
AIM ImmunoTech Reports Positive Preliminary Data in Phase 1b/2 Study of Ampligen and Imfinzi as a Combination Therapy for Late-Stage Pancreatic Cancer

AIM ImmunoTech Reports Positive Preliminary Data in Phase 1b/2 Study of Ampligen and Imfinzi as a Combination Therapy for Late-Stage Pancreatic Cancer

aim immunotech報告了作爲晚期胰腺癌的聯合治療的Ampligen和Imfinzi的1b/2期研究的積極初步數據
GlobeNewswire ·  09/19 20:00

Preliminary finding of stable disease in two out of three patients at 6 months in the first subject cohort


Combination of Ampligen and Imfinzi continues to be generally well-tolerated with no severe adverse events or dose-limiting toxicities


OCALA, Fla., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AIM ImmunoTech Inc. (NYSE American: AIM) ("AIM") today announced positive preliminary data from the Phase 1b/2 study ("DURIPANC") evaluating the combination of AIM's Ampligen (rintatolimod) and AstraZeneca's anti-PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitor Imfinzi (durvalumab) in the treatment of late-stage pancreatic cancer.

OCALA, Fla., 2024年9月19日 (全球新聞線)— aim immunotech 公司(美國紐交所股票代碼:AIM)(「AIM」)今天宣佈了該公司的Ampligen(Rintatolimod)與阿斯利康公司的PD-L1抗體藥物Imfinzi(Durvalumab)聯合治療晚期胰腺癌的初步積極數據。這是一項由調查人發起的探索性、開放標籤、單中心研究。aim immunotech之前宣佈,荷蘭Erasmus大學醫學中心(「Erasmus MC」)的調查人已經完成了劑量遞增設計的第一個劑量水平中受試者的安全評估,並發現聯合治療一般耐受性良好,沒有嚴重不良事件或劑量限制性毒性。該第一個隊列已達到事先確定的6個月穩定評估時間點,aim immunotech很高興地宣佈,三個受試者中有兩個仍然穩定。受試者將繼續接受治療,並每三個月接受疾病進展的正式評估。計算中位無進展生存期(「PFS」)的標準要求50%或更多受試者觀察到疾病進展。由於在6個月時對該隊列的受試者進行評估時,有67%的患者保持穩定,aim immunotech目前無法報告PFS的情況。

DURIPANC is an investigator-initiated, exploratory, open-label, single-center study. AIM previously announced that investigators at Erasmus Medical Center ("Erasmus MC") in the Netherlands had completed the safety evaluation of subjects enrolled in the first dose level of the dose escalation design, finding the combination therapy to be generally well-tolerated with no severe adverse events or dose-limiting toxicities. That first cohort has now reached the pre-determined 6-month stability assessment timepoint and AIM is pleased to announce that two of the three subjects remain stable. The subjects will continue to be treated and receive formal assessment of progression every three months. The standard for calculating median progression-free survival ("PFS") requires that 50% or more of the subjects have seen disease progression. Because 67% of the patients in the cohort evaluated at 6 months have remained stable, AIM cannot yet report on PFS.

DURIPANC是一項由調查人發起的、探索性的、開放標籤的、單中心研究。aim immunotech之前宣佈,荷蘭Erasmus大學醫學中心(「Erasmus MC」)的調查人已經完成了劑量遞增設計的第一個劑量水平中受試者的安全評估,並發現聯合治療一般耐受性良好,沒有嚴重不良事件或劑量限制性毒性。該第一個隊列已達到事先確定的6個月穩定評估時間點,aim immunotech很高興地宣佈,三個受試者中有兩個仍然穩定。受試者將繼續接受治療,並每三個月接受疾病進展的正式評估。計算中位無進展生存期(「PFS」)的標準要求50%或更多受試者觀察到疾病進展。由於在6個月時對該隊列的受試者進行評估時,有67%的患者保持穩定,aim immunotech目前無法報告PFS的情況。

Two of the three subjects in the higher-dose second cohort of subjects also have stable disease, although they have not yet reached the 6-month stability assessment timepoint. Investigators continue to treat and monitor these subjects.


Prof. Casper H.J. van Eijck, MD, PhD, Pancreato-biliary Surgeon at Erasmus MC and Coordinating Investigator for the DURIPANC study, commented: "First of all, we have observed improvements in quality of life and we saw no toxicity at all — with 'quality of life' recognized as an indicator of stable disease. As a comparison, approximately 80% of patients at Erasmus with similar disease, but who did not receive the treatment, showed disease progression after only three months. While this new data is extremely preliminary, it is also highly encouraging. To have multiple patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer who still have stable disease after six or seven months of maintenance therapy is remarkable — as is having stable disease for 15 or more months after starting FOLFIRINOX. Based on the changes we have seen in immune infiltration into metastatic lesions, I am optimistic that there is a chance that these patients could still have partial or complete responses to this therapy."

Erasmus MC腹胰外科醫生兼DURIPANC研究協調研究員Casper H.J. van Eijck教授,MD,PhD表示:「首先,我們觀察到生活質量有所改善,並且我們完全沒有觀察到毒性-『生活質量』被認爲是穩定疾病的一個指標。作爲對比,在Erasmus呈現類似疾病但沒有接受治療的患者中,大約80%的患者僅在三個月後就出現病情進展。雖然這些新數據極爲初步,但也令人鼓舞。在維持治療六七個月後仍有多名轉移性胰腺癌患者具有穩定疾病是非常重要的-同樣重要的是,在開始FOLFIRINOX治療後15個月或更長時間仍保持穩定疾病。根據我們在轉移性病竈中免疫浸潤髮生的變化,我對這些患者仍有部分或完全對該療法產生反應的可能性感到樂觀。」

"Ampligen continues to demonstrate its synergistic potential as a combination therapy with checkpoint inhibitors and these data — following the positive data from the Dutch-government approved Early Access Program — underscore Ampligen's potential for the treatment of late-stage pancreatic cancer, where there remains a significant and lethal unmet need," commented AIM Chief Executive Officer Thomas K. Equels.

Aim首席執行官Thomas K. Equels表示:「Ampligen繼續展示其作爲與檢查點抑制劑結合治療的協同潛力,這些數據—在荷蘭政府批准的早期獲准計劃的積極數據之後—強調了Ampligen在治療晚期胰腺癌中的潛力,那裏仍然存在重大且致命的未滿足需求。」

Read more at NCT05927142 — "Combining anti-PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitor durvalumab with TLR-3 agonist rintatolimod in patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma for therapy effect"

在 NCT05927142網站上閱讀更多關於「將抗PD-L1免疫檢查點抑制劑durvalumab與TLR-3激動劑rintatolimod結合治療轉移性胰腺導管腺癌患者的療效」的信息。

Learn more about the clinical collaboration between AIM, AstraZeneca and Erasmus MC.

了解aim immunotech、阿斯利康和Erasmus MC之間的臨床合作。

About AIM ImmunoTech Inc.

AIM Immunotech股份有限公司是一家免疫藥品公司,專注於研究和開發治療多種癌症、免疫性疾病和病毒性疾病(包括COVID-19)的治療藥物。該公司的主要產品是一種名爲Ampligen(吡咯烷寡核苷酸)的首創調節免疫器官的藥物,具有廣泛的臨床試驗、覆蓋全球重要癌症、病毒性疾病和免疫系統疾病的廣譜活性。

AIM ImmunoTech Inc. is an immuno-pharma company focused on the research and development of therapeutics to treat multiple types of cancers, immune disorders and viral diseases, including COVID-19. The Company's lead product is a first-in-class investigational drug called Ampligen (rintatolimod), a dsRNA and highly selective TLR3 agonist immuno-modulator with broad spectrum activity in clinical trials for globally important cancers, viral diseases and disorders of the immune system.

AIM Immunotech公司是一家免疫藥物公司,專注於研究和開發治療多種癌症、免疫失調和病毒性疾病(包括COVID-19)的治療藥物。該公司的主要產品是一種名爲Ampligen(Rintatolimod)的首創性調節免疫藥物,是一種dsRNA和高選擇性TLR3激動劑,廣泛應用於針對全球重要癌症、病毒性疾病和免疫系統疾病的臨床試驗中。

For more information, please visit and connect with the Company on X, LinkedIn, and Facebook.


Cautionary Statement


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "PSLRA"). Words such as "may," "will," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "continue," "believe," "potential," "upcoming" and other variations thereon and similar expressions (as well as other words or expressions referencing future events or circumstances) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Many of these forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Data, pre-clinical success and clinical success seen to date does not guarantee that Ampligen will be approved as a combination therapy for late-stage pancreatic cancer. The Company urges investors to consider specifically the various risk factors identified in its most recent Form 10-K, and any risk factors or cautionary statements included in any subsequent Form 10-Q or Form 8-K, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Among other things, for those statements, the Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the PSLRA. The Company does not undertake to update any of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof.


CONTACT: Investor Contact:

Jenene Thomas
(833) 475-8247

Jenene Thomas
(833) 475-8247

