
BioPharma Services Announces Expansion Into Late-Stage Patient Trials and Integration With HEALWELL's Artificial Intelligence Platform Capabilities to Become a Full-Service Next Generation CRO

BioPharma Services Announces Expansion Into Late-Stage Patient Trials and Integration With HEALWELL's Artificial Intelligence Platform Capabilities to Become a Full-Service Next Generation CRO

BioPharma Services宣佈擴展至後期患者試驗,並整合HEALWELL的人工智能平台功能,成爲全方位的下一代CRO服務提供商
newsfile ·  09/19 15:15
  • HEALWELL's subsidiary, BioPharma Services, is expanding into late-stage patient trials through the integration of Canadian Phase Onward, a dedicated clinical research site built within the framework of HEALWELL's Polyclinic Family and Specialty Medicine Facility.
  • This strategic integration is a significant milestone, enhancing BioPharma's ability to manage clinical trials across all phases of drug development and making the business a full-service Contract Research Organization. The move also supports HEALWELL's broader vision of building out clinical research capabilities and leveraging synergies across its business lines to drive growth and innovation in healthcare.
  • Biopharma will also be integrating with HEALWELL AI's leading edge data science and Artificial Intelligence platform to help advance research and development, disease detection and patient identification capabilities to support expedited patient trials.
  • Biopharma has completed over 2,200 clinical trials since inception with approximately 250 pharma clients, globally. This includes 4 of the top 25 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
  • HEALWELL的子公司BioPharma Services正在通過整合加拿大Phase Onward擴大到後期患者試驗,Phase Onward是在HEALWELL的Polyclinic家庭和專科醫療設施框架內建立的專門的臨床研究基地。
  • 這一戰略整合是一個重要的里程碑,增強了BioPharma在藥物開發的各個階段中管理臨床試驗的能力,並使其成爲一家全方位的合同研究機構。此舉還支持HEALWELL在臨床研究能力方面的廣泛願景,並通過整合其業務線的協同效應推動醫療保健的增長和創新。
  • Biopharma還將與HEALWELL AI的領先數據科學和人工智能平台整合,以幫助推進研究和開發、疾病檢測和患者識別能力,支持加快患者試驗的進行。
  • 自成立以來,Biopharma已完成了超過2,200項臨床試驗,並擁有約250家全球製藥公司的客戶,其中包括全球排名前25位的四家最大製藥公司。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 19, 2024) - HEALWELL AI Inc. (TSX: AIDX) (OTCQX: HWAIF)("HEALWELL" or the "Company"), a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care, is pleased to announce its subsidiary, BioPharma Services Inc. ("BioPharma"), a leading Contract Research Organization ("CRO") specializing in early-phase clinical trials, is expanding into late stage patient trials through the integration of Canadian Phase Onward ("CPO"), a dedicated clinical research site built within the framework of HEALWELL's Polyclinic Family and Specialty Medicine Facility ("Polyclinic"). As the research arm of Polyclinic, CPO plays a pivotal role in facilitating patient enrolment and trial execution. This strategic integration is a significant milestone, enhancing BioPharma's ability to manage clinical trials across all phases of drug development and making the business a full-service CRO. The move also supports HEALWELL's broader vision of building out clinical research capabilities and leveraging synergies across its business lines to drive growth and innovation in healthcare.

多倫多,安大略省-(新聞稿公司-2024年9月19日)-HEALWELL AI股份公司(TSX:AIDX)(OTCQX:HWAIF)(「HEALWELL」或「公司」)是一家專注於AI和數據科學的醫療技術公司,專注於預防性醫療。很高興地宣佈其子公司BioPharma Services Inc.(「BioPharma」)是一家領先的合同研究組織(「CRO」),專門從事早期臨床試驗,通過集成加拿大Phase Onward(「CPO」)進入後期患者試驗,後者是建立在HEALWELL的Polyclinic家庭和專科醫療設施(「Polyclinic」)框架內的專門的臨床研究基地。作爲Polyclinic的研究部門,CPO在促進患者招募和試驗執行方面發揮着關鍵作用。這一戰略整合是一個重要的里程碑,增強了BioPharma在藥物開發的各個階段中管理臨床試驗的能力,並使其成爲一家全方位的CRO。此舉還支持HEALWELL在臨床研究能力方面的廣泛願景,並通過整合其業務線的協同效應推動醫療保健的增長和創新。

Dr. Alexander Dobranowski, CEO of HEALWELL, commented, "BioPharma is an industry leader in early phase trials, and integrating them with our CPO division immediately leverages our synergies to create a more robust and complete end-to-end platform for life science customers. Given HEALWELL's access to significant patient populations, we have a unique opportunity to leverage our AI capabilities to efficiently find at-risk patients in need of access to clinical research. BioPharma is our clinical research engine, and has a strong competency and track record in first conducting early-stage trials in drug development, followed by CPO, which expands BioPharma's abilities into late-stage patient trials. Through these integrations, HEALWELL can now leverage AI to participate meaningfully across all stages of drug development, bringing immense value potential to at-risk patients and life science partners."

HEALWELL的首席執行官Alexander Dobranowski博士評論道:「BioPharma在早期臨床試驗方面是行業的領先者,將其與我們的CPO部門整合,立即發揮了我們的協同效應,爲生命科學客戶創建了更強大和完整的端到端平台。鑑於HEALWELL能夠接觸到大量患者人群,我們有機會利用我們的人工智能能力高效地找到需要參加臨床研究的高風險患者。BioPharma是我們的臨床研究引擎,在藥物開發的早期階段進行早期試驗,然後是CPO,將BioPharma的能力擴展到晚期患者試驗。通過這些整合,HEALWELL現在可以利用人工智能在藥物開發的所有階段有意義地參與,爲高風險患者和生命科學合作伙伴帶來巨大的價值潛力。」

Anna Taylor, Managing Director at BioPharma, commented, "We are excited about the integration of Canadian Phase Onward's operation under BioPharma, which substantially enhances our clinical research capabilities as we expand our service offerings into late-stage patient trials. This integration not only broadens our reach into patient trials but also strengthens our capacity to deliver comprehensive clinical research services that are vital to our clients and the industry. Having the ability to conduct all stages of drug development allows us to become an end-to-end clinical trial solution, bringing more value to our life science customers."

BioPharma的常務董事Anna Taylor評論道:「我們對加拿大Phase Onward的業務整合到BioPharma感到興奮,這將大大增強我們的臨床研究能力,同時擴大我們的服務範圍,進入晚期患者試驗。此次整合不僅擴大了我們的患者試驗範圍,還增強了我們提供全面臨床研究服務的能力,這對我們的客戶和行業至關重要。具備進行藥物開發的所有階段的能力使我們能夠成爲一個全面的臨床試驗解決方案,爲生命科學客戶帶來更多價值。」

HEALWELL is integrating CPO's research site operations under BioPharma, maximizing the site's established capabilities in patient enrollment, on-site operations and clinical trial execution. This strategic integration focuses solely on the research aspects of the Company's businesses, allowing BioPharma to grow its clinical trial capabilities without altering Polyclinic's core medical practice. It will allow BioPharma to expand its ability to conduct trials across all stages, initiating patient-centric studies while maintaining the strengths of both organizations. As BioPharma integrates these research resources, the company's commitment to excellence and patient care remains unchanged. Under the guidance of HEALWELL, BioPharma is poised to advance clinical research and provide new treatment possibilities globally.


Strategic Benefits of the Integration:


  • Expanded Capabilities to Become a Full-Service CRO: By integrating CPO late-stage trial expertise, BioPharma can now offer comprehensive clinical trial services from early-phase to late-stage, enhancing its service offerings to its clients.
  • Increased Patient Access: Paired with HEALWELL's access to WELL Health's patient populations and clinic platform, CPO's existing patient base and research capabilities provide immediate access to a diverse patient population, facilitating faster recruitment and enhancing trial diversity.
  • Enhanced Research Infrastructure: Polyclinic provides a robust referral network of over 25 specialists and 20 family physicians. This setup not only facilitates patient recruitment but also ensures comprehensive care and potential access to novel treatment options for patients. With the addition of CPO's strong patient-centric model and existing operational success, BioPharma will leverage these assets to build a more robust, integrated clinical trial model under HEALWELL's direction.
  • Growth of Clinical Research under HEALWELL: This strategic integration under HEALWELL supports a broader vision to expand clinical research capabilities and build a comprehensive, patient-focused model. It represents a significant step in BioPharma's growth, allowing the company to leverage synergies across its business lines to enhance its research capabilities and access a broader range of patient populations, including those with rare diseases.
  • 擴展能力成爲一家全方位CRO:通過整合CPO的後期試驗專業知識,BioPharma現在可以提供早期到後期的綜合臨床試驗服務,增強其向客戶提供的服務項目。
  • 擴大患者接觸機會:HEALWELL與WELL Health的患者群體和診所平台相結合,CPO現有的患者基礎和研究能力能夠立即獲取多樣化的患者群體,促進更快的招募並增強試驗的多樣性。
  • 增強研究基礎設施:Polyclinic提供了一個由25名專科醫生和20名家庭醫生組成的強大轉診網絡。這不僅有助於患者招募,還確保了全面的護理和潛在的新型治療方式,爲患者提供更多選擇。藉助CPO強大的患者中心模型和現有的運營成功,BioPharma將利用這些資產,在HEALWELL的指導下構建一個更強大、更綜合的臨床試驗模型。
  • 在HEALWELL的帶領下,臨床研究的增長:這次在HEALWELL的戰略整合支持着一個更廣闊的願景,即擴展臨床研究能力並建立一個綜合的以患者爲中心的模型。這代表着BioPharma增長的一個重要步驟,使該公司能夠在業務線上充分利用協同效應,增強其研究能力並接觸更廣泛的患者群體,包括那些患有罕見疾病的患者。

Concurrent with the integration of CPO and BioPharma, BioPharma will also begin integrating some of the Company's AI capabilities into its service offerings. Using AI capabilities from HEALWELL's Khure Health and Pentavere Research Group business units, BioPharma expects to leverage its significant access to patient and provider populations, as well as its leading edge AI powered patient identification capabilities to modernize the way CROs search for and find patients leading to substantial increased efficiencies and reduction of costs.

與CPO和BioPharma整合同時,BioPharma還將開始將公司的部分人工智能能力整合到其服務項目中。使用HEALWELL的Khure Health和Pentavere Research Group業務部門的人工智能能力,BioPharma預計將利用其對患者和提供者群體的廣泛接觸,以及其領先的基於人工智能的患者識別能力,實現CRO搜索和找到患者的現代化方式,從而大幅提高效率並降低成本。

CPO has been managing clinical trials and patient studies for over a decade, specializing in various fields, including psychiatry, pain management, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, cardiology, and respiratory, among others. Through its collaboration with the Polyclinic Family and Specialty Medicine Facility, CPO ensures continuity of care for study patients by maintaining regular communication with each patient's physician. CPO will play a vital role for BioPharma, as the company will leverage its already functioning research site to access late-phase clinical trial operations, including patient enrollment directly from the family practice.


Dr. Alexander Dobranowski
Chief Executive Officer



HEALWELL是一家專注於AI和數據科學的醫療技術公司,專注於預防保健。其使命是通過疾病的早期識別和發現來改善醫療保健並拯救生命。利用其獨有的專有技術,該公司正在開發和商業化先進的臨床決策支持系統,可以幫助醫療保健提供者檢測罕見和慢性疾病,提高他們的實踐效率,最終幫助提高患者的健康結果。HEALWELL正在執行以技術和臨床科學能力的發展和收購爲中心的戰略,這些能力與公司的路線圖相互補充。HEALWELL在多倫多證券交易所 (TSX) 上公開交易,股票代碼爲「AIDX」,在OTC Exchange上下市,股票代碼爲「HWAIF」。如果想了解更多HEALWELL的信息,請訪問

HEALWELL is a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care. Its mission is to improve healthcare and save lives through early identification and detection of disease. Using its own proprietary AI technology and competencies which includes data science, electronic health records and clinical research offerings, the Company is developing and commercializing advanced clinical decision support systems that can help healthcare providers detect rare and chronic diseases, improve efficiency of their practice and ultimately help improve patient health outcomes. HEALWELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "AIDX" and on the OTC Markets under the symbol "HWAIF". To learn more about HEALWELL, please visit

HEALWELL是一家專注於AI和數據科學的醫療技術公司,其使命是通過早期疾病識別和檢測來改善醫療保健並拯救生命。公司正在開發和商業化先進的臨床決策支持系統,以幫助醫療機構檢測罕見和慢性疾病,提高其業務效率,最終有助於改善患者的健康結果。HEALWELL在多倫多證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲"AIDX",在OTC Markets上市,股票代碼爲"HWAIF"。欲了解更多關於HEALWELL的信息,請訪問。

About BioPharma Services

關於BioPharma Services

BioPharma Services is a leading contract research organization (CRO) based in Toronto, Canada, specializing in clinical trials. With a focus on scientific integrity, operational excellence, and adaptive processes tailored to each client's needs, BioPharma Services has established a reputation for delivering high-quality results in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. BioPharma's comprehensive services also include Bioanalysis at their GLP Certified Laboratory, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, Biostatistics and Safety Data Analysis (CDISC), Data Management and Medical Writing. Visit for more details.

BioPharma Services是總部位於加拿大多倫多的一家領先的臨床研究組織(CRO),專門從事臨床試驗。BioPharma Services專注於科學誠信、操作卓越以及根據每個客戶需求量身定製的適應性流程,已在製藥和生物技術行業樹立了聲譽。BioPharma的綜合服務還包括在其通過GLP認證的實驗室進行生物分析、科學和法規事務、生物統計和安全數據分析(CDISC)、數據管理和醫學編寫。請訪問了解更多詳情。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release, constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws and are based on assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-Looking statements in this press release include statements with respect to, among other things, the expansion of BioPharma's service offerings, the anticipated benefits of the integration of the BioPharma and CPO research businesses, and the potential advantages of integrating the Company's artificial intelligence capabilities into those businesses. Forward-Looking statements are often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as "to become", "is expanding", "in the process", "poised to", "growth", "future", "vision", "mission", "potential", "improve", "expect", "create" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain future conditions, actions, events or results "will", "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "can" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these term. Forward-Looking statements are necessarily based upon management's perceptions of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as a number of specific factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by HEALWELL as of the date of such statements, are outside of HEALWELL's control and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies which could result in the forward-looking statements ultimately being entirely or partially incorrect or untrue. Forward-Looking statements contained in this press release are based on various assumptions, including, but not limited to, the following: the Company's ability to successfully integrate the personnel, customers and capabilities of its subsidiaries and business divisions, and the time and cost associated with such integration; the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to fulfill their obligations to, and to maintain and grow their relationships with, their customers and commercial partners; the effects of competition in the industry; the expected demand for the Company's products and services; trends in customer growth; the stability of general economic and market conditions; currency exchange rates and interest rates; the Company's ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations; the Company's continued compliance with third party intellectual property rights; technologies functioning as anticipated; customers adopting and using technologies as expected; and that the risk factors noted below, collectively, do not have a material impact on the Company's business, operations, revenues and/or results. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections, or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述構成了「前瞻性信息」和「前瞻性陳述」,依據適用的加拿大證券法,並基於本新聞稿的日期的假設、期望、估計和預測。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括有關BioPharma服務體系擴展、整合BioPharma和CPO研究業務的預期收益以及將公司的人工智能能力整合到這些業務中的潛在優勢等方面的陳述。前瞻性陳述通常由諸如「發展爲」,「正在拓展」,「正在進行中」,「有望」、「增長」,「未來」,「願景」,「使命」,「潛力」,「改善」,「預計」,「創造」或其變體的詞語或短語所識別,或陳述特定未來情況、行動、事件或結果「將 」,「可能」,「可以」,「會」,「應該」,「可能」或「能夠」被採取、發生或實現,或這些術語的否定形式。前瞻性陳述必然基於管理層對歷史趨勢、當前狀況和預期未來發展的認知,以及一些特定因素和假設,並且儘管HEALWELL在此類陳述的日期視爲合理,但這些因素和假設是在HEALWELL的控制範圍之外,並且在本質上受到重大的商業、經濟和競爭不確定性和偶發情況的影響,這可能導致前瞻性陳述最終完全或部分不正確或不真實。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述是基於各種假設的,包括但不限於:公司能夠成功整合其子公司和業務部門的員工、客戶和能力,並且與此類整合相關的時間和成本;公司及其子公司履行對其客戶和商業夥伴的義務的能力以及維護和發展與其客戶和商業夥伴的關係;行業中的競爭影響;公司產品和服務的預期需求;客戶增長的趨勢;一般經濟和市場狀況的穩定性;匯率和利率;公司遵守適用的法律和法規的能力;公司繼續遵守第三方知識產權的權利;技術的預期運行;客戶按預期接受和使用技術;以及下文所述的風險因素,綜合起來,對公司的業務、運營、收入和/或結果沒有實質性影響。由於其性質,前瞻性陳述受到固有的風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能是一般性的或特定的,並可能導致預期、預測、預測、預測或結論不準確,假設可能不正確,並且目標、戰略目標和優先事項可能無法實現。

Known and unknown risk factors, many of which are beyond the control of HEALWELL, could cause the actual results of HEALWELL to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements, or developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risk factors include but are not limited to those factors which are discussed under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in HEALWELL's most recent annual information form dated April 1, 2024, which is available under HEALWELL's SEDAR+ profile at . The risk factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect HEALWELL and the reader is cautioned to consider these and other factors, uncertainties and potential events carefully and not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-Looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. HEALWELL disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law. All of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements.


For more information:


Stephanie Phillips
Marketing Communications Director, BioPharma Services Inc.

Stephanie Phillips
BioPharma Services Inc.市場傳媒總監

Pardeep S. Sangha
Investor Relations, HEALWELL AI Inc.
Phone: 604-572-6392

Pardeep S. Sangha
投資者關係,HEALWELL AI Inc。

