
Fox Factory Debuts First Team in Rebelle Rally 2024

Fox Factory Debuts First Team in Rebelle Rally 2024

Fox Factory在Rebelle Rally 2024中首次亮相
GlobeNewswire ·  09/19 20:00

DULUTH, Ga., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fox Factory Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: FOXF) announced it is fielding its first team to compete in the Rebelle Rally, the longest competitive off-road navigation rally in the United States and the first women's endurance off-road rally in America.

2024年9月19日,樂虎工廠控股公司 (納斯達克:FOXF) 宣佈將組建首支隊伍參加Rebelle拉力賽,這是美國最長的競技越野導航賽事,也是美國第一場女子持久力越野拉力賽。

Kristen Matlock, professional driver and FOX-supported athlete, along with Ashleigh Ballas, one of Fox Factory's test engineers, will debut in the 4x4 class, driving a Fox Factory-designed and developed King of the Hammers Edition Ford Bronco.

專業賽車手克里斯汀·馬特洛克 (Kristen Matlock) 和Fox工廠的測試工程師阿什莉·巴拉斯 (Ashleigh Ballas) 將首次亮相4x4級別,駕駛由Fox工廠設計和研發的King of the Hammers 版本Ford Bronco。

The team's 2023 King of the Hammers edition Ford Bronco boasts a custom suspension package, specifically designed by Fox Factory in collaboration with off-road enthusiasts to optimize comfort, articulation, and capability. This state-of-the-art vehicle serves as a testament to both Ford's engineering prowess and Fox Factory's commitment to providing championship-level performance equipment.

團隊的2023年King of the Hammers版本Ford Bronco擁有一套定製懸掛套件,由Fox工廠與越野愛好者合作設計,旨在優化舒適性、可動性和性能。這款先進的車輛既展示了福特的工程實力,也證明了Fox工廠在提供冠軍級性能設備方面的承諾。

Additionally, Fox is returning for a second consecutive year as a Rebelle Rally official partner through Trail Trust, Fox Factory's social impact initiative. Since launching Trail Trust in 2021, Fox Factory has focused on championing sustainable adventure for all, including expanding access to outdoor adventuring so everyone can experience the thrill of the ride.

此外,福克斯公司將繼續作爲Rebelle拉力賽的官方合作伙伴回歸,通過Trail Trust(樂虎工廠的社會影響倡議)支持。自2021年推出Trail Trust以來,樂虎工廠一直致力於倡導可持續冒險,包括擴大人們的戶外冒險機會,使每個人都能體驗到騎行的刺激。

"The Rebelle Rally perfectly embodies the mission of Trail Trust, and we're thrilled to return as a partner," shares Jackie Martin, Chief Purpose and Inclusion Officer. "I am even more excited to watch our first team take part in this grueling, skills-based competition. Eight days off the grid is no easy feat for anyone so I can't wait to watch Ashleigh & Kristen shine on this impressive stage!"

「Rebelle Rally完美地體現了Trail Trust的使命,我們很高興能再次成爲合作伙伴。」首席目標與包容官員Jackie Martin分享道。「我更加激動地期待着看到我們的第一支團隊參加這場艱苦且技能爲基礎的比賽。在離網的八天裏,對任何人來說都不是一件容易的事,所以我迫不及待地想看到Ashleigh和Kristen在這個令人印象深刻的舞臺上發光發亮!」

This year's rally, taking place October 10 to 19, 2024, will see participants traverse over 1,500 miles of unforgiving terrain across the deserts of California and Nevada. Relying solely on map and compass, without GPS or internet assistance, teams will demonstrate exceptional teamwork, resilience, and navigational expertise.


Visit to learn more about the Trail Trust program and follow the Fox Factory team's journey at the 2024 Rebelle Rally.

訪問TrailTrust.com了解更多關於Trail Trust計劃,並關注Fox Factory團隊在2024 Rebelle Rally的旅程。

About Fox Factory Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: FOXF)

關於 Fox 工業控制(NASDAQ: FOXF)

Fox Factory Holding Corp. is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of premium products that deliver championship-level performance for specialty sports and on- and off-road vehicles. Its portfolio of brands, including FOX, Marucci, Method Race Wheels, and more, are fueled by unparalleled innovation that continuously earns the trust of professional athletes and passionate enthusiasts all around the world. The company is a direct supplier of shocks, suspension, and components to leading powered vehicle and bicycle original equipment manufacturers. The company acquires complementary businesses to integrate engineering and manufacturing expertise to reach beyond its core shock and suspension business, diversifying its product offerings and increasing its market potential. It also provides products in the aftermarket through its global network of retailers and distributors and through direct-to-consumer channels.

Fox Factory控股公司是全球領先的專業體育和越野車設計製造的高端產品,提供冠軍級性能。其品牌組合,包括FOX、Marucci、Method Race Wheels等,以無與倫比的創新推動,不斷贏得全球專業運動員和狂熱愛好者的信任。該公司直接向領先的動力車輛和自行車原始設備製造商提供震動、懸掛和元件,是一家直接供應商。該公司通過收購相關業務,整合工程和製造專業知識,超越其核心震動和懸掛業務,多樣化其產品供應,並增加市場潛力。該公司還通過全球零售商和經銷商網絡以及直銷渠道在售後市場提供產品。

FOX and Trail Trust are registered trademarks of Fox Factory, Inc. NASDAQ Global Select Market is a registered trademark of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

FOX和Trail Trust是Fox Factory, Inc.的註冊商標。納斯達克全球精選市場是納斯達克OMX集團的註冊商標。保留所有權利。

Available Information


Fox Factory Holding Corp. announces material information to the public about Fox Factory Holding Corp. through a variety of means, including filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, press releases, public conference calls, webcasts, and the investor relations section of its website () in order to achieve broad, non-exclusionary distribution of information to the public and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD.


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