
Standard BioTools Proteomics Profiling Reveals Unique Biomarkers and Insights Into Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

Standard BioTools Proteomics Profiling Reveals Unique Biomarkers and Insights Into Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

SomaLogic ·  09/18 12:00
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Researchers used Standard BioTools' high-content SomaScan Platform and SomaSignal tests for MASH/NASH to identify 69 blood biomarkers that correlate with clinical measures of liver disease

研究人員使用Standard BioTools的高含量SomaScan平台和針對MASH/NASH的SomaSignal測試來識別出69種與肝病臨床測量相關的血液生物標誌物

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB) today announced a recent paper published in Nature Scientific Reports, by researchers at Pfizer Research and Development, that detailed their use of the high-plex SomaScan Assay, leveraging an industry-leading 7,000-protein biomarker panel to analyze blood serum samples from patients in a Phase 2a clinical trial for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and NASH.

加利福尼亞州南舊金山,2024年9月18日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——標準生物工具公司(納斯達克股票代碼:Lab)今天宣佈了輝瑞研發研究人員最近在《自然科學報告》上發表的一篇論文,該論文詳細介紹了他們使用高複雜度SomaScan測定,利用行業領先的7,000蛋白生物標誌物組來分析非酒精性脂肪肝2a期臨床試驗中患者的血清樣本疾病 (NAFLD) 和 NASH。

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are becoming a global population health concern. Because diagnosing these diseases involves invasive liver biopsies, which can be challenging and expensive, many patients go untested and untreated. These diseases are complex in their impact on the liver, creating lipid accumulations, stiffness in the liver tissue, ballooning of the liver and chronic inflammation.


In collaboration with major pharmaceutical companies and leading academic centers, SomaLogic (now Standard BioTools) previously developed serum proteomic SomaSignal tests which correlate more faithfully with each component of the liver biopsy than any other noninvasive biomarkers. Because these tests run on the full SomaScan Platform, covering thousands of protein measurements, the study's researchers were able to infer liver biopsy effects and identify additional mechanistic pharmacodynamic protein biomarkers to characterize their drug mechanism and measure response in clinical trials.

SomaLogic(現爲Standard BioTools)與主要製藥公司和領先的學術中心合作,此前開發了血清蛋白質組學SomaSignal測試,與其他任何無創生物標誌物相比,該測試與肝活檢的每個組成部分的關聯度更高。由於這些測試在完整的SomaScan平台上運行,涵蓋了數千種蛋白質測量結果,因此該研究的研究人員得以推斷出肝活檢的效果,並識別出其他機制藥效學蛋白質生物標誌物,以表徵其藥物機制並測量臨床試驗中的反應。

"NASH and NAFLD are a significant challenge in terms of diagnosis and treatment, and the prevalence of metabolic and obesity-related diseases around the world has created a strong sense of urgency to learn more about them and find better ways of treating them," said Standard BioTools Chief Medical Officer Stephen A. Williams, MD, PhD. "The SomaScan Assay gives us a view of the biological mechanisms of this disease with a simple blood draw from patients, and SomaSignal tests were shown in this study to be valuable in showing disease regression in patients."

Standard BioTools首席醫學官斯蒂芬·威廉姆斯醫學博士說:「就診斷和治療而言,NASH和NAFLD是一項重大挑戰,全球代謝和肥胖相關疾病的流行使人們產生了強烈的緊迫感,需要更多地了解這些疾病並找到更好的治療方法。」「SomaScan Assay通過簡單地從患者身上抽血讓我們了解了這種疾病的生物學機制,這項研究表明,SomaSignal測試在顯示患者的疾病消退方面很有價值。」

The study focused on inhibiting the protein ACC1 using clesacostat, a drug that acts as an acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor. Using the SomaScan Assay, researchers found 69 blood analytes that strongly correlated with clinical measures of liver inflammation and steatosis. They also discovered the expression of these analytes was significantly higher in NASH patients compared to their NAFLD counterparts.

該研究的重點是使用clesacostat抑制蛋白ACC1,clesacostat是一種用作乙酰輔酶A羧化酶抑制劑的藥物。研究人員使用SomaScan Assay發現了69種血液分析物,這些分析物與肝臟炎症和脂肪變性的臨床測量結果密切相關。他們還發現,與NAFLD患者相比,這些分析物在NASH患者中的表達要高得多。

Additionally, in 231 patients in the pre-treatment phase, Standard BioTools' SomaSignal tests were used to measure 37 different analytes that correlate with NASH and NAFLD. The tests helped researchers stratify patients by disease severity, establish a pre-treatment baseline, and monitor the effects of the drug. The 37 analytes were identified by screening thousands of patient samples using the SomaScan Assay. These analytes were shown to have critical differences in NASH and NAFLD patients and were validated against standard clinical measurements.

此外,在231名處於預治療階段的患者中,使用Standard BioTools的SomaSignal測試來測量37種與NASH和NAFLD相關的不同分析物。這些測試幫助研究人員按疾病嚴重程度對患者進行分層,建立預治療基線,並監測該藥物的作用。通過使用SomaScan Assay對數千份患者樣本進行篩查,鑑定出這37種分析物。這些分析物被證明在NASH和NAFLD患者中具有關鍵差異,並根據標準臨床測量結果進行了驗證。

During the 16-week trial, the SomaScan assay and SomaSignal tests were run on serum samples from study participants subjected to a once-per-day dose of clesacostat. The SomaSignal test scores aligned with improvements in liver fat content (steatosis) as measured by proton density fat fraction, or MRI-PDFF. Twenty-seven analytes were found to be significantly reversed upon drug treatment, demonstrating the utility of SomaSignal tests for classification of NASH and the ACC inhibition treatment-induced effects on steatosis.


"The SomaScan Platform has been extensively and systematically validated, providing a strong foundation for this important research," said Michael Egholm, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Standard BioTools. "These researchers also used the powerful SomaSignal tests to better diagnose NASH and NAFLD patients and to study their responses to treatment."


Standard BioTools now offers the new SomaScan 11K Assay, as well as the industry leading single cell proteomics and spatial proteomics solutions (CyTOF and Hyperion platforms), as a comprehensive pharma services offering to customers who are working to identify biomarkers of predictive response, mechanism of action and patient stratification in their studies.

Standard BioTools現在提供新的SomaScan 1.1萬檢測,以及行業領先的單細胞蛋白質組學和空間蛋白質組學解決方案(CytoF和Hyperion平台),作爲一項全面的製藥服務,爲致力於在研究中識別預測反應、作用機制和患者分層生物標誌物的客戶提供服務。

About Standard BioTools Inc.


Standard BioTools Inc. (Nasdaq:LAB), the parent company of SomaLogic Inc. and previously known as Fluidigm Corporation, is driven by a bold purpose – Unleashing tools to accelerate breakthroughs in human health. Standard BioTools has an established portfolio of essential, standardized next-generation technologies that help biomedical researchers develop medicines faster and better. As a leading solutions provider, the company provides reliable and repeatable insights in health and disease using its proprietary mass cytometry and microfluidics technologies, which help transform scientific discoveries into better patient outcomes. Standard BioTools works with leading academic, government, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, plant and animal research and clinical laboratories worldwide, focusing on the most pressing needs in translational and clinical research, including oncology, immunology and immunotherapy. Learn more at or connect with us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

標準生物工具公司(納斯達克股票代碼:Lab)是SomaLogic Inc.的母公司,前身爲Fluidigm公司,其驅動力是一個大膽的目標——釋放工具,加速人類健康領域的突破。Standard BioTools擁有成熟的下一代基本標準化技術組合,可幫助生物醫學研究人員更快、更好地開發藥物。作爲領先的解決方案提供商,該公司使用其專有的質量細胞術和微流控技術提供有關健康和疾病的可靠和可重複的見解,這有助於將科學發現轉化爲更好的患者預後。Standard BioTools與全球領先的學術、政府、製藥、生物技術、動植物研究和臨床實驗室合作,專注於轉化和臨床研究中最緊迫的需求,包括腫瘤學、免疫學和免疫療法。在 上了解更多信息,或通過 X、Facebook、LinkedIn 和 YouTube 聯繫我們。

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Limited Use Label License and other terms may apply: . Patent and License Information: . Trademarks: . Any other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. 2024 Standard BioTools Inc. (f.k.a. Fluidigm Corporation). All rights reserved.

有限使用標籤許可和其他條款可能適用:.專利和許可信息:.商標:。任何其他商標均爲其各自所有者的專有財產。2024 Standard BioTools Inc.(又名 Fluidigm Corporation)。版權所有。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among others, statements regarding future financial and business performance; expectations, operational and strategic plans; the merger of the Company and SomaLogic; deployment of capital; market and growth opportunity and potential; and the potential to realize the expected benefits following the merger of the Company and SomaLogic. Forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, but not limited to, the outcome of any legal proceedings related to the merger; risks that the anticipated benefits of the merger or other commercial opportunities may otherwise not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected; risks that we may not realize expected cost savings from our restructuring, including the anticipated decrease in operational expenses, at the levels we expect; possible restructuring and transition-related disruption, including through the loss of customers, suppliers, and employees and adverse impacts on our development activities and results of operation; restructuring activities, including our subleasing plans, customer and employee relations, management distraction, and reduced operating performance; risks that internal and external costs required for ongoing and planned activities may be higher than expected, which may cause us to use cash more quickly than we expect or change or curtail some of our plans, or both; risks that our expectations as to expenses, cash usage, and cash needs may prove not to be correct for other reasons such as changes in plans or actual events being different than our assumptions; changes in Standard BioTools' business or external market conditions; challenges inherent in developing, manufacturing, launching, marketing, and selling new products; interruptions or delays in the supply of components or materials for, or manufacturing of, Standard BioTools products; reliance on sales of capital equipment for a significant proportion of revenues in each quarter; seasonal variations in customer operations; unanticipated increases in costs or expenses; uncertainties in contractual relationships; reductions in research and development spending or changes in budget priorities by customers; uncertainties relating to Standard BioTools' research and development activities, and distribution plans and capabilities; potential product performance and quality issues; risks associated with international operations; intellectual property risks; and competition. For information regarding other related risks, see the "Risk Factors" section of Standard BioTools' most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on November 7, 2023, on its most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 14, 2023, and in Standard BioTools' other filings with the SEC, as well as the "Risk Factors" section of SomaLogic's most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on November 8, 2023, on its most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 28, 2023, and in SomaLogic's other filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Standard BioTools disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by law.

本新聞稿包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述,其中包括有關未來財務和業務業績;預期、運營和戰略計劃;公司與SomaLogic的合併;資本部署;市場和增長機會和潛力;以及公司與SomaLogic合併後實現預期收益的可能性的陳述。前瞻性陳述存在許多風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際業績與當前預期的結果存在重大差異,包括但不限於與合併相關的任何法律訴訟的結果;合併或其他商業機會的預期收益可能無法完全實現或可能需要比預期更長的時間才能實現的風險;我們可能無法在合理水平上實現重組預期成本節約的風險,包括預計的運營支出減少我們預計;可能出現的重組和過渡相關中斷,包括客戶、供應商和員工的流失以及對我們的發展活動和經營業績的不利影響;重組活動,包括我們的轉租計劃、客戶和員工關係、管理層分散注意力以及經營業績下降;正在進行和計劃中的活動所需的內部和外部成本可能高於預期,這可能導致我們使用現金的速度比預期的更快或更改或削減我們的部分內容計劃,或兩者兼而有之;由於其他原因,我們對支出、現金使用和現金需求的預期可能不正確的風險,例如計劃或實際事件的變化與我們的假設不同;Standard BioTools業務或外部市場條件的變化;開發、製造、發佈、營銷和銷售新產品所固有的挑戰;標準BioTools產品的部件或材料供應或製造中斷或延遲;依賴銷售相當一部分的資本設備每個季度的收入;客戶運營的季節性變化;成本或支出的意外增長;合同關係的不確定性;研發支出減少或客戶預算優先事項的變化;與Standard BioTools研發活動、分銷計劃和能力相關的不確定性;潛在的產品性能和質量問題;與國際運營相關的風險;知識產權風險和競爭。有關其他相關風險的信息,請參閱標準生物工具於2023年11月7日向美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的最新10-Q表季度報告的 「風險因素」 部分、2023年3月14日向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新10-k表年度報告、標準生物工具向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件以及SomaLogic的 「風險因素」 部分 2023年11月8日向美國證券交易委員會提交的關於10-Q表的最新季度報告,該報告是其向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新10-k表年度報告2023年3月28日,以及SomaLogic向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件中。這些前瞻性陳述僅代表截至本文發佈之日。除非法律要求,否則Standard BioTools不承擔任何更新這些前瞻性陳述的義務。

Media Contact
Emilia Costales
720 798 5054

720 798 5054

David Holmes



Source: Standard BioTools Inc.


