
Hut 8 and BITMAIN Expand Innovation Partnership With Launch of Next-Generation BITMAIN Miner

Hut 8 and BITMAIN Expand Innovation Partnership With Launch of Next-Generation BITMAIN Miner

Hut 8和比特大陸擴大創新合作伙伴關係,推出下一代比特大陸礦機
GlobeNewswire ·  09/19 16:34

U3S21EXPH to be first ASIC miner mass-commercialized by BITMAIN with direct liquid-to-chip cooling within U form factor


Hut 8 plans to deploy model in Q2 2025 through ~15 EH/s hosting deployment with potential transition to self-mining through purchase option

Hut 8計劃在2025年第二季度通過約15 EH/s的託管部署開始使用該模型,並有可能通過購買選項實現自身挖礦。

Miami, FL, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hut 8 Corp. (Nasdaq | TSX: HUT) ("Hut 8" or the "Company"), a leading, vertically integrated operator of large-scale energy infrastructure and one of North America's largest Bitcoin miners, today announced the expansion of its partnership with BITMAIN Technologies Ltd. ("BITMAIN"), the world's largest manufacturer of digital currency mining servers, with the launch of the U3S21EXPH, a next-generation ASIC miner. Hut 8 plans to deploy the model in Q2 2025 through a ~15 exahash per second ("EH/s") hosting agreement leveraging custom data center infrastructure developed in-house by Hut 8.

2024年9月19日,佛羅里達邁阿密(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)- Hut 8 Corp.(納斯達克| TSX:HUT)(「Hut 8」或「公司」)是一家領先的垂直一體化大型能源基礎設施運營商,並是北美最大的比特幣礦工之一。公司今天宣佈與全球最大的數字貨幣挖礦服務器製造商BITMAIN Technologies Ltd.(「BITMAIN」)擴大合作伙伴關係,推出了U3S21EXPH,一款下一代ASIC礦機。Hut 8計劃在2025年第二季度通過自家定製數據中心基礎設施,部署這款模型,並達到約15艾哈希每秒(「EH/s」)的挖礦能力。

As part of its long-term, power-first strategy, Hut 8 continues to scale its compute layer across energy-intensive technologies, including both Bitcoin mining and AI compute, with the aim of maximizing returns on its portfolio of power assets and digital infrastructure. The launch and commercialization of the U3S21EXPH is a key milestone in executing this strategy in the Company's Bitcoin mining segment as it advances scaled opportunities in AI compute.

作爲其長期而優先的策略的一部分,Hut 8繼續擴大其計算層,涵蓋包括比特幣挖礦和AI計算在內的能源密集型技術,以最大化其電力資產和數字基礎設施組合的回報。U3S21EXPH的推出和商業化是該公司比特幣挖礦領域中執行此策略的重要里程碑,正在推進AI計算中的規模化機遇。

Revolutionizing ASIC Compute: U3S21EXPH


The U3S21EXPH will be the first ASIC miner mass-commercialized by BITMAIN to feature direct liquid-to-chip ("DLC") cooling within a U form factor. Capable of achieving up to 860 terahash at an efficiency of 13 joules per terahash, the model represents the culmination of an extensive miner-manufacturer partnership between Hut 8 and BITMAIN. Under the partnership, which spans technical and commercial innovation, Hut 8 supported BITMAIN in the development of the miner.

U3S21EXPH將成爲BITMAIN面向大規模商用的第一款採用直接液體冷卻(「DLC」)技術的ASIC礦機。該型號可以以每太哈希13焦耳的效率達到860太哈希,是Hut 8和BITMAIN之間廣泛的礦機制造商合作的成果。在這一合作關係中,Hut 8支持BITMAIN進行礦機的開發,合作涵蓋技術和商業創新。

Key advancements:


  • Technology: Introduces DLC cooling technology used in high-performance computing ("HPC") data centers to a rack-ready form factor for Bitcoin mining
  • Engineering: Evolution from "shoebox" ASIC form factor incompatible with traditional data center rack architecture to "U" form factor compatible with HPC-style architecture that can be deployed at densities of up to ~180 kilowatts ("kW") per rack
  • Procurement: Strong overlap in secondary components with HPC data centers, including racks and cooling systems required for DLC technology, driving the opportunity for greater supply chain synchronization across Bitcoin mining and HPC data centers
  • Construction: Opportunity to apply construction expertise and capabilities across Bitcoin mining and HPC data centers
  • 科技:將用於高性能計算(「HPC」)數據中心的DLC冷卻技術引入到適用於比特幣挖礦的機架就緒形態中
  • 工程:從與傳統數據中心機架架構不兼容的「鞋盒」ASIC形態進化爲與HPC式架構兼容的「U」形態,並且可以以每個機架高達~180千瓦(「kW」)的密度部署
  • 採購:在HPC數據中心和比特幣挖礦中存在較大的二次元件重疊,包括DLC技術所需的機櫃和冷卻系統,推動了比特幣挖礦和HPC數據中心之間供應鏈的更大程度的同步機會。
  • 施工:在比特幣挖礦和HPC數據中心之間應用施工專業知識和能力的機會。

To fully harness the potential of the U3S21EXPH, Hut 8 has developed a custom design for Bitcoin mining data center infrastructure inspired by traditional rack-based architecture. This design will be leveraged to house the initial ~15 EH/s deployment at a density of up to ~180 kW per rack.

爲了充分發揮U3S21EXPH的潛力,Hut 8已經開發了一個受傳統機櫃架構啓發的比特幣挖礦數據中心基礎設施的定製設計。該設計將被利用來承載初步的約15 EH/s部署,密度高達每個機櫃約18萬。

"Our partnership with BITMAIN has allowed us to advance our thinking on ASIC compute and create a more scalable model for data center design as we expand our footprint," said Asher Genoot, CEO of Hut 8. "The U3S21EXPH will be the first miner from BITMAIN broadly commercialized with DLC cooling within a U form factor, making it rack-ready like traditional data center hardware. This innovation bridges critical engineering gaps between Bitcoin mining and AI data center infrastructure in both form factor and cooling technology, and we believe this convergence will enable us to unlock significant synergies and flexibility going forward."

Hut 8的首席執行官Asher Genoot表示:"與BITMAIN的合作使我們在ASIC計算方面取得了進展,並在數據中心設計方面創造了一個更具擴展性的模型,這將幫助我們擴大影響力。 U3S21EXPH將成爲BITMAIN首款廣泛使用DLC冷卻技術的礦機,其U形外形與傳統的數據中心硬件一樣適合機櫃。這一創新在外形和冷卻技術方面彌合了比特幣挖礦和AI數據中心基礎設施之間的重要工程差距,我們相信這種融合將使我們能夠實現重要的協同效應和靈活性。"

"Asher and Mike have been invaluable thought partners to BITMAIN since the early days of US Bitcoin Corp, where they demonstrated a unique focus on cost-efficient procurement and operations," said Irene Gao, Vice President of Mining of BITMAIN. "Hut 8's technical expertise, operating strength, and track record of innovation made this partnership a natural evolution of our relationship as we began the journey of developing next-generation ASIC technology. We are excited to deepen our relationship as we continue to define the future of mining."

BITMAIN採礦副總裁Irene Gao表示:"自從我們開始美國比特幣公司的早期,Asher和Mike一直是BITMAIN非常有價值的思想夥伴,他們展示了對成本有效的採購和運營的獨特關注。“Hut 8的技術專長、運營實力和創新記錄使這次合作成爲我們關係自然發展的一次演變,我們一起開始開發下一代ASIC技術的旅程。我們很高興在繼續定義未來採礦的過程中加深我們的合作關係。"

Commercializing the U3S21EXPH


The U3S21EXPH will be commercialized through a creatively structured hosting agreement between Hut 8 and BITMAIN. The agreement features a favorable fixed hosting fee with an option for Hut 8 to purchase all or a portion of the hosted machines in up to three tranches at a fixed price within six months of energization of the relevant tranches.

U3S21EXPH將通過Hut 8和BITMAIN之間創造性結構的託管協議進行商業化。該協議設有有利的固定託管費,併爲Hut 8提供了在有關託管上的機器發電後6個月內按固定價格購買全部或部分託管機器的選擇權,最多可分三期進行購買。

The structure is designed to drive a superior risk-return profile for the acquisition of new machines for Hut 8's self-mining fleet by reducing upfront capital requirements, offering a lower cost of capital, and de-risking a potential purchase by allowing the Company to assess future market conditions before committing additional capital.

該結構旨在通過降低前期資本需求、提供較低的資本成本,並在允許公司評估未來市場條件後再承諾額外資本的情況下,爲Hut 8自營挖礦團隊收購新機器提供卓越的風險回報比例。

The initial agreement comprises ~15 EH/s and is expected to increase Hut 8's hashrate under management from 18.5 EH/s1 to ~33.5 EH/s. If Hut 8 were to execute the purchase option for the entirety of the ~15 EH/s hosting deployment, the Company's self-mining hashrate is expected to increase from 5.6 EH/s1,2 to ~20.6 EH/s.

初始協議包括約15 EH/s,並預計將使Hut 8的管理算力從18.5 EH/s1增加到約33.5 EH/s。如果Hut 8選擇行使全部約15 EH/s託管部署的購買選擇權,公司的自營挖礦算力預計將從5.6 EH/s1,2增加到約20.6 EH/s。

"Our team worked closely with BITMAIN to implement an innovative structure to commercialize the U3S21EXPH before it became available to the broader market," said Genoot. "For Hut 8, the benefit of the structure is twofold: it protects our downside with a fixed-price hosting revenue stream, and it creates significant option value with a fixed-price purchase option. We believe this model represents a more thoughtful approach to capturing the lucrative economics offered by next-generation machines, reducing upfront capital requirements while we continue to pursue growth initiatives in AI infrastructure."

我們的團隊和比特大陸密切合作,設計了一種創新的結構,使U3S21EXPH在面向更廣泛市場之前實現商業化。Genoot表示:“對於Hut 8來說,這種結構的好處是雙重的:它通過固定價格的託管收入流保護我們的下行風險,並通過固定價格的購買選擇創造重大的期權價值。我們相信這種模式代表了一種更爲周到的方法,以捕獲下一代機器所提供的有利經濟條件,減少前期資本需求,同時我們繼續推進人工智能基礎設施的增長倡議。



  1. Based on the Company's capacity as of August 31, 2024.
  2. Includes 100% of deployed hashrate at the King Mountain site, which is owned by the King Mountain JV in which the Company has a 50% membership interested and a Fortune 200 renewable energy producer has the remaining 50% membership interest.
  1. 基於2024年8月31日公司的產能。
  2. 包括在King Mountain網站部署的全部算力,該網站由King Mountain JV擁有,公司持有50%的成員權益,一家財富200強可再生能源生產商持有剩餘的50%成員權益。

About Hut 8

關於Hut 8

Hut 8 Corp. is an energy infrastructure operator and Bitcoin miner with self-mining, hosting, managed services, and traditional data center operations across North America. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Hut 8 Corp. has a portfolio comprising twenty sites: ten Bitcoin mining, hosting, and Managed Services sites in Alberta, New York, and Texas, five high performance computing data centers in British Columbia and Ontario, four power generation assets in Ontario, and one newly announced site in the Texas Panhandle. For more information, visit and follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) at @Hut8Corp.

Hut 8 Corp.是一家以北美爲基礎的能源基礎設施運營商和比特幣礦工,擁有自行挖掘、託管、託管服務和傳統數據中心運營。總部位於佛羅里達州邁阿密,Hut 8 Corp.擁有20個站點的組合:位於艾伯塔省、紐約州和得克薩斯州的10個比特幣採礦、託管和託管服務站點、位於不列顛哥倫比亞省和安大略省的5個高性能計算數據中心、在安大略省的4個發電資產以及得克薩斯州Panhandle地區的一個新公佈站點。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 並在X(以前稱爲Twitter)上關注我們 @Hut8Corp。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward–Looking Information


This press release includes "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws and United States securities laws, respectively (collectively, "forward-looking information"). All information, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that Hut 8 expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as future business strategy, competitive strengths, goals, expansion and growth of the business, operations, plans and other such matters is forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is often identified by the words "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "allow", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "predict", "can", "might", "potential", "predict", "is designed to", "likely" or similar expressions. Specifically, such forward-looking information included in this press release includes statements relating to the commercialization of the U3S21EXPH machine, the Company's plans to deploy the U3S21EXPH model in Q2 2025, the Company continuing to scale its compute layer across energy-intensive technologies, maximizing returns on the Company's portfolio of power assets and digital infrastructure, advancing scaled opportunities in AI compute, the opportunity for greater supply chain synchronization across Bitcoin mining and HPC data centers, the opportunity to apply construction expertise and capabilities across Bitcoin mining and HPC data centers, leveraging the Company's design to house the initial ~15-EH/s deployment at a density of up to ~180 kW per rack, unlocking significant synergies and flexibility going forward as a result of the convergence of Bitcoin mining and AI data center infrastructure in both form factor and cooling technology, an increase in the Company's hashrate under management and a potential increase in the Company's deployed self-mining hashrate.

本新聞稿包含「前瞻性信息」和「前瞻性陳述」,分別指加拿大證券法和美國證券法中的含義(統稱爲「前瞻性信息」)。本新聞稿中包含的除歷史事實陳述外的所有信息,均屬於針對Hut 8預計或預期將來可能發生的活動、事件或發展的內容,包括未來業務策略、競爭優勢、目標、業務的擴展和增長、運營、計劃等方面均屬於前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息通常由「可能」、「將」、「可能會」、「應該」、「將會」、「打算」、「計劃」、「預計」、「允許」、「相信」、「估計」、「預期」、「預測」、「可以」、「可能」、「潛在」、「設計爲」、「可能性」或類似表達方式所識別。具體而言,本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息包括有關商業化U3S21EXPH機器、公司計劃在2025年第二季度部署U3S21EXPH型號、公司繼續在耗能技術跨越計算層上擴展、最大化公司電能實業和數字基礎設施組合的回報、推進AI計算中的規模化機遇、在比特幣挖礦和HPC數據中心之間實現更大供應鏈同步的機會、將施工專業技能和能力應用於比特幣挖礦和HPC數據中心、利用公司設計容納最初的~15-EH/s部署,每個機架高達~180 kW的密度、由於比特幣挖礦和人工智能數據中心基礎設施在形態和冷卻技術上的融合,未來解鎖重要的協同效應和靈活性,公司管理的算力增加和公司部署的自採礦算力潛在增加的聲明。

Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts, but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events based on certain material factors and assumptions at the time the statement was made. While considered reasonable by Hut 8 as of the date of this press release, such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to, security and cybersecurity threats and hacks; malicious actors or botnet obtaining control of processing power on the Bitcoin network; further development and acceptance of the Bitcoin network; changes to Bitcoin mining difficulty; loss or destruction of private keys; increases in fees for recording transactions in the Blockchain; erroneous transactions; reliance on a limited number of key employees; reliance on third party mining pool service providers; regulatory changes; classification and tax changes; momentum pricing risk; fraud and failure related to digital asset exchanges; difficulty in obtaining banking services and financing; difficulty in obtaining insurance, permits and licenses; internet and power disruptions; geopolitical events; uncertainty in the development of cryptographic and algorithmic protocols; uncertainty about the acceptance or widespread use of digital assets; failure to anticipate technology innovations; the COVID19 pandemic, climate change; currency risk; lending risk and recovery of potential losses; litigation risk; business integration risk; changes in market demand; changes in network and infrastructure; system interruption; changes in leasing arrangements; failure to achieve intended benefits of power purchase agreements; potential for interrupted delivery, or suspension of the delivery, of energy to mining sites and other risks related to the digital asset mining and data center business. For a complete list of the factors that could affect Hut 8, please see the "Risk Factors" section of Hut 8's Transition Report on Form 10-K, available under the Company's EDGAR profile at, and Hut 8's other continuous disclosure documents which are available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at and EDGAR profile at

陳述包含前瞻性信息,而不是歷史事實,而是基於某些物質因素和假設,反映了管理層對於未來事件的預期、估計和投影,這些因素和假設是在發表陳述時作爲合理的。雖然Hut 8在本新聞稿發佈之日認爲該類陳述是合理的,但是這些陳述仍可能受到已知和未知的風險、不確定性、假設和其他因素的影響,這可能會導致實際結果、活動水平、業績或成就與此類前瞻性信息所表達的實際結果、活動水平、業績或成就存在實質性不同,包括但不限於安全和網絡安全威脅和黑客攻擊,有惡意的演員或Botnet獲得比特幣網絡上的處理能力,比特幣網絡的進一步發展和接受,比特幣挖掘難度的變化,私鑰的丟失或破壞,記錄區塊鏈中的交易所需費用的增加,錯誤交易,依賴少量關鍵員工,依賴第三方礦池服務提供商,法規變更,分類和稅收變化,勢頭價格風險,數字資產交易所欺詐和失敗,難以獲得銀行服務和融資,難以獲得保險、許可證和執照,互聯網和電力中斷,地緣政治事件,加密和算法協議發展的不確定性,數字資產的接受或廣泛使用的不確定性,未能預見技術創新,COVID19大流行、氣候變化、貨幣風險、貸款風險和後續損失的回收,訴訟風險,業務整合風險,市場需求變化,網絡和基礎設施變化,系統中斷,租賃安排變化,無法實現電力購買協議的預期收益,可能會中斷交割或暫停交割的能源礦場投資和數據中心業務的其他風險。欲了解可能影響Hut 8的完整因素列表,請參閱Hut 8的過渡報告,可在公司的EDGAR資料庫中的公司檔案下找到,在公司的SEDAR +文件文件下找到,在公司的SEDAR +檔案中提供。 和EDGAR資料庫下的公司檔案。

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