
Quadient Named a Leader in 2024 SPARK Matrix for Accounts Payable Automation

Quadient Named a Leader in 2024 SPARK Matrix for Accounts Payable Automation

GlobeNewswire ·  09/19 14:57

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Spark Matrix for Accounts Payable Automation 2024

Quadient (Euronext Paris: QDT), a global automation platform powering secure and sustainable business connections, announced today it has been recognized as a Technology Leader in the "SPARK Matrix: Accounts Payable Automation" report, a detailed analysis of the accounts payable (AP) automation market by independent analyst firm QKS Group. The recognition comes on the heels of Quadient also being named a Technology Leader in the "2024 SPARK Matrix: Accounts Receivable (AR) Applications" report, which published in May. This marks the second year in a row that Quadient has been named a leader in both AP and AR in the SPARK Matrix reports.

Quadient(巴黎EURONEXT:QDT)是一家全球自動化平台,爲安全可持續的業務連接提供動力,今日宣佈其在獨立分析公司QKS Group的《SPARk矩陣:應付款自動化》報告中被認定爲科技領跑者。該認可接續Quadient在五月份公佈的《2024年SPARk矩陣:應收賬款(AR)應用》報告中被評爲科技領跑者,這是Quadient連續第二年在SPARk矩陣報告中被評爲應付款和應收款領導者。

Cloud-based Quadient AP automates end-to-end AP processes for finance teams and is part of Quadient's digital automation platform, a suite of financial and document automation tools which also includes accounts receivable, intelligent forms and customer communications management.

基於雲的Quadient AP爲財務團隊自動化端到端的應付款流程,是Quadient數字自動化平台的一部分,包括財務和文件自動化工具的套件,也包括應收款、智能表單和客戶通信管理。

"Quadient's robust AP automation offering—including real-time dashboards, reporting tools, automated invoice capture, validation, approval and payment processes—adapt seamlessly to each user's unique business needs, ensuring ease of implementation and seamless integration with existing financial systems and workflows," said Nehan Jain, analyst for QKS Group. "Furthermore, Quadient's digital automation platform, Quadient Hub, facilitates multi-entity product and service management with effortless data sharing."

「Quadient強大的應付款自動化產品包括實時儀表盤、報告工具、自動發票捕獲、驗證、審批和支付流程,能夠無縫地適應每個用戶獨特的業務需求,確保易於實施並與現有財務系統和工作流程無縫集成,」QKS Group的分析師Nehan Jain表示。「此外,Quadient的數字自動化平台Quadient Hub促進多實體產品和服務管理,實現輕鬆的數據共享。」

Quadient AP's AI-powered data entry reduces manual work by 83% and allows for streamlined management of purchase orders, invoices, payments and expenses through one central system. Through Quadient AP's workflow automation, finance leaders spend more time on strategic, analytical work and less time on manual tasks.

Quadient AP的AI驅動數據輸入將手動工作減少了83%,並允許通過一箇中央系統對採購訂單、發票、付款和費用進行流程化管理。通過Quadient AP的工作流自動化,財務領導者將更多時間用於戰略、分析性工作,而不是手動任務。

"Being recognized once again as a Technology Leader in the 'SPARK Matrix for Accounts Payable Automation' report confirms our growing market leadership and commitment to delivering continuous innovation through our digital automation platform," said Chris Hartigan, chief solution officer, Digital Automation for Quadient. "In addition to bringing the most efficient and powerful procure-to-pay and invoice-to-cash solutions to our customers across the globe, Quadient is uniquely positioned to help businesses address new regulatory e-invoicing initiatives within the European Union."

"再次被確認爲'Accounts Payable Automation'報告的技術領導者,證實我們不斷增長的市場領導地位,並致力於通過我們的數字自動化平台提供持續創新,"Quadient數字自動化首席解決方案官克里斯·哈蒂根表示。"除了將最高效、最強大的採購付款和發票收款解決方案帶給我們全球客戶之外,Quadient獨特地位於幫助業務應對歐盟內的新電子發票倡議。"

For complimentary access to the latest report, visit .

有關最新報告的免費訪問,請訪問 。

About QKS Group
QKS Group is a global advisory and consulting firm focused on helping clients achieve business transformation goals with Strategic Business and Growth advisory services. At QKS Group, our vision is to become an integral part of our client's business as a strategic knowledge partner. Our research and consulting deliverables are designed to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights for helping clients formulate growth strategies to survive and thrive in ever-changing business environments.


About Quadient
Quadient is a global automation platform powering secure and sustainable business connections through digital and physical channels. Quadient supports businesses of all sizes in their digital transformation and growth journey, unlocking operational efficiency and creating meaningful customer experiences. Listed in compartment B of Euronext Paris (QDT) and part of the CAC Mid & Small and EnterNext Tech 40 indices, Quadient shares are eligible for PEA-PME investing. For more information about Quadient, visit .

Quadient是推動世界上最有意義的客戶體驗的推動力量。通過專注於三個關鍵解決方案領域——智能通信自動化、包裹儲物櫃解決方案和郵件相關解決方案,Quadient幫助簡化人與所關心事物之間的聯繫。Quadient支持全球數十萬客戶,在他們追求建立相關、個性化的聯繫並實現客戶體驗卓越方面發揮作用。Quadient在歐洲巴黎Euronext Paris(QDT)的B股上市,是CAC Mid & Small和EnterNext Tech 40指數的一部分。Quadient股票符合PEA-PME投資標準。
Quadient是一家全球自動化平台,通過數字和實物渠道推動安全可持續的業務連接。Quadient支持各種規模的企業進行數字化轉型和增長,提高運營效率,創造有意義的客戶體驗。Quadient在Euronext巴黎(QDT)的第b板塊上市,並屬於CAC Mid & Small和EnterNext Tech 40指數,Quadient股票符合PEA-PME投資規定。有關Quadient的更多信息,請訪問。



Sandy Armstrong, Sterling Kilgore Joe Scolaro, Quadient
VP of Media & Communications Global Press Relations Manager
+1-630-699-8979 +1 203-301-3673
全球新聞媒體經理 Joe Scolaro,Quadient
+1 203-301-3673 VP媒體&通訊 媒體和傳播總監 +1 203-301-3673



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