。樣本R6來自露頭卡鉀石改造的花崗閃長巖(角閃石),返回了最高品位的1.11ppm黃金和210ppm白銀的結果。

Photo 1 and 2. Photos of K8 surface outcrop showing liesegang concentric iron staining after sulphide (LHS) and iron alteration along joint fractures (RHS). Liesegang banding is observed on outcropping gold mineralisation at North Hill, Silica Ridge and associated with the mineralised breccias.

照片1和2。展示K8地表露頭的照片,顯示硫化物後出現的利塞崗環狀鐵染色(LHS)和裂隙接縫(RHS)沿着鐵礦化的鐵氧化物。在North Hill、Silica Ridge的露頭黃金礦化地點上觀察到利塞崗層狀結構,並與礦化角礫岩有關。

Photo 3. K8 prospect showing subcropping quartz vein, a portion included in sample 6R, which returned 1.11ppm gold and 210ppm silver.


The rock chip samples were taken from an area previously tested with soil and auger sampling, however, field observation yielded interesting rocks which had not been previously rock chip sampled. The historical soil sampling identified an anomalous area measuring 1.5km length within the North-West Trend defined by >0.01ppm gold from soil and auger samples. Only four historical drill holes were drilled within a 217m diameter cluster and intersected Cretaceous granodiorite in hole K804-0001 which averaged highly anomalous 0.15ppm gold for the entire hole for 103.6m, hole K804-0002 averaged 0.21ppm gold over the entire hole 121.9m, hole K804-0003 averaged 0.11ppm gold over the entire hole 120.4m and hole NSM-00379 averaged 0.15ppm gold over the entire hole 146.3m. Best historical gold intersections include NSM-00379 48.7m @ 0.32ppm Au from 28.9m including 7.62m @ 0.80ppm Au from 33.5m, from hole K804-0001 18.3m @ 0.45ppm Au from 85.3m (to end of hole) including 4.5m @ 1.12ppm Au from 94m, from hole K804-0003 15.2m @ 0.33ppm gold from 12.2m.

之前進行過土壤和衝擊取樣測試的區域採集了岩石芯樣品,然而,現場觀察發現了有趣的岩石,這些岩石之前並未進行岩石芯取樣。歷史土壤取樣確定了一個異常區,長度爲1.5公里,位於由土壤和衝擊取樣定義的西北趨勢中,金含量大於0.01ppm。僅有4個歷史鑽孔在21700萬直徑簇範圍內鑽過,其中K804-0001孔中間穿過白堊紅雲母花崗岩,整孔平均含量高異常0.15ppm黃金,10360萬處,K804-0002孔整孔平均0.21ppm黃金,12190萬處,K804-0003孔整孔平均0.11ppm黃金,12040萬處,NSm-00379孔整孔平均0.15ppm黃金,14630萬處。最佳歷史黃金交匯點包括NSm-00379 4870萬 @ 0.32ppm Au,從2890萬處開始,包括762萬 @ 0.80ppm Au,從3350萬處開始,從K804-0001孔1830萬 @ 0.45ppm Au,從8530萬處開始(直至孔尾),包括450萬 @ 1.12ppm Au,從9400萬處開始,從K804-0003孔1520萬 @ 0.33ppm黃金,從1220萬處開始。

The K8 prospect has previously been downgraded due to the cluster of drilling intersecting low grade gold in granodiorite within a 217m radius, however the soil geochemical strike length is 1.5km and lies within the North West Trend which extends to the Abel Knoll deposit in the southwest and all the way to the North Hill deposit to the northwest, the total strike length of the Northwest Trend at the Sandman project is 11.5km. The high-grade silver returned from samples 6R warrants further evaluation of this prospect particularly detailed evaluation of the surface geochemistry and its silver potential.

K8潛在區域此前因在21700萬半徑內穿越含低品位黃金的紅雲母花崗岩簇而被降級,然而,土壤地球化學走向長度爲1.5公里,位於延伸到西南方的Abel Knoll礦牀和延伸至西北方的North Hill礦牀的西北趨勢內,Sandman項目西北趨勢的總走向長度爲11.5公里。樣品6R返回的高品位銀要求進一步評估這一潛在區域,特別是對地表地球化學及其銀資源潛力進行詳細評估。

Further detailed assessment of the historical soil and auger sampling and some older ground VLF-EM (very low frequency electromagnetic) surveys need orientation to confirm if the new targets warrant drill testing, in the previously interpreted large low grade K8 gold prospect.


Photo 4. Photo facing west along the 11.5km North-West Trend showing the K8 prospect area in red broken line. The target area includes the upper slope area where the jarositic altered granodiorite with quartz veining is outcropping and the downslope area has fine sands at surface. This area is likely very suitable for lag surface sampling and analysis for arsenic with a field portable XRF machine as a first pass low-cost assessment.


Sandman Drill Targets
Sandman now has two new drill ready targets, the first being at Abel Knoll South which was defined by the recent lag sample orientation test work which returned a consistent arsenic anomaly which coincides with a gradient array apparent resistivity anomaly. Further lag sampling is also warranted on a similar target to the north and another area of geophysical interest located northwest of the Abel Knoll breccia.

Sandman現在有兩個新的鑽探準備目標,第一個目標是阿貝爾紐爾南部,在最近的滯後樣品方向測試工作中確定了該目標,測試結果顯示一致的砷異常,與梯度陣列顯性電阻異常重疊。在北部還應對類似目標做進一步滯後採樣,並且Abel Knoll斑岩西北方向還有另一個地球物理感興趣區域。

A former target previously reported, that requires further ground geophysical surveying for drill targeting is the Silica Valley target which is located immediately northeast of the Silica Ridge deposit. Multiple targets warrant further exploration follow-up work to discover additional gold ounces. In addition, the Sandman Mineral Resource Estimates has not been completely closed off, nor has step-out and sterilization drilling been conducted as is normally the case prior to reporting Preliminary Economic Assessments.


Figure 7. Sandman Project location map of Northern Nevada relative to the surrounding operating gold mines and mineral resources. Reference to the nearby projects is for information purposes only and there are no assurances the Company will achieve the same results.

圖7. Sandman項目位於北內華達州,相對於周邊的運營黃金礦和礦產資源的位置圖。對附近項目的參考僅供信息目的,並不能保證公司能夠取得相同的結果。



Further evaluation of the historical soil and auger sampling at the K8 prospect is required to conclude potential drill targets and to evaluate the potential of high silver within the granodiorite host rock. Evaluation of historical soil and other ground geophysical surveys at Abel Knoll, Silica Valley and the southern area of North Hill is required to conclude a list of high-quality drill targets aimed at a new gold deposit discovery within the Sandman tenure.

需要進一步評估K8目標的歷史土壤和螺旋採樣,以確定潛在的鑽探目標,並評估花崗閃長巖母巖中高含銀的潛力。還需要評估Abel Knoll、硅谷和北山南部地區的歷史土壤和其他地面地球物理勘測,以確定一份高質量的鑽探目標清單,以尋求在Sandman特許權內發現新的金礦牀。



The Sleeper-Sandman corridor is a highly endowed and underexplored terrain given the Sleeper Mine mined circa 2 million ounces of gold (plus 2.3 million ounces of silver) and had an approximate Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 3 million gold equivalent ounces at the time of mining. The mine is located circa 23 kilometers north of Sandman's North Hill deposit along the same Nevada gold trend. The Sleeper deposit measures 500m wide by 2km in strike length and was one of the highest-grade gold deposits mined in Nevada at 0.48opt (15ppm) gold. Sleeper had a reportable resource of 2.27 million ounces of gold in 1997 at the time of mine closure. The deposit was obscured by cover because it was partially covered by alluvium to the west and was not all outcropping. This highly prospective corridor has been massively underexplored and under drilled given the prolific known gold mineralization at or near surface in the district.


It should be noted, it took Sleeper thirty-four (34) step-out drill holes to discover the high-grade gold vein system with the discovery hole returning 102m of silicified breccia that averaged 28 ppm gold and 62 ppm silver. A very persistent exploration methodology was applied by Gold Bull's current Technical Advisor, John Wood, who is credited to discovering the high-grade Sleeper deposit (Wood pit named after him) which was surrounded by lower grade disseminated gold. The Sleeper anomaly had an initial surface geochemical expression 50-300m wide and 1,000m long, surface samples ran 0.2ppm gold and mineralization remains below the historical pit. A similar narrow surface expression also exists at the Sandman Southeast Pediment deposit and therefore it is considered possible to discover an additional deposit outside the existing Sandman orebodies.

值得注意的是,Sleeper礦區開探了34個搭索鑽孔才發現高品位金脈礦化體,其中探明含金量達28 ppm,銀62 ppm。Gold Bull當前的技術顧問John Wood採用了一種非常持之以恒的勘探方法,他發現了高品位的Sleeper礦牀(以他命名的Wood礦坑),該礦牀周圍均爲低品位的散佈性金礦化體。Sleeper異常區最初的地表地球化學異常範圍爲5000-30000米寬,100000米長,表面樣品含金量爲0.2 ppm,礦化體探明部分仍在歷史礦坑下方。類似的狹窄地表異常也存在於Sandman Southeast Pediment礦牀,因此有可能在現有的Sandman礦體之外發現另一個礦牀。



In December 2020, Gold Bull purchased the Sandman Project from Newmont. Gold mineralization was first discovered at Sandman in 1987 by Kennecott and the project has been intermittently explored since then. There are four known pit constrained gold resources located within the Sandman Project, consisting of 21.8Mt at 0.7ppm gold for 494,000 ounces of gold; comprising of an Indicated Resource of 18,550kt at 0.73ppm gold for 433kozs of gold plus an Inferred Resource of 3,246kt at 0.58ppm gold for 61kozs of gold. Several of the resources remain open in multiple directions and the bulk of the historical drilling has been conducted to a depth of less than 100m. Sandman is conveniently located circa 25-30 km northwest of the mining town of Winnemucca, Nevada.

2020年12月,Gold Bull從紐曼礦業購買了Sandman項目。Sandman項目是由肯尼科特於1987年首次發現黃金礦化,並自那以後間歇性地進行探索。Sandman項目內有四個已知受限的金礦資源,包括21.8萬噸,含金量0.7ppm黃金,總計494,000盎司,其中包括18,550噸可報告資源,含金量0.73ppm黃金,總計433盎司黃金,以及3,246噸推測資源,含金量0.58ppm黃金,總計61盎司黃金。其中的幾個資源在多個方向上仍有待開發,大部分的歷史鑽探深度不足10000萬。Sandman位於內華達州溫納穆卡礦鎮西北約25-30公里處,交通便利。



Cherie Leeden, B.Sc Applied Geology (Honours), MAIG, a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has read and approved all technical and scientific information contained in this news release. Ms. Leeden is the Company's Chief Executive Officer.

Cherie Leeden億.Sc應用地質學(榮譽),MAIG是國家43-101標準所定義的「合格人員」,她已閱讀並批准了本新聞稿中包含的所有技術和科學信息。Leeden女士是公司的首席執行官。


關於Gold Bull Resources Corp.

Gold Bull's mission is to grow into a US-focused mid-tier gold development Company via rapidly discovering and acquiring additional ounces. The Company's exploration hub is based in Nevada, USA, a top-tier mineral district that contains significant historical production, existing mining infrastructure and an established mining culture. Gold Bull is led by a Board and Management team with a track record of exploration and acquisition success.

Gold Bull的使命是通過快速發現和收購額外的金量,成長爲一個以美國爲重點的中層黃金開發公司。該公司的勘探中心位於美國內華達州,這是一個頂級的礦區,擁有顯著的歷史產量、現有的採礦基礎設施和已建立的採礦文化。Gold Bull由一支在勘探和收購方面具有成功記錄的董事會和管理團隊領導。

Gold Bull's core asset is the Sandman Project, located in Nevada which has a 494,000 oz gold resource as per 2022 43-101 Resource Estimate. Sandman is located 23 km south of the Sleeper Mine and boasts excellent large-scale exploration potential.

Gold Bull的核心資產是位於內華達州的Sanman項目,在2022年43-101資源評估中具有494,000盎司的金資源。Sandman距Sleeper礦區23公里,具有出色的大規模勘探潛力。

Gold Bull is driven by its core values and purpose which includes a commitment to safety, communication & transparency, environmental responsibility, community, and integrity.

Gold Bull的驅動力來自其核心價值觀和目的,其中包括致力於安全、溝通和透明、環境責任、社區和廉正。

Cherie Leeden
President and CEO, Gold Bull Resources Corp.

Cherie Leeden
Gold Bull Resources Corp.的總裁兼首席執行官

For further information regarding Gold Bull Resources Corp., please visit our website at or email or phone 778.401.8545.

有關Gold Bull Resources Corp.的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站或發送電子郵件至,或致電778.401.8545。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的那樣)對此發佈的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。

This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "indicates", "opportunity", "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Gold Bull believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the Company's ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its planned activities at the Sandman Project; the timing and costs of future activities on the Company's properties; maintaining its mineral tenures and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop its projects, to repay its debt and for general working capital purposes; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associates with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of copper and other metals, changes in general economic conditions, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the potential for new discoveries, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新聞稿中包含對公司而言可能被視爲根據適用證券法的的「前瞻性陳述」的某些陳述。前瞻性陳述是指那些並非歷史事實的陳述,並一般被諸如「預計」、「計劃」、「預測」、「相信」、「意圖」、「估計」、「項目」、「潛力」、「顯示」、「機會」、「可能」等表達方式所識別的陳述,或者那些事件或狀況「將要」、「可能」發生的陳述。儘管Gold Bull相信此類前瞻性陳述所表達的期望是基於合理假設的,但此類陳述並不構成對未來業績的保證,可能面臨風險和不確定性,並且實際結果或現實可能與前瞻性陳述中的情況存在重大差異。此類重大風險和不確定性包括但不限於,公司能否籌集足夠的資本以資助其在Sandman項目上的計劃活動的能力;公司在其物業上未來活動的時間和成本;維持其礦權和特許權的良好地位,以開展項目的勘探和開發,併爲償還債務和一般運營資金目的;經濟條件或金融市場的變化;與礦業勘探和採礦活動相關的固有危險,銅等金屬的未來價格變動;經濟條件的一般變化,礦產資源和儲量估計的準確性,新發現的可能性,公司獲得必要的許可和同意以開展項目的勘探、鑽探和開發的能力,以及如果獲得許可和同意,相對於公司對項目的計劃和業務目標,在適當時期內及時獲得此類許可和同意的能力;公司對其礦產資源進行貨幣化的普遍能力;和可能對公司的運營、遵守環境法規、依賴關鍵管理人員和礦業行業普遍競爭產生影響的環境及其他法律或法規的變更。前瞻性陳述基於公司管理層在陳述作出之日所持合理信念、估計和意見。除法律規定外,在管理層的信念、估計或意見或其他因素髮生變化的情況下,公司無義務在更新這些前瞻性陳述。

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