
Interplay Learning Closes Growth Investment From Goldman Sachs Alternatives and Acquires Industrial Training International

Interplay Learning Closes Growth Investment From Goldman Sachs Alternatives and Acquires Industrial Training International

Interplay Learning從高盛替代投資公司獲得增長投資,並收購了工業培訓國際公司。
PR Newswire ·  09/19 19:00

Interplay solidifies its leadership position in workforce training, accelerates its expansion into the industrial sector, and reinforces its commitment to tackle the US and global trade skills imbalance.


AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Interplay Learning (Interplay), a leading provider of immersive skilled trades training, today announced it has secured funding from Goldman Sachs Alternatives ("Goldman Sachs") and acquired Industrial Training International (ITI) to expand its footprint in key sectors. As part of this round of Investment, Interplay is adding Richard Waitumbi, Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, to its Board of Directors.

德克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年9月19日 / PRNewswire / - 領先的技工行業培訓提供商Interplay Learning(Interplay)今天宣佈獲得了高盛替代投資(「高盛」)的資金,並收購了Industrial Training International(ITI),以擴大其在關鍵行業的市場份額。 作爲這輪投資的一部分,Interplay將Richard Waitumbi,高盛董事總經理,加入其董事會。

Interplay Learning, a leading provider of immersive skilled trades training, today announced it has secured funding from Goldman Sachs Alternatives and acquired Industrial Training International, expanding its footprint in key sectors and solidifying its position at the forefront of workforce training.
領先的技工行業培訓提供商Interplay Learning今天宣佈已從高盛替代投資獲得資金,並收購了Industrial Training International,擴大了其在關鍵行業的市場份額,並鞏固了其在員工培訓領域的領先地位。

With the acquisition of ITI, Interplay is deploying a portion of the growth investment to expand into the industrial sector, furthering its vision to reach every industry that faces a chronic labor shortage. Founded in 1986, ITI is a long-serving, trusted advisor and solution provider to thousands of companies and governmental entities. ITI brings additional immersive simulation training solutions in activities related to crane and rigging operations, a common need across all types of job sites.

通過收購ITI,Interplay正在利用增長投資的一部分進軍制造業板塊,進一步實現其達到面對長期勞動力短缺的每個行業的願景。成立於1986年,ITI是數千家公司和政府實體的資深可信顧問和解決方案提供商。 ITI爲與吊車和起重作業相關的活動提供了額外的沉浸式模擬培訓解決方案,這是各種工地常見的需求。

Doug Donovan, Interplay CEO, shared, "Both Interplay and ITI have the same mission to build better careers and better lives for the workers who construct, repair and maintain the essential systems of the world. We believe that every skilled worker deserves unlimited social mobility and learning experiences. Every organization should have confidence in the preparedness, competencies, and value drivers of their skilled workforce. By joining forces and with the support of our investment partner Goldman Sachs Alternatives, we can accelerate that vision and deliver a cross-industry platform that supports these workers throughout their career journey and drives positive business outcomes for the companies that depend on them."

Interplay的CEO Doug Donovan分享道:「Interplay和ITI都擁有建設更美好職業和生活的使命,致力於爲構建、維修和維護世界各種重要系統的工人提供支持。我們相信每位熟練工人都應該享有無限的社會流動性和學習經歷。 每個組織都應該信心十足地依賴其熟練勞動力的能力,準備度和價值驅動力。通過聯合並在我們的投資合作伙伴高盛替代投資的支持下,我們可以加速實現這一願景,並提供跨行業平台,支持這些工人在其職業生涯中,併爲依賴他們的公司帶來積極的業務成果。」

Greg Shell, Partner and Head of Inclusive Growth Strategy within Sustainable Investing at Goldman Sachs Alternatives, shared, "Our vision is to support corporations that not only uphold core economic principles but also serve social needs, and in doing so, prove that this approach to investing will also provide strong returns. We believe Interplay represents that investment thesis and our investment will aid it in its mission to be the formidable global leader in its space. Companies worldwide have tremendous challenges in hiring and retaining skilled talent, and education systems are slow to meet this need. Interplay Learning, with its leading AI and immersive technology, enables companies to control their trade skills development destiny and powers education partners to prepare the global workforce's next generation of skilled workers."

高盛另類投資中的合夥人兼包容性增長策略負責人Greg Shell表示:「我們的願景是支持不僅遵守核心經濟原則,還服務社會需求的公司,並通過這樣做,證明這種投資方式也會帶來良好的回報。 我們相信Interplay體現了這一投資主題,我們的投資將幫助它實現成爲其領域強大的全球領導者的使命。全球公司在招聘和留住熟練人才方面面臨巨大挑戰,教育系統難以滿足這種需求。憑藉其領先的AI和沉浸式技術,Interplay Learning使公司能夠控制其貿易技能發展命運,並推動教育合作伙伴準備全球勞動力下一代熟練工人。」

Interplay is tackling one of the biggest challenges threatening the U.S economy – the skilled labor shortage. According to Angi's 2024 Skilled Trades Report, 70% of surveyed tradespeople say the lack of an available workforce is stunting their growth. The U.S. Labor Statistics estimates there will be 1.5 million new skilled trades jobs by 2029 and not enough workers to fill them. The need to replace retiring workers by attracting younger talent to careers in the trades is felt across the residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure construction industries.


The company is leading the charge in addressing the skilled labor shortage by providing companies with innovative, digital tools that not only upskill existing talent but also help companies attract, train, and retain people with no prior experience. Interplay's immersive career development platform offers over 500 hours of courseware across a range of skilled trade paths and leverages both AI and 3D simulations to deliver an intelligent skills development program unlike any on the market. By equipping businesses with scalable solutions to get workers job-ready faster and keep them longer, Interplay is driving impactful results for industries facing critical labor challenges.


Beyond industry, Interplay helps educational institutions by powering programs with supplemental learning that utilize 3D simulations and virtual reality. It also supports the launch of independent skilled trades academies where none existed before. Graduates earn industry-recognized certifications, opening doors to financially rewarding and meaningful careers.


About Interplay Learning
Austin-based Interplay Learning is the industry leader in immersive career development for the skilled trades. Interplay's acclaimed training platform enables rapid upskilling and empowers new technicians to be job-ready within weeks, not years. Featuring hands-on 3D simulations, expert-led videos, knowledge checks, and personalized learning paths, Interplay's immersive platform is more scalable and engaging than traditional training. Leveraging advanced technologies like AI and VR, Interplay is reshaping the future of online skilled trades training, delivering highly effective learning experiences that result in better careers and better lives. Since 2016, the company has trained more than 250,000 people using immersive learning technology and has worked closely with nearly 2,000 businesses and educational organizations. Recent accolades include Fast Company's Annual List of the World's Most Innovative Companies of 2024, AHR's 2024 Innovation Award, IACET 2024 Innovation of the Year Award – Technology Integration category, NFMT 2024 Vision Awards – Analytics and Management Software, Forbes' 2023 America's Best Startup Employers, 2022 Inc. 5000 list, 2022 Inc. Best in Business list, and three honorable mentions in Fast Company's 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards. Visit to learn more.

關於Interplay Learning
總部位於奧斯汀的Interplay Learning是熟練工貿易領域職業發展的行業領導者。Interplay備受讚譽的培訓平台可以實現快速提升技能,並使新技術人員在幾周內達到就業準備水平。該平台採用了實踐性的3D模擬、專家講解視頻、知識檢測和個性化學習路徑,比傳統培訓更具伸縮性和吸引力。通過利用人工智能和虛擬現實等先進技術,Interplay正在改變在線技工培訓的未來,提供高效的學習體驗,幫助人們獲得更好的職業和更好的生活。自2016年以來,該公司已經利用沉浸式學習技術培訓了超過25萬人,並與近2000家企業和教育機構緊密合作。近期的榮譽包括2024年Fast Company全球最具創新力企業年度榜單、2024年AHR創新獎、2024年IACEt年度創新獎——技術整合類別、2024年NFMt願景獎——分析和管理軟件、2023年Forbes美國最佳初創企業僱主、2022年Inc. 5000榜單、2022年Inc.最佳企業榜單,以及2021年Fast Company全球變革性想法獎三項榮譽提名。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Industrial Training International
Industrial Training International LLC is a global leader in the design and delivery of learning solutions for organizations conducting crane, rigging, and load handling activities. Founded in 1986, the company originally specialized in instructor-led training, field services, and consulting. ITI has since grown to produce live online, and on-demand courses delivered via the ITI Learning Hub and has been recognized with numerous industry association awards for its groundbreaking virtual reality crane simulator solution. For more information about ITI, visit .

關於Industrial Training International
Industrial Training International LLC是爲從事起重、吊裝和搬運活動的組織設計和提供學習解決方案的全球領導者。該公司成立於1986年,最初專門從事帶講師的培訓、現場服務和諮詢。ITI現已發展成爲通過ITI Learning Hub提供在線直播和按需課程的機構,並憑藉其開創性的虛擬現實起重機模擬器解決方案獲得了多個行業協會的認可獎項。欲了解有關ITI的更多信息,請訪問。

About Sustainable Investing at Goldman Sachs Alternatives
Goldman Sachs is one of the leading investors in alternatives globally, with over $450 billion in assets and more than 30 years of experience. The business invests in the full spectrum of alternatives including private equity, growth equity, private credit, real estate, infrastructure, hedge funds, and sustainability. Clients access these solutions through direct strategies, customized partnerships, and open-architecture programs.
The business is driven by a focus on partnership and shared success with its clients, seeking to deliver long-term investment performance drawing on its global network and deep expertise across industries and markets.
The alternative investments platform is part of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, which delivers investment and advisory services across public and private markets for the world's leading institutions, financial advisors, and individuals. Goldman Sachs has over $2.9 trillion in assets under supervision globally as of June 30, 2024.

高盛是全球領先的替代投資者之一,在資產方面擁有超過4500億美元的資產和逾30年的經驗。 業務投資於包括股權投資、成長股權、私人信貸、房地產、基礎設施、對沖基金和可持續性在內的各種替代投資。 客戶可以通過直接策略、定製夥伴關係和開放式架構計劃來使用這些解決方案。
替代投資平台是高盛資產管理的一部分,該部門爲全球領先的機構、金融顧問和個人在公共和私人市場上提供投資和諮詢服務。 截至2024年6月30日,高盛在全球監管的資產總額超過2.9萬億美元。

Heather Ripley
Ripley PR
(865) 977-1973
[email protected]

Heather Ripley
Ripley PR
[email protected]

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